Corporate planning may be described as the careful and systematic taking of strategic decisions. In the contrast to short-term plan like a budget, a corporate plan is concerned with taking a long-term view of future developments and with designing a strategy so that the organisation can achieve its chosen objectives. Many large companies now recognise the importance of adopting a formal approach to developing a corporate plan. They prepared "scenarios" or forecasts of future developments in the environment in which they wish to operate, in order to examine whether decisions taken in the present will result in success in the future. In recent years, companies have been developing more sophisticated techniques with which to analyse the risks involved in such decisions.
Consider , for example, an oil company deciding if it should invest in a new refinery. Faced with this decision, involving the outlay of millions of pounds on something which might have a life of 15 years or more, the company must have a sound basis for its decision. In this case, it needs to know whether it can be assure of a market for the extra volume of its refined products, and it needs to know whether they can be produced profitably. In addition, it is necessary to study the available of crude oil and other supplies needed in the process.
Corporate planning, therefore, involves three main areas: determining the long-term objectives of an organisation, deciding what market potential there may be and formulating a product policy to satisfy them.