
Privacy policy


We understand the importance of personal information to you,and will do our best to protect your personal information security and reliability. We are committed to maintaining your trust in us by adhering to the following principles to protect your personal information: the principle of consistency of rights and responsibilities,the principle of clarity of purpose,the principle of consent,the principle of least adequate,the principle of ensuring safety,the principle of principal participation,the principle of openness and transparency. At the same time,we promise that we will take appropriate security measures to protect your personal information in accordance with mature industry safety standards.

Please read and understand this privacy policy carefully before using our products(or services).

How do we collect and use your personal information

Personal information refers to all kinds of information recorded electronically or in other ways,which can be separately or combined with other information to identify the identity of a specific natural person or reflect the activity of a specific natural person.

We will only collect and use your personal information for the purposes stated in this policy:

(I)provide online shopping service for you

1. Business function 1: register as a user

To complete the account creation,you need to provide the following information: your name,email address,the user name and password created.

During the registration process,if you provide the following additional information,it will help us to provide you with better service and experience: mobile phone number,job position,company,education background. However,if you do not provide this information,it will not affect the basic functionality of the service.

The above information provided by you will be used by us continuously during your use of the service. When you log out,we will stop using and delete the above information.

The above information will be stored in the People's Republic of China. If cross-border transmission is required,we will obtain your authorization and consent separately.

2. Business function ii: product display,personalized recommendation,and sending promotional marketing information.

(ii)carry out internal data analysis and research,third-party SDK statistical services,and improve our products or services

We collect data based on your interactions with us and the choices you make,including your privacy Settings and the products and features you use. We collect data may include the SDK/API/JS code version,browser,Internet service providers(isps),IP address,platform,timestamp,identifier,version of the application,the application distribution channels,independent device identifier,iOS advertising identifier(IDFA),android advertisers identifier,nic(MAC)address,international mobile equipment identification number(IMEI),equipment type,terminal manufacturers,terminal equipment operating system version,session start/stop time,local language,time zone and network status(WiFi,etc.),hard disk,CPU,and battery usage,etc.


When we want to use the information for other purposes not specified in this policy,we will ask your consent in advance.

When we want to use the information collected for specific purposes for other purposes,we will ask your consent in advance.

2. How do we use cookies and similar technologies

(a)the Cookie

To make sure the site works properly,we store small data files called cookies on your computer or mobile device. Cookies typically contain identifiers,site names,and some Numbers and characters. With cookies,websites can store data such as your preferences or items in your shopping basket.

We will not use cookies for any purpose other than the stated purpose of this policy. You can manage or delete cookies based on your preferences. You can clear all the cookies saved on your computer,and most web browsers have a function that blocks them. But if you do,you'll need to change the user Settings yourself every time you visit our site. For more information on how to change your browser Settings,visit the following links:、、、 and 。

(b)Website beacon and pixel label

In addition to cookies, we also use web beacons and pixel tags on websites. For example, the E-mail we sent to you may contain a click URL that links to the content of our site. If you click on the link, we will track this click to help us understand your product or service preferences and improve customer service. A website beacon is usually a transparent image embedded in a website or E-mail. With the help of the pixel labels in the E-mail, we can tell if the E-mail is opened. If you do not wish your activities to be tracked in this way, you may unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time.

(c) Do Not Track

Many web browsers have the Do Not Track function, which can publish Do Not Track requests to websites. At present, the major Internet standards bodies have not established policies to dictate how websites should respond to such requests. But if your browser has Do Not Track enabled, all of our sites will respect your choice.

How do we protect your personal information

(a) we have used industry-standard security measures to protect personal information provided by you from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of data. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information. For example, SSL encryption protects the exchange of data (such as credit card information) between your browser and the "service"; We also provide HTTPS safe browsing to our website. We use encryption to ensure data confidentiality; We use trusted protection to protect our data from malicious attacks. We will deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that personal information is accessible only to authorized personnel; And we will organize training courses on security and privacy protection to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.

(b) we will take all reasonably practicable measures to ensure that no irrelevant personal information is collected. We will only retain your personal information for the period of time required for the purposes stated in the cost policy unless the period of retention is extended or permitted by law.

(c) the Internet is not a completely secure environment, and email, instant messaging and other forms of communication with our users are not encrypted, and we strongly advise you not to send personal information in such a way. Please use complex passwords to help us guarantee the security of your account.

(iv) the Internet environment is not 100% secure and we will do our best to ensure or guarantee the security of any information you send to us. If our physical, technical, or administrative protection facilities are damaged, which results in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering, or destruction of information, which results in damage to your lawful rights and interests, we shall be liable accordingly.

(v) after the unfortunate personal information security incident occurs, we will inform you in a timely manner according to the requirements of laws and regulations: basic information and possible impacts of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, Suggestions for you to prevent and reduce risks independently, and remedial measures for you, etc. We will inform you by email, letter, phone, push notification, etc. When it is difficult to inform the individual information subject one by one, we will issue the announcement in a reasonable and effective way.

At the same time, we will actively report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.

Your rights

In accordance with China's relevant laws, regulations, standards and practices in other countries and regions, we guarantee that you will exercise the following rights to your personal information:

(1) access your personal information

You have the right to access your personal information except for the exceptions provided by laws and regulations. If you want to exercise data access, you can access it yourself by:

Account information - if you wish to access or edit personal information and payment information in your account, change your password, add security information or close your account, you can do so by visiting the official website.

If you are unable to access these personal information via the link above, you can contact us at any time using our Web form or send an email to 993998853@qq.com. We will respond to your request for access within 30 days.

As long as we don't need to invest too much in other personal information generated by your use of our products or services, we will provide it to you. If you want to exercise data access, please email to [993998853@qq.com].

(2) correct your personal information

You have the right to ask us to make corrections when you find that we are dealing with an error in your personal information. You may apply for a correction through the "(I) access to your personal information" section.

If you are unable to correct these personal information through the above link, you can use our Web form at any time to contact or send an email to[993998853@qq.com] . We will respond to your request for correction within 30 days.

Delete your personal information

In the following cases, you can request us to delete your personal information:

1. If our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations;

2. If we collect and use your personal information without your consent;

3. If our handling of personal information violates our agreement with you;

4. If you no longer use our products or services, or you log off the account;

5. If we no longer provide products or services for you.

If we decide to respond to your request for deletion, we will also notify the entities that have obtained your personal information from us to delete in a timely manner, unless otherwise provided by law or regulation, or if these entities have your independent authorization.

When you remove the information from our service, we may not immediately remove the information from the backup system, but will delete it when the backup is updated.

(iv) change the scope of your authorization and consent

Each business function requires some basic personal information to complete (see "part 1" of this policy). You may at any time grant or withdraw your authorization consent for the collection and use of additional personal information collected.

You can do this yourself by:

We will no longer process personal information when you withdraw your consent. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the processing of personal information previously carried out on the basis of your authorization.

(v) the entity of personal information cancels the account

You can cancel the previously registered account at any time. You can do this by yourself by:

After the account is cancelled, we will stop providing products or services to you and delete your personal information according to your requirements, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.

(6) automatic decision-making of information system of constraint

In some business functions, we may only make decisions based on non-artificial automatic decision-making mechanisms such as information systems and algorithms. If these decisions significantly affect your lawful rights and interests, you are entitled to request an explanation from us and we will provide appropriate remedies.

(7) respond to the above request

For security, you may need to provide a written request, or otherwise verify your identity. We may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request.

For your reasonable request, we do not charge fees in principle, but for repeated requests beyond a reasonable limit, we will charge a certain cost. We may refuse requests that are unnecessarily repetitive, require too much technical means (for example, require the development of a new system or radically change current practices), pose a risk to the legitimate interests of others, or are highly unrealistic (for example, involving information stored on back-up tapes).

In the following circumstances, we will not be able to respond to your request as required by laws and regulations:

1. Those related to national security and national defense security;

2. Those related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

3. Those related to criminal investigation, prosecution and trial;

4. You have sufficient evidence of subjective malice or abuse of rights;

5. Responding to your request will cause you or other individuals or organizations to have their legitimate rights and interests seriously damaged.

V. how to update this privacy policy

We may adjust or change this privacy policy in due course. Any update of this privacy policy will be published on our website in a manner marked with the update time. Unless otherwise mandatory by laws, regulations or regulations, the content adjusted or changed will take effect 7 days after notice or publication. If you continue to use any of our services or visit our website after the privacy policy has been adjusted or changed, we believe that this means that you have fully read, understood and accepted the revised privacy policy and are bound by it.

How to contact us

If you have any questions, comments or Suggestions about this privacy policy, please contact us by:

Email address: [993998853@qq.com]

We have set up a dedicated personal information protection department (or personal information protection commissioner), you can contact us through the following ways: [13632190028]

Normally, we will reply within 30 days.

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