- 三个贯穿本章的三个abstraction:
- process
- link
- failure-detector
2.1 Distributed Computation
- process an message
- the set of process is static => process set 是不会变的,即使process crash, then recovery;
- messages are uniquely identified => 可以通过sequence number 或者timestamp来实现,例如<processId, timestamp>(timestamp是单调的)
- Automata and Step
每个process的执行进行一个自动机,而且是相同的;(这部分其实不需要过分去解释) - Safety and Liveness
- Safety: 保证分布式计算永远不会出错(出错的概念本来就比较抽象);或者说是保证永远按照预期的方式执行;
- Liveness: 保证某件事情(naive)最终会发生;比如message最终被deliver了;
分布式系统需要同时满足Safety and Liveness;
2.2 Abstracting Processes
Process Failures
- occur whenever: 在任何时候都可能发生;
- process is unit of failure: 一旦failure发生,就认为整个process就failure(一个process上执行的分布式算法一般由多个component组成);
在该上下文中,一旦process crash,就不再recovery,也称为crash fault或者crash stop;有一点需要注意,in practice,并不意味者process禁止recovery,或者说process recovery会破坏该上线文下设计的算法。只是说不需要process recovery,即使recovery了,也不会被算法纳入process set中。如果说实现上,那就是一旦P认为Q已经crash了,那么P在未来不会与Q有任何交互,即使Q已经recovery了。
not send a message which is supported to send.:造成的原因可能是内存溢出等,注意,不是message lost,因为lost可以retransmission,而是根本就没有send。(这个情况这本书今后不会再讨论);
Crash with Recoveries
Eavesdropping Faults
Arbitrary Faults
2.4 Abstracting Communication
这节主要介绍了通信模型 => link
Link Failures
the probability for a message to reach its destination is nonzero.: 我们认为通信不是完全断块的,因为通过retransmission,只要网络在某一段时间是可用的,那么message最终会reach its destination。本节有如下几种模型:
- for crash-stop: Fair-Loss,Stubborn,Perfect
- for crash-recovery: Logged Perfect
- for Byzantine: Authenticated Perfect (不介绍)
Fair-Loss Links
- Fair-loss: Fair-loss: If a correct process p infinitely often sends a message m to a correct process q, then q delivers m an infinite number of times.
- Finite duplication: If a correct process p sends a message m a finite number
of times to process q, then m cannot be delivered an infinite number of times by q. -
No creation: If some process q delivers a message m with sender p, then m
was previously sent to q by process p.
解释起来就是link不是完全不可用的,在某段时间是可用的,因为通过retransmission的方式,message一定可以送达目的地;message不会被link 无限retransmission;link不会凭空create message;
Stubborn Links
- Stubborn delivery: If a correct process p sends a message m once to a correct process q, then q delivers m an infinite number of times.
- No creation: If some process q delivers a message m with sender p, then m was previously sent to q by process p.
Perfect Links
因为Fair-loss可以通过无限的retransmission来达到目的,但是无限总是太浪费了。通过检测message是否已经被deliver了,然后抑制message retransmission,就相对比较高效了。将上面两个概念(技术)附加到Fair-loss上就转变成了Stubborn。
- Reliable delivery: If a correct process p sends a message m to a correct
process q, then q eventually delivers m. - No duplication: No message is delivered by a process more than once.
- No creation: If some process q delivers a message m with sender p, then m
was previously sent to q by process p.
Logged Perfect Links
在crash-recovery中,会存在记忆丢失的问题,所以需要持久化存储。文中介绍的方式是,在process进行deliver时,先将message写入storage,然后向上层component发送已经deliver的信息;然后上层在每次receive message后需要先根据storage校验该message是否已经被deliver了,如果没有deliver,再交给下层进行deliver;
其实上述的过程在Perfect Links中也应该是如此,只不过现在message在持久化存储中,而不是挥发性存储中(内存);
- Reliable delivery: If a process that never crashes sends a message m to a
correct process q, then q eventually log-delivers m. - No duplication: No message is log-delivered by a process more than once.
- No creation: If some process q log-delivers a message mwith sender p, then
m was previously sent to q by process p.
Authenticated Perfect Links
2.5 Timing Assumptions
这一节主要想讲的是,Asynchronous System对process和link完全没有时间假设(assumption)。准确来说是异步系统对物理时间不需要假设。这里所谓的假设其实是对message transmission的时间和message procession的时间的假设。也是就是需要对上述行为话费的时间做upper的假设,这也就意味这,如果这个cost time的无限的话,那么系统就可能崩溃了。(对异步系统的概念其实我也不太了解)。举几个例子:
- 在两阶段提交中,如果由于link或者process的问题,在第一阶段协调者一直无法收到其中一个参与者的响应,那么协调者会无限次地发送预提交请求,而不是通过超时机制停止此次事物;
- 在共识算法中,如果leader在心跳过程中没有收到某个follower的响应,那么leader会无限次地发送心跳,而不是通过time out认为follower failure了。
Synchronous System对message transmission的时间和message procession的时间是有upper假设的。
Asynchronous System
Synchronous System
对message transmission的时间和message procession的时间是有upper假设的。
Partial Synchrony
在Synchronous System中,如果这个upper假设是合理的,那么皆大欢喜。但是在实际情况下,可能由于网络拥堵等因素,导致真是的cost大于假设的upper, 那么就会导致错误的判断。这时我们就需要一种弥补的手段,retransmission是可选的方式。所以Partial Synchrony希望通过retransmission来处理那种cost大于upper而导致处于问题的后续弥补手段;
2.6 Abstracting Time
Failure Detection
Perfect Failure Detection(PFD)
Perfect Failure Detection是正对Synchronous System的,它强调PFD最终会检测到所有的crash process;而且不会出现detect fail(不会检测错误)。而且一旦process被检测出来crash,那么该process将被永久标示为crash。
个人觉得,PFD是一个理想模型,是建立在对同步系统的upper cost假设之上。而在现实环境中,该upper cost假设并不总是那么可靠,所以实际上会导致检测错误(检测方式一般都是通过timeout机制)。
- Strong completeness: Eventually, every process that crashes is permanently
detected by every correct process. - Strong accuracy: If a process p is detected by any process, then p has
Leader Election
Eventually Perfect Failure Detection(EPFD)
在Perfect Failure Detection中,由于现实中upper cost的假设不绝对正确,导致failure detect 失败。PDF采用将错就错的方式来简化算法,但是这导致了correct process被误杀,或者对后来recovery的process判了无期徒刑。EPFD则认为自己的每次failure detect都不一定是正确的(这种想法是正确的,因为网络系统是异步的,只能通过response知道remote process在过去的某个时间点是活跃的,而不能判断它是否不活跃),只能称为failure suspicion。当未来某一刻再次检测到remote process活跃了,那么该为它洗去嫌疑人身份。这个模型就现实很多了。
- Strong completeness: Eventually, every process that crashes is permanently
suspected by every correct process. - Eventual strong accuracy: Eventually, no correct process is suspected by
any correct process.
Eventually Leader Election
Byzantine Leader Election
2.7 Distribution-System Model(DSM)
DSM是process abstraction、link abstraction和time abstraction(failure detect)的组合产物。
- cash-stop
- perfect-link
- perfect failure detector
- crash-stop
- perfect-link
- eventually perfect failure detector
- crash-stop
- perfect-link
- no failure-detector
同步系统和半同步系统都可以构建出failure-detector。甚至可以这么认为同步系统是perfect failure detector,半同步系统是eventually perfect failure detector,而no failure-detector 就属于异步系统了(异步系统确实无法检测远程process是否failure)。
- crash-recovery
- stubborn-link:是为了让recovery的process能够deliver crash期间错过的message?
- eventually perfect failure detector:因为recovery后需要继续参与到算法中