Graph embedding methods produce unsupervised node features from graphs that can then be used for a variety of machine learning tasks. Modern graphs, particularly in industrial applications, contain billions of nodes and trillions of edges, which exceeds the capability of existing embedding systems. We present PyTorch-BigGraph (PBG), an embedding system that incorporates several modifications to traditional multi-relation embedding systems that allow it to scale to graphs with billions of nodes and trillions of edges. PBG uses graph partitioning to train arbitrarily large embeddings on either a single machine or in a distributed environment. We demonstrate comparable performance with existing embedding systems on common benchmarks, while allowing for scaling to arbitrarily large graphs and parallelization on multiple machines. We train and evaluate embeddings on several large social network graphs as well as the full Freebase dataset, which contains over 100 million nodes and 2 billion edges.
图嵌入是一种从图中生成无监督节点特征(node features)的方法,生成的特征可以应用在各类机器学习任务上。现代的图网络,尤其是在工业应用中,通常会包含数十亿的节点(node)和数万亿的边(edge)。这已经超出了已知嵌入系统的处理能力。我们介绍了一种嵌入系统,PyTorch-BigGraph(PBG),系统对传统的多关系嵌入系统做了几处修改让系统能扩展到能处理数十亿节点和数万亿条边的图形。PBG使用了图形分区来支持任意大小的嵌入在单机或者分布式环境中训练。我们展示了在功能的基准上与现有嵌入系统的性能比较,同时PBG允许在多台机器上允许缩放到任意大小并且支持并行。我们在使用几个大型社交图网络作为完整Freebase数据集来训练和评估嵌入系统,数据集包含超过1亿个节点和20亿条边。
1 Introduction / 1 简介
Graph structured data is a common input to a variety of machine learning tasks (Wu et al., 2017; Cook & Holder,2006; Nickel et al., 2016a; Hamilton et al., 2017b). Working with graph data directly is difficult, so a common technique is to use graph embedding methods to create vector representations for each node so that distances between these vectors predict the occurrence of edges in the graph. Graph embeddings have been have been shown to serve as useful features for downstream tasks such as recommender systems in e-commerce (Wang et al., 2018), link prediction in social media (Perozzi et al., 2014), predicting drug interactions and characterizing protein-protein networks (Zitnik & Leskovec, 2017).
Graph data is common at modern web companies and poses an extra challenge to standard embedding methods: scale. For example, the Facebook graph includes over two billion user nodes and over a trillion edges representing friendships, likes, posts and other connections (Ching et al., 2015). The graph of users and products at Alibaba also consists of more than one billion users and two billion items (Wang et al.,2018). At Pinterest, the user to item graph includes over 2 billion entities and over 17 billion edges (Ying et al., 2018).There are two main challenges for embedding graphs of this size. First, an embedding system must be fast enough to embed graphs with 1011 − 1012 edges in a reasonable time. Second, a model with two billion nodes and even 32 embedding parameters per node expressed as floats) would require 800GB of memory just to store its parameters, thus many standard methods exceed the memory capacity of typical commodity servers.
图结构数据在现代网络公司非常常见,这给标准的嵌入方法提出了额外的调整:规模。例如:Facebook图中包含20亿个用户节点和超过1万亿条边,这些边代表朋友关系、喜好、帖子和其他链接。阿里巴巴的用户和产品图也包含10亿以上的用户和20亿以上的商品。在Pinterest,用户到项目的图包含20亿的实体和超过170亿边。对这样大小的图做嵌入主要有两个挑战,一是这个嵌入系统必须足够快,需要在一个合理的时间内完成10^11 - 10^12条边的嵌入;二是拥有20亿个节点,每个节点32个嵌入参数(浮点表示),大概需要800GB大小的内存来存储这些参数,因此许多标准方法超出了典型商用服务器的内存容量。
We present PyTorch-BigGraph (PBG), an embedding system that incorporates several modifications to standard models. The contribution of PBG is to scale to graphs with billions of nodes and trillions of edges.
Important components of PBG are:
A block decomposition of the adjacency matrix intoN buckets, training on the edges from one bucket at a time. PBG then either swaps embeddings from each partition to disk to reduce memory usage, or performs distributed execution across multiple machines.
A distributed execution model that leverages the block decomposition for the large parameter matrices, as well as a parameter server architecture for global parameters and feature embeddings for featurized nodes.
Efficient negative sampling for nodes that samples negative nodes both uniformly and from the data, and reuses negatives within a batch to reduce memory bandwidth.
3、高效的节点负采样:在数据中对负向节点进行均匀采样 并在批处理中重用负节点以减少内存用量
Support for multi-entity, multi-relation graphs with per-relation configuration options such as edge weight and choice of relation operator.
We evaluate PBG on the Freebase, LiveJournal and YouTube graphs and show that it matches the performance of existing embedding systems.
We also report results on larger graphs. We construct an embedding of the full Freebase knowledge graph (121 million entities, 2.4 billion edges), which we release publicly with this paper. Partitioning of the Freebase graph reduces memory consumption by 88% with only a small degradation in the embedding quality, and distributed execution on 8 machines decreases training time by a factor of 4. We also perform experiments on a large Twitter graph showing similar results with near-linear scaling.
PBG 作为一个开源项目发布在:https://github.com/facebookresearch/PyTorch-BigGraph.PBG是通过Pytorch实现的,没有其他外部依赖或者自动以运算符。