
depress [di’pres]
early 14c., "put down by force," from Old French depresser, from Late Latin depressare, frequentative of Latin deprimere "press down," from de- "down" (see de-) + premere "to press, hold fast, cover, crowd, compress" (from PIE root *per- (4) "to strike").
Meaning "push down physically" is from early 15c.; that of "deject, make gloomy" is from 1620s; economic sense of "lower in value" is from 1878.
---- online etymology dictionary

The word depress comes from the Old French word depresser, meaning "put down by force." Depress can be used literally to describe something you push down, like when you depress the handle on a toaster to lower the bread. It can also describe a more figurative lowering, such as the lowering of a person's emotional state. Attending a funeral is likely to depress you, and watching a sad movie afterwards will just sink your spirits even more.
--- vocabulary.com


  1. If someone or something depresses you, they make you feel sad and disappointed.
    --- collins
    lower someone's spirits; make downhearted --- vocabulary.com

  2. If something depresses prices, wages, or figures, it causes them to become less.
    使减少,使萧条 --- collins
    cause to drop or sink --- vocabulary.com
    lower (prices or markets) --- vocabulary.com
    lessen the activity or force of --- vocabulary.com

  3. press down 按下
    --- vocabulary.com
    It depresses me that nobody seems to care.
    Several factors combined to depress the American economy.
    Depress the clutch fully.
    It depresses me to think that I earned more than now five years ago.
    These will also slow down the growth of the economic, but not depress it.
    sadden, upset, distress, chill
    n. depression depressant


seed, grain


  1. seed of wheat and allied grasses used as food.谷物

  2. 谷粒 a grain of wheat/rice或其他谷物 一粒...
    [idiom]take... with a grain of salt 对...持保留意见,不可全信
    But these stories about bad luck should be taken with a grain of salt.
    The new results suggest we should all take online info with a grain of salt.

  3. a unit of weight 计重单位,表示一点,些微

  4. (木材表面的)纹理,纹路 the pattern of lines on the surface of the wood

【idiom】go against the grain 违背常理
In an age when publishers are going for quantity rather than quality, one man had gone against the grain and produced the most expensive sports book ever.在一个出版商追求数量而非质量的年代,有一个人却违反常理,做出了史上最贵的体育图书。

今天遇到go against the grain这个短语,根据文本解释是“违背常理”的意思,因为之前对grain的了解就只有“谷物,粮食”,查了字典看到有“纹路”的意思才豁然开朗。

condemn /kənˈdem/

【解词】源自于拉丁文condemnare,condempnare“以判决,厄运,责备,不赞同”,来自同化形式,前缀(见com-)有加强意思,+ damnare“伤害,损害”。

declare or judge unfit for use or
The building was condemned by the inspector.

  1. express strong disapproval of
    We condemn the racism in South Africa.
    synonym: reprobate; decry; objurgate; excoriate;
  2. pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law
    He was condemned to ten years in prison.
    synonym: sentence; doom;
  3. demonstrate the guilt of (someone)
    Her strange behavior condemned her.
  4. appropriate (property) for public use
    the county condemned the land to build a highway.
  5. compel or force into a particular state or activity
    His devotion to his sick wife condemned him to a lonely existence.

指责:condemn sth / sb as sth
condemn sb / sth for (doing) sth
The woman was condemned for leaving her children.
惩罚:condemn sb to sth
He was condemned to death.
强迫做某事:condemn sb to (do) sth。
Don't condemn others to do what they don't want to do.
宣布…不安全:condemn sth as sth .
The old house isn't allowed to enter after being condemned as a danger.



1.related to a business, especially one that is incorporated
【例句】This company is concerned about its corporate image.
【造句】The boss opened a corporate account at the bank.

2.of, relating to, or formed into a unified body of individuals
【例句】This is our corporate responsibility.
【造句】This passage is corporate body formed from several parts.


wry [raɪ]

  1. humorously sarcastic or mocking
  2. bent to one side
    There is a wry sense of humour in his work.
    She cast a wry glance in her grandmother's direction.
    dry ironic ironical

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified before the US Congress twice this week in response to last month’s Cambridge Analytical data fiasco.

testify /ˈtestɪfaɪ/v.

affirm the truth of, bear witness to 确信真相,作证

to make a formal statement of what is true, especially in a court of law
testify against
Mr Molto has agreed to testify at the trial.
The witness who had testified against him withdrew her allegation.
He testified at the trial that he hadn’t abused his child.

to show clearly that something is the case
(这一释义中,可用在生活的场景中,且多用于书面语中等同于show, prove)
testify to
testify that
The empty shops in the high street testify to the depth of the recession.
He testifies to me that he is really good at maths


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