
开头之一: (寒暄)Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to me about … (寒暄)I appreciate your time and consideration in interviewing me for this position.

对熟悉的人可以随意点: eg,  Hope this message finds you doing very well. It has been a while since we met last time! How are you doing?

求专业人士指导: Given that you have over five years of experience in this field, I would appreciate the chance to ask you a few questions about your career path and your experience in the public school system in Tennessee.

Any advice is welcome and I would especially like to hear Andrew's opinions on how to present my training experience to a future employer in person or on resume, just as you suggested.

I understand that Andrew's schedule is probably very tight: hence any amount of help he can give is very much appreciated.

委婉表达要求/联系: (知道你忙,但希望得到指导/联系)I realize that this time of year is likely a busy one for you. I am hopeful that you would be willing to speak with me over the phone or via email at some point during the next two weeks. Please let me know if you are able to talk with me and if so what method of communication would be preferable.

感谢: Thank you very much in advance for your time and insight.

Thank you so much for the time and thanks in advance for the time of your son.

I look forward to hearing from you soon, Eric. Thank you so much for the favorable consideration.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.

催促求职结果: I am eager to know if we have any updates regarding my application.

Henceforth it is definitely top on my list.

It would be very helpful to know where I stand with CSSEA to conclude on my conversations with them.

I am very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing from you once the final decisions are made regarding this position. Please feel free to contact me at any time if further information is needed. My cell phone number is (555) 111-1111.


I look forward to hearing from you next week regarding your final decision. Feel free to reach out to me beforehand with any questions or concerns. Again, my phone number is 555-555-5555.


It is quite doable now that we have built a solid customer base for courses in overall writing skills.

This may sound ambitious, but what do you think of launching it on April 21st?(不要表现的颐指气使,也不要把自己位子放得太低)

I am happy to coordinate any assistance you might need to complete the task in three short days. Just let me know.(表示出自己愿意进行协助)

(若还有什么要说)By the way,…(更合适)

(适当激励,不过要考虑运用具体情况)Keep up the excellent work!


Just to remind you that …语气略生硬,不太好

可以改为kindly remind that …

Q: 我在想I开头的句子会不会让老师或者对方觉得有点太自我了[撇嘴] 咋改呢?

A:it 无人称句式,本来就是推卸责任的做法,不会被感到自我的。要是句式觉得单一可以用物做主语,或者用通称。

你要为自己的真实需要服务,别瞎编啊。如果借伞你表达自己的背景还是没有练习到。我们都通常觉得自己乏善可陈,无任何内在价值值得人家来提携,这种思维也是可以通过刻意练习不断思考来突破。我每次写也都是战战兢兢觉得会不会是浪费别人时间,但反倒这种缺乏自信的心态下,更容易啰嗦,因为你总觉得篇幅可以弥补实质的“缺乏”(因为我觉得networking emails如果是发给HR的话,不需要写那么多具体信息,人家没时间看,也不会看,要看的话会看简历)要有自信同时又积极勤奋的思考以做到最清晰流畅严密的表达。我的意思是尽量用自己的案例,这样你以后可以用得上,如果北京大学毕业的一般不怎么好好陶瓷也有人回信。但是如果你真的以自己的角度写,就会很认真的思索自己的光彩之处,然后尽力表达出来,又会努力控制使其简明。我的点就是说不要潜意识里pick the easy way out.

Q: 假设不知道对方叫什么。用To whom it may concern,是否合适?

A: Don't write to people whose name you don't know with interview request.

Q: 想问一下,touch base是可以用在任何场合的吗,写信的目的可以用 I am touching base with you to ...

A: 一般没有base 就不能说你在touching base.

Help someone do something

hear from 接到某人电话来信的意思 Learn from 是获知获悉 Know from 可以表达获得但是味道不大对 Hear of 是听说 Hear of something from someone 这个是和hear from someone 不一样的

先陶瓷一点做点small talk,不然吹捧了半天未进入正题让人有点不知所措,不用写那么多。她的意思不是你的来意写的太简单而是出来的有点迟。要开门见山,有一点点small talk 自我介绍然后迅速进入正题

你同时也可加半句:I wonder if you would be so kind to allow me to visit , for I would very much like to admire close-up how such a legendary place is run and talk about cooperation possibilities.


----对 但是一般申请人太多他们只看一眼,你能 找到她电邮地址与否是个大问题,所以这种方法也是对有决定要人与否的大总监有意义。跟猎头写信也可以,还要多问好问题。

If you heard of any vacancy in this field, would you mind referring me the information or pointing me in that direction ? That would be much appreciated .



---- I would like to work on this or that project in a research assistant 's capacity.西方人主要看你的研究兴趣。这种我认一个lord,你干啥我跟着你的思维不太好表达。

怎么客套:I am interested in joining your research team,Depends on how you would like the relationship to go about.


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