Leon and Amy:
我现在有点忙,明天再联系你。 I'm a little busy right now, I'll call you tomorrow. 忙,busy. 现在,right now. 联系、打电话,call.
你听到我说话吗?Do you hear me? 听到,hear.
宝贝,请和我说说话。Baby, please talk to me.
我不喜欢他说话的方式。I don't like the way he talks. 方式,way.
我不想和你吵架。I don't want to argue with you. 吵架,quarrel, argue.
我要和你讨论一下关于搬家的事情。I'm going to discuss with you about moving to another place. 讨论,discuss.
不用担心,一切都会好起来的。Don't worry, everything will be all right.
镇定下来,我们会想到办法解决这个问题的。Calm down, we'll figure out a way to solve the problem. 镇定,calm down. 想到,figure out. 解决问题,solve the problem.
如果你不想解决问题,那我们在这里干什么呢?If you don't want to solve the problem, what are we doing here?
请尽快给我一个回复。Please give me a reply as soon as possible. 回复, reply. 尽快,as soon as possible,有时缩写为ASAP.
沟通在工作和生活中都是非常重要的。Communication is very important in both work and life. 都、两样,both.