Soucing from:
The Buzz of Daily Check-ins
For 2009 we started a new strategy of daily check-ins from the bottom up every day in the office. This means that every department does a scrum-like daily check-in answering the following questions while standing in under 10 minutes:
从2009年开始,我们每天会在办公室做一种全新的从下往上的standup meeting。每一个部门像敏捷开发里面提到的scrum team一样,在十分钟内回答三个问题:
What did you accomplish yesterday?
What are you going to do today?
Do you have any roadblocks?
Then, the department leader asks if there are any ideas for improvements as well as any heroes to recognize for outstanding work. We do this every single day! People that telecommute (we have a one day a week telecommute policy for everyone) dial in to a conference number.
This is a bottom up daily check-in as everyone does at least one and up to three of these in a row in the morning. It works as follows:
9:30 – Managers with direct reports
9:40 – Managers of managers
9:50 – Leadership team
9:30 - 经理和团队成员
9:40 - 经理和上层经理(高级经理或者总监)
9:50 - 高管团队
This way, any issues are immediately propagated across the organization and can be worked through by the leadership team within 20 minutes of finding it out.
通过这种方式, 任何问题都会立刻被整个团队知晓,能够在20分钟内被公司高层知道,并且有相应的处理方案