学习词根---Unit 1.1




Unit 1

词根:BENE 源自拉丁“well". A benefit is a good result or effect. Something beneficial produces good results or effects. 你常常可在其他语言中听到拉丁词根:"Good"或者"Fine"在西班牙语中是"Bueno";在法语中是"Bon";在意大利语中是"Bene"

benediction. A prayer that asks for God's blessing, especially a prayer that concludes a worship services.

例句:The moment the bishop had finished his benediction, she squeezed quickly out of her row and darted out the cathedral's side entrance.

在benediction这个单词中,bene词根源自另一个拉丁词根dictio(意为speaking),所以这个单词的意思有点像"well-wishing". 可能最出名的benediction是《圣经》中Aaronic Benediction,即那句“May the Lord bless you and keep you".

An important section of the Catholic Mass was traditionally known as the Benedictus, after its first word (meaning "blessed"). It was St. Benedict who organized the first Christian monasteries; many Christians have been baptized Benedict in his honor, and 16 popes have taken it as their papal name.

benefactor. Someone who helps another person or group, especially by giving money.

例句:An anonymous benefactor had given $15 million to establish an ecological institute at the university.

benefactor是一个很好理解的词,对应中文中的好心人(特指资助).如:资助贫困学生上学;资助贫困地区建设图书馆;捐赠遗体给医院以供医学研究。原文举了John D. Rockefeller为例,感兴趣的可以自查其光辉事迹。个人觉得 丛飞 很符合这个词所表达的意思。

beneficiary. A person or organization that benefits or is expected to benefit from something, especially one that receives money or property when someone dies.

例句:Living in a trailer in near-poverty, she received word in the mail that her father had died, naming her as the sole beneficiary of his life-insurance policy.


A college may be the beneficiary of a private donation.

Your uncle's will may make a church his sole beneficiary, in which case all his money and property will go to it when he dies.

A third-party beneficiary. 即 第三方受益人

benevolence. Kindness, generosity.

例句:In those financially desperate years, the young couple was saved only by the benevolence of her elderly great-uncle.

部分benevolence源自拉丁词根意为"wish". Charles Dickens的小说中常常有一个在关键点救了主角的慷慨的人物。像是《雾都孤儿》里的Mr.Brownlow,《大卫科波菲尔》里的Abel Magwitch等。

To be benevolent, it helps to have money, but it's not necessary; kind assistance of a non-financial sort may turn out to be lifesaving benevolence as well.

词根:AM 源自拉丁语amare, 意味"to love". 罗马爱神有两个众所周知的名字,丘比特(Cupid)和Amor. Amiable意为"friendly or good-natured"。amigo在西班牙语中是”friend“的意思

amicable. Friendly, peaceful.

例句:Their relations with their in-laws were generally amicable, despite some bickering during the holidays.

Amicable常常用来描述两个group之间的关系,尤其是两个nation之间。例如,美国和加拿大以有着世界上最大的不设防接壤边境而自豪。So we often speak of an amicable meeting or an amicable settlement.

When amicable describes more personal relations, it may indicate a rather formal friendliness. But it's always nice when two friends who've been quarreling manage to have an amicable conversation and to say amicable good-byes at the end.

enamored. Charmed or fascinated; inflamed with love.

例句:Rebecca quickly became enamored of the town's rustic surroundings, its slow pace, and its eccentric characters.


Computer hackers are always enamored of their new programs and games.

Millions of readers have found themselves enamored with Jane Austen's novels.

Romeo and Juliet were, of course, utterly enamored of each other.


A friend at work may complain that she's not enamored of the new boss, and when you start talking about how you're not enamored with neighbors it may be time to move.

amorous. Having or showing strong feelings of attraction or love.

例句:It turned out that the amorous Congressman had gotten his girlfriend a good job and was paying for her apartment.


But the word is often used a bit sarcastically, as when a tabloid(通俗小报) newspaper gets hold of some scandalous photos and calls the participants "the amorous pair". In such case, we may be encouraged to think the attraction is more physical than emotional.

paramour. A lover, often secret, not allowed by law or custom.

例句:He had been coming the house for two years before her brothers realized that he was actually the paramour of their shy and withdrawn sister.

Paramour源自法语,现代法语已经弃用该词。Since par amour meant "through love", it implies a relationship based solely on love, often physical love, rather than on social custom or ceremony. So today it tends to refer to the lover of a married man or a woman, but may be used for any lover who isn't obeying the social rules.


Choose the closest synonym:

beneficiary a.benefit b.prayer c.recipient d.contributor

amorous a.friendly b.sympathetic c.loving d.kind

benediction a.blessing b.gift c.saint d.favor

amicable a.difficult b.friendly c.curious d.lazy

enamored a.strengthened b.engaged c.fond d.free

benefactor a.supporter b.priest c.donation d.kindness

paramour a.lover b.husband c.heaven d.affection

benevolence a.value b.kindness c.luck d.approval

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