2018-10-21- 10月线上课程复盘Shoe Dogs.Less is more.







                2.1- 选择书籍:


                        2.1.2豆瓣,亚马逊, Good reads,名人比如比尔盖茨的书单。

3- 读书观点:





                  3.3.2个人很喜欢每个人书的preface,一本书的精华和故事所在 。当年靠着preface,写读书感 的。



                  3.4.2不要指望能够1 00%读懂


                    ****观点: 了解点信息,顺便学点英语。

3.5制定阅读计划, 不要指望社群,工具,打卡,能够长期阅读下去

3.6读完一遍,基本概括?哪里没有读懂?学到了什么?第二遍,解决问题,积累素材。死磕, live with it, 只记得你最想记的表达。做减法,慢下来,警惕完美主义怪圈。既然想记,要看一遍。










4-Shoe Dog , 有效表达?

4.1- He built his first lasts.  Insole,outsole, welt, vamp, 

4.2- What a swell idea, buck. Cartergrinned, swell idea, buck.

        -swell, mainly in USA, really nice. Informal use.

4.3- Do not bite more than you can chew.

4.4- Iam up before the others, before the birds, before the sun.I drank a cup ofcoffee, wolfed down a piece of toast,put on my shorts and sweatshirt , andlaced up my green running shoes. Then slipped quietly out the back door.


4.5- Butthe man was not made of money.

                                    Made of money-不是印钞机

4.6-Luck plays a big role. I prefer: Take abig part in sth.

4.7- I was saddened.

4.8-God, How I wish I could relive the whole thing. I wish I can (NG)

4.9-This time, however, he said he had a solution.

                            “Shoot”, I said.------------委婉-shit



5.1-  There are no cars, no people, no signs oflife. I was all alone…The trees always seemed to know. The trees always hadyour back.        树支持你

5.2-The 1960s were just under way, the age of rebellion, and I was the only personin American who had not yet rebelled. I could not think of one time I ‘ d cutloose, done the unexpected. Cut loose = rebel


5.4  While Jahnson and I mingledwith customers, Penny manned the silk-screen machine and churned out NikeT-shirts.  Churn out copies.  大量复制

5.5-We phoned my parents next. They sounded pleased, but my sister Jeanne had justgotten married and they were a bit weddinged out.参加婚礼,腻歪了


                  -If we Oregonians were famous for anything , it was an old, old trail we ‘d hadto blaze to get there. Since then, things had been pretty tame. Trail we had toBlaze to get them= trailblazser   


                        I want to leave a mark on the world= Make a dent in universe.

5.8-    On paper, I thought, I am an adult…so why,I wondered, why do I still feel like a kid.

                                纸上谈兵,theplan works well on the paper. In fact, it doesn’t.

5.9-Though he ‘d been a hoops star at William Jewell  College.

                              - do you playhoops? Basketball

6.0-As for workout clothes, Bowerman told readers that proper clothing “may helpthe spirit”, but added that people shouldn’t get hung up on brands.

                                Get hang up on不要纠结

      -When I was not obsessing about the trail,I was fixated on sales.  纠结的不同表达

6.1- 按需学习,亮丽而为

6.2- 该遇到的总会遇到,随缘,佛性学习法

6.3- 哪些词值得记忆?词汇的敏感度。敏感度是一个结果,读得多了,敏感度自然上升。

  - Charlatan骗子



6.5- Monkey with, noodle with, toy with, wrestle with

6.6-该记的词语: 立即产生联想,形象,别扭,好玩,用得上,过去知识,未来场景

-Aboveall, she was leaning that marrying a man with a start-up shoe company meantliving on a shoestring budget.  形象,好玩,Liveon shoestring budget,  预算紧缺

6.7- In the eyes of Wallace and First National we’d been a land mine; to Nissho we were a potential gold mine.

Land mine雷区

Gold mine金矿区

Jobs said, this company is sitting on the gold mine.


      The executive told me that they churnedout fifteen thousand pairs of shoes each month.

      Churn out copies. 快速生产

      Crank out – disapproval,粗制滥造

6.9- You haveseen the world. And now you are putting everything on the line to create this company.

        Put everything on the line to do sth


      As we shared some chips and guacamole and cocktails, I asked Musk directly just how much hewas willing to put on the line.  Hisresponse? Everything that other people hold dear.

      Everything that other people hold dear.

      Put sth on line

7.0- They were rumors that Adidas had frames him.

  Frame=set up

7.1- I fired off  a letter - I wrote an email immediately.

    His math was solid.  –His math is excellent/good.

    Either way.  –任何都可以

7.2- Most of Bowerman’s letters went unanswered. Go unanswered.  Go unrewarded.

7.3- He was anal, articulate, dazzlingly anal about the tiniest details.

事儿逼  Do not be so anal. You are so anal. Stop being anal.

7.4- We’d give him hefty discounts.This new idea will never fly.We haggled for several days. Hillard wouldn’t udge.

    Budge- 改变态度


    Hefty women,give a hefty shove to him

7.5- Canada was a letdown. Suddenly, he was a literary lion, the toast of new York. Letdown- disappointment

    Literary lion- Tycoon

7.6- He doesn’t want to be at loggerheads with you, ever Be at Loggerhead with you– be at odds with 意见跟其他人不一样

7.7- 善用搜索, 收集作者的高频此,学到底,学到手,Kindle有此功能




7.8- We were making it up as we went along, 边做边学learning on the fly(immediately), and it showed.

7.9- Out of contempt  for Onitsuka , and disdain for the whole sordid business, he ‘d decided to wing it. = Wing it , make it up as we went along.

      Contempt, Disdain, 蔑视

      Sordid business,dirty business

8.0- Peace was prosperity

      Peace feeds on prosperity.

      Fortune favors the brave.

8.0- 阅读只是开始,为读书而读书。

8.1- Don’t stop. Don’t even think about stopping until you get there, and don’t give much thought to where there is. Whatever comes, just don’t stop.

8.2-Seek a calling. Even if you don’t know what that means, seek it. If you are following your calling, the fatigue will be easier to bear, the disappointments will be fuel, the highs will be like nothing you’ ve ever felt.



1- 读书需求要简单,明确

2- 警惕完美主义陷阱

3- Solid,很多前的老梗了,结果变成尬聊。第二次,记得想说这个词的时候,马上补刀firm, fixed, finalized, frozen, 才圆场了。后来发现,交流过程中,用最简单词,最快时间完整传递信息的正确性才是关键。 复杂的骨骼清奇的书面词语,最好用在简单词语后面,才比较容易消除误解,增加沟通。

4.少就是多,less is more,慢下来。

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