


job, jobstore, executor, listener, event



wakeup: 唤醒到期任务
shutdown: 关闭

以及对executor, jobstore的操作

这些操作会产生event, 会通知listener处理


        Iterates through jobs in every jobstore, starts jobs that are due and figures out how long
        to wait for the next round.
        if  PAUSED
            return None

        now = 当前时刻
        next_wakeup_time = None

            遍历 jobstore_alias, jobstore
                    due_jobs = jobstore 预约任务
                    确保 next_wakeup_time <= retry_wakeup_time


                for job in due_jobs:
                    # executor 执行 job, 并更新job
                        查找job 的 executor

                    run_times = job 运行时间
                    if run_times:
                            执行 job  (在run_times)

                        更新 job (的 next_run_time).

                确保 next wakeup time <= jobstore next run time


        # 下一次运行本方法等待时间
        if PAUSED or next_wakeup_time is None:
            wait_seconds = None
            wait_seconds = max(timedelta_seconds(next_wakeup_time - now), 0)
        return wait_seconds


        listeners = ((cb, mask), ...) # 侦听器:(cb回调函数, mask掩码)

        for cb, mask in listeners:
            if event.code 没被完全掩蔽


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# only for python 3
# import packages

#: constant indicating a scheduler's stopped state
#: constant indicating a scheduler's running state (started and processing jobs)
#: constant indicating a scheduler's paused state (started but not processing jobs)

gconfig: global configuration dict

class BaseScheduler(ABCMeta):
    Abstract base class for all schedulers.

    Takes the following keyword arguments:

    :param str|logging.Logger logger: logger to use for the scheduler's logging (defaults to
    :param str|datetime.tzinfo timezone: the default time zone (defaults to the local timezone)
    :param int|float jobstore_retry_interval: the minimum number of seconds to wait between
        retries in the scheduler's main loop if the job store raises an exception when getting
        the list of due jobs
    :param dict job_defaults: default values for newly added jobs
    :param dict jobstores: a dictionary of job store alias -> job store instance or configuration
    :param dict executors: a dictionary of executor alias -> executor instance or configuration

    :ivar int state: current running state of the scheduler (one of the following constants from
        ``apscheduler.schedulers.base``: ``STATE_STOPPED``, ``STATE_RUNNING``, ``STATE_PAUSED``)

    .. seealso:: :ref:`scheduler-config`

    # entry points in apscheduler-3.1.5.dist-info/entry_points.txt
    _trigger_plugins = {ep.name:ep for ep in iter_entry_points('apscheduler.triggers')}
    _trigger_classes = {}
    _executor_plugins = {ep.name:ep for ep in iter_entry_points('apscheduler.executors')}
    _executor_classes = {}
    _jobstore_plugins = {ep.name:ep for ep in iter_entry_points('apscheduler.jobstores')}
    _jobstore_classes = {}

    # Public API

    def __init__(self, gconfig={}, **options):
        super(BaseScheduler, self).__init__()
        self._executors = {}
        self._executors_lock = self._create_lock()
        self._jobstores = {}
        self._jobstores_lock = self._create_lock()
        self._listeners = []
        self._listeners_lock = self._create_lock()
        self._pending_jobs = []
        self.state = STATE_STOPPED
        self.configure(gconfig, **options)

    def configure(self, gconfig={}, prefix='apscheduler.', **options):
        Reconfigures the scheduler with the given options.

        Can only be done when the scheduler isn't running.

        :param dict gconfig: a "global" configuration dictionary whose values can be overridden by
            keyword arguments to this method
        :param str|unicode prefix: pick only those keys from ``gconfig`` that are prefixed with
            this string (pass an empty string or ``None`` to use all keys)
        :raises SchedulerAlreadyRunningError: if the scheduler is already running

        if self.state != STATE_STOPPED:
            raise SchedulerAlreadyRunningError

        # If a non-empty prefix was given, strip it from the keys in the
        # global configuration dict
        if prefix:
            prefixlen = len(prefix)
            gconfig = {key[prefixlen:]:value for key, value in gconfig.items() if key.startswith(prefix)}

        # Create a structure from the dotted options
        # (e.g. "a.b.c = d" -> {'a': {'b': {'c': 'd'}}})
        config = {}
        for key, value in gconfig.items():
            parts = key.split('.')
            parent = config
            key = parts.pop(0)
            while parts:
                parent = parent.setdefault(key, {})
                key = parts.pop(0)
            parent[key] = value

        # Override any options with explicit keyword arguments

    def start(self, paused=False):
        Start the configured executors and job stores and begin processing scheduled jobs.

        :param bool paused: if ``True``, don't start job processing until :meth:`resume` is called
        :raises SchedulerAlreadyRunningError: if the scheduler is already running

        if self.state != STATE_STOPPED:
            raise SchedulerAlreadyRunningError

        with self._executors_lock:
            # Create a default executor if nothing else is configured
            if 'default' not in self._executors:
                self.add_executor(self._create_default_executor(), 'default')

            # Start all the executors
            for alias, executor in self._executors.items():
                executor.start(self, alias)

        with self._jobstores_lock:
            # Create a default job store if nothing else is configured
            if 'default' not in self._jobstores:
                self.add_jobstore(self._create_default_jobstore(), 'default')

            # Start all the job stores
            for alias, store in self._jobstores.items():
                store.start(self, alias)

            # Schedule all pending jobs
            for job, jobstore_alias, replace_existing in self._pending_jobs:
                self._real_add_job(job, jobstore_alias, replace_existing)
            del self._pending_jobs[:]

        self.state = STATE_PAUSED if paused else STATE_RUNNING
        self._logger.info('Scheduler started')

        if not paused:

    def shutdown(self, wait=True):
        Shuts down the scheduler, along with its executors and job stores.

        Does not interrupt any currently running jobs.

        :param bool wait: ``True`` to wait until all currently executing jobs have finished
        :raises SchedulerNotRunningError: if the scheduler has not been started yet

        if self.state == STATE_STOPPED:
            raise SchedulerNotRunningError

        self.state = STATE_STOPPED

        # Shut down all executors
        with self._executors_lock:
            for executor in self._executors.values():

        # Shut down all job stores
        with self._jobstores_lock:
            for jobstore in self._jobstores.values():

        self._logger.info('Scheduler has been shut down')

    def pause(self):
        Pause job processing in the scheduler.

        This will prevent the scheduler from waking up to do job processing until :meth:`resume`
        is called. It will not however stop any already running job processing.

        if self.state == STATE_STOPPED:
            raise SchedulerNotRunningError
        elif self.state == STATE_RUNNING:
            self.state = STATE_PAUSED
            self._logger.info('Paused scheduler job processing')

    def resume(self):
        """Resume job processing in the scheduler."""
        if self.state == STATE_STOPPED:
            raise SchedulerNotRunningError
        elif self.state == STATE_PAUSED:
            self.state = STATE_RUNNING
            self._logger.info('Resumed scheduler job processing')

    def running(self):
        Return ``True`` if the scheduler has been started.

        This is a shortcut for ``scheduler.state != STATE_STOPPED``.

        return self.state != STATE_STOPPED

    def add_executor(self, executor, alias='default', **executor_opts):
        Adds an executor to this scheduler.

        Any extra keyword arguments will be passed to the executor plugin's constructor, assuming
        that the first argument is the name of an executor plugin.

        :param str|unicode|apscheduler.executors.base.BaseExecutor executor: either an executor
            instance or the name of an executor plugin
        :param str|unicode alias: alias for the scheduler
        :raises ValueError: if there is already an executor by the given alias

        with self._executors_lock:
            if alias in self._executors:
                raise ValueError('This scheduler already has an executor by the alias of "%s"'%alias)

            if isinstance(executor, BaseExecutor):
                self._executors[alias] = executor
            elif isinstance(executor, str):
                self._executors[alias] = executor = self._create_plugin_instance(
                    'executor', executor, executor_opts)
                raise TypeError('Expected an executor instance or a string, got %s instead' %

            # Start the executor right away if the scheduler is running
            if self.state != STATE_STOPPED:
                executor.start(self, alias)

        self._dispatch_event(SchedulerEvent(EVENT_EXECUTOR_ADDED, alias))

    def remove_executor(self, alias, shutdown=True):
        Removes the executor by the given alias from this scheduler.

        :param str|unicode alias: alias of the executor
        :param bool shutdown: ``True`` to shut down the executor after
            removing it

        # alias -> executor
        with self._executors_lock:
            executor = self._lookup_executor(alias)
            del self._executors[alias]

        if shutdown:

        self._dispatch_event(SchedulerEvent(EVENT_EXECUTOR_REMOVED, alias))

    def add_jobstore(self, jobstore, alias='default', **jobstore_opts):
        Adds a job store to this scheduler.

        Any extra keyword arguments will be passed to the job store plugin's constructor, assuming
        that the first argument is the name of a job store plugin.

        :param str|unicode|apscheduler.jobstores.base.BaseJobStore jobstore: job store to be added
        :param str|unicode alias: alias for the job store
        :raises ValueError: if there is already a job store by the given alias

        with self._jobstores_lock:
            if alias in self._jobstores:
                raise ValueError('This scheduler already has a job store by the alias of "%s"' %

            if isinstance(jobstore, BaseJobStore):
                self._jobstores[alias] = jobstore
            elif isinstance(jobstore, str):
                self._jobstores[alias] = jobstore = self._create_plugin_instance(
                    'jobstore', jobstore, jobstore_opts)
                raise TypeError('Expected a job store instance or a string, got %s instead' %

            # Start the job store right away if the scheduler isn't stopped
            if self.state != STATE_STOPPED:
                jobstore.start(self, alias)

        # Notify listeners that a new job store has been added
        self._dispatch_event(SchedulerEvent(EVENT_JOBSTORE_ADDED, alias))

        # Notify the scheduler so it can scan the new job store for jobs
        if self.state != STATE_STOPPED:

    def remove_jobstore(self, alias, shutdown=True):
        Removes the job store by the given alias from this scheduler.

        :param str|unicode alias: alias of the job store
        :param bool shutdown: ``True`` to shut down the job store after removing it

        with self._jobstores_lock:
            jobstore = self._lookup_jobstore(alias)
            del self._jobstores[alias]

        if shutdown:

        self._dispatch_event(SchedulerEvent(EVENT_JOBSTORE_REMOVED, alias))

    def add_listener(self, callback, mask=EVENT_ALL):
        add_listener(callback, mask=EVENT_ALL)

        Adds a listener for scheduler events.

        When a matching event  occurs, ``callback`` is executed with the event object as its
        sole argument. If the ``mask`` parameter is not provided, the callback will receive events
        of all types.

        :param callback: any callable that takes one argument
        :param int mask: bitmask that indicates which events should be
            listened to

        .. seealso:: :mod:`apscheduler.events`
        .. seealso:: :ref:`scheduler-events`

        with self._listeners_lock:
            self._listeners.append((callback, mask))

    def remove_listener(self, callback):
        """Removes a previously added event listener."""

        with self._listeners_lock:
            for i, (cb, _) in enumerate(self._listeners):
                if callback == cb:
                    del self._listeners[i]

    def add_job(self, func, trigger=None, args=(), kwargs={}, id=None, name=None,
                misfire_grace_time=undefined, coalesce=undefined, max_instances=undefined,
                next_run_time=undefined, jobstore='default', executor='default',
                replace_existing=False, **trigger_args):
        add_job(func, trigger=None, args=None, kwargs=None, id=None, \
            name=None, misfire_grace_time=undefined, coalesce=undefined, \
            max_instances=undefined, next_run_time=undefined, \
            jobstore='default', executor='default', \
            replace_existing=False, **trigger_args)

        Adds the given job to the job list and wakes up the scheduler if it's already running.

        Any option that defaults to ``undefined`` will be replaced with the corresponding default
        value when the job is scheduled (which happens when the scheduler is started, or
        immediately if the scheduler is already running).

        The ``func`` argument can be given either as a callable object or a textual reference in
        the ``package.module:some.object`` format, where the first half (separated by ``:``) is an
        importable module and the second half is a reference to the callable object, relative to
        the module.

        The ``trigger`` argument can either be:
          #. the alias name of the trigger (e.g. ``date``, ``interval`` or ``cron``), in which case
            any extra keyword arguments to this method are passed on to the trigger's constructor
          #. an instance of a trigger class

        :param func: callable (or a textual reference to one) to run at the given time
        :param str|apscheduler.triggers.base.BaseTrigger trigger: trigger that determines when
            ``func`` is called
        :param list|tuple args: list of positional arguments to call func with
        :param dict kwargs: dict of keyword arguments to call func with
        :param str|unicode id: explicit identifier for the job (for modifying it later)
        :param str|unicode name: textual description of the job
        :param int misfire_grace_time: seconds after the designated runtime that the job is still
            allowed to be run
        :param bool coalesce: run once instead of many times if the scheduler determines that the
            job should be run more than once in succession
        :param int max_instances: maximum number of concurrently running instances allowed for this
        :param datetime next_run_time: when to first run the job, regardless of the trigger (pass
            ``None`` to add the job as paused)
        :param str|unicode jobstore: alias of the job store to store the job in
        :param str|unicode executor: alias of the executor to run the job with
        :param bool replace_existing: ``True`` to replace an existing job with the same ``id``
            (but retain the number of runs from the existing one)
        :rtype: Job

        job_kwargs = {
            'trigger': self._create_trigger(trigger, trigger_args),
            'executor': executor,
            'func': func,
            'args': args,
            'kwargs': kwargs,
            'id': id,
            'name': name,
            'misfire_grace_time': misfire_grace_time,
            'coalesce': coalesce,
            'max_instances': max_instances,
            'next_run_time': next_run_time
        job_kwargs = {key:value for key, value in job_kwargs.items() if value is not undefined}
        job = Job(self, **job_kwargs)

        # Don't really add jobs to job stores before the scheduler is up and running
        with self._jobstores_lock:
            if self.state == STATE_STOPPED:
                self._pending_jobs.append((job, jobstore, replace_existing))
                self._logger.info('Adding job tentatively -- it will be properly scheduled when the scheduler starts')
                self._real_add_job(job, jobstore, replace_existing)

        return job

    def scheduled_job(self, trigger, args=(), kwargs={}, id=None, name=None,
                      misfire_grace_time=undefined, coalesce=undefined, max_instances=undefined,
                      next_run_time=undefined, jobstore='default', executor='default',
        A decorator version of :meth:`add_job`, except that ``replace_existing`` is always

        .. important:: The ``id`` argument must be given if scheduling a job in a persistent job
        store. The scheduler cannot, however, enforce this requirement.
        def inner(func):
            self.add_job(func, trigger, args, kwargs, id, name, misfire_grace_time, coalesce,
                         max_instances, next_run_time, jobstore, executor, True, **trigger_args)
            return func
        return inner

    def modify_job(self, job_id, jobstore=None, **changes):
        Modifies the properties of a single job.

        Modifications are passed to this method as extra keyword arguments.

        :param str|unicode job_id: the identifier of the job
        :param str|unicode jobstore: alias of the job store that contains the job
        :return Job: the relevant job instance

        with self._jobstores_lock:
            job, jobstore = self._lookup_job(job_id, jobstore)
            if jobstore:

        self._dispatch_event(JobEvent(EVENT_JOB_MODIFIED, job_id, jobstore))

        # Wake up the scheduler since the job's next run time may have been changed
        if self.state == STATE_RUNNING:

        return job

    def reschedule_job(self, job_id, jobstore=None, trigger=None, **trigger_args):
        Constructs a new trigger for a job and updates its next run time.

        Extra keyword arguments are passed directly to the trigger's constructor.

        :param str|unicode job_id: the identifier of the job
        :param str|unicode jobstore: alias of the job store that contains the job
        :param trigger: alias of the trigger type or a trigger instance
        -> Job: the relevant job instance

        trigger = self._create_trigger(trigger, trigger_args)
        now = datetime.now(self.timezone)
        next_run_time = trigger.get_next_fire_time(None, now)
        return self.modify_job(job_id, jobstore, trigger=trigger, next_run_time=next_run_time)

    def pause_job(self, job_id, jobstore=None):

        return self.modify_job(job_id, jobstore, next_run_time=None)

    def resume_job(self, job_id, jobstore=None):
        Resumes the schedule of the given job, or removes the job if its schedule is finished.
        :return Job|None: the relevant job instance if the job was rescheduled, or ``None`` if no
            next run time could be calculated and the job was removed
        with self._jobstores_lock:
            job, jobstore = self._lookup_job(job_id, jobstore)
            now = datetime.now(self.timezone)
            next_run_time = job.trigger.get_next_fire_time(None, now)
            if next_run_time:
                return self.modify_job(job_id, jobstore, next_run_time=next_run_time)
                self.remove_job(job.id, jobstore)

    def get_jobs(self, jobstore=None, pending=None):
        Returns a list of pending jobs (if the scheduler hasn't been started yet) and scheduled
        jobs, either from a specific job store or from all of them.

        If the scheduler has not been started yet, only pending jobs can be returned because the
        job stores haven't been started yet either.

        :param str|unicode jobstore: alias of the job store
        :param bool pending: **DEPRECATED**
        :rtype: list[Job]

        if pending is not None:
            warnings.warn('The "pending" option is deprecated -- get_jobs() always returns '
                          'scheduled jobs if the scheduler has been started and pending jobs '
                          'otherwise', DeprecationWarning)

        with self._jobstores_lock:
            jobs = []
            if self.state == STATE_STOPPED:
                for job, alias, replace_existing in self._pending_jobs:
                    if jobstore is None or alias == jobstore:
                for alias, store in self._jobstores.items():
                    if jobstore is None or alias == jobstore:

            return jobs

    def get_job(self, job_id, jobstore=None):
        Returns the Job that matches the given ``job_id``.

        :param str|unicode job_id: the identifier of the job
        :param str|unicode jobstore: alias of the job store that most likely contains the job
        :return: the Job by the given ID, or ``None`` if it wasn't found
        :rtype: Job

        with self._jobstores_lock:
                return self._lookup_job(job_id, jobstore)[0]
            except JobLookupError:

    def remove_job(self, job_id, jobstore=None):
        Removes a job, preventing it from being run any more.

        :param str|unicode job_id: the identifier of the job
        :param str|unicode jobstore: alias of the job store that contains the job
        :raises JobLookupError: if the job was not found

        jobstore_alias = None
        with self._jobstores_lock:
            if self.state == STATE_STOPPED:
                # Check if the job is among the pending jobs
                if self.state == STATE_STOPPED:
                    for i, (job, alias, replace_existing) in enumerate(self._pending_jobs):
                        if job.id == job_id and jobstore in (None, alias):
                            del self._pending_jobs[i]
                            jobstore_alias = alias
                # Otherwise, try to remove it from each store until it succeeds or we run out of
                # stores to check
                for alias, store in self._jobstores.items():
                    if jobstore in (None, alias):
                            jobstore_alias = alias
                        except JobLookupError:

        if jobstore_alias is None:
            raise JobLookupError(job_id)

        # Notify listeners that a job has been removed
        event = JobEvent(EVENT_JOB_REMOVED, job_id, jobstore_alias)

        self._logger.info('Removed job %s', job_id)

    def remove_all_jobs(self, jobstore=None):
        Removes all jobs from the specified job store, or all job stores if none is given.

        :param str|unicode jobstore: alias of the job store

        with self._jobstores_lock:
            if self.state == STATE_STOPPED:
                if jobstore:
                    self._pending_jobs = [pending for pending in self._pending_jobs if
                                          pending[1] != jobstore]
                    self._pending_jobs = []
                for alias, store in self._jobstores.items():
                    if jobstore in (None, alias):

        self._dispatch_event(SchedulerEvent(EVENT_ALL_JOBS_REMOVED, jobstore))

    def print_jobs(self, jobstore=None, out=None):
        print_jobs(jobstore=None, out=sys.stdout)

        Prints out a textual listing of all jobs currently scheduled on either all job stores or
        just a specific one.

        :param str|unicode jobstore: alias of the job store, ``None`` to list jobs from all stores
        :param file out: a file-like object to print to (defaults to  **sys.stdout** if nothing is

        out = out or sys.stdout
        with self._jobstores_lock:
            if self.state == STATE_STOPPED:
                print('Pending jobs:', file=out)
                if self._pending_jobs:
                    for job, jobstore_alias, _ in self._pending_jobs:
                        if jobstore in (None, jobstore_alias):
                            print('    %s' % job, file=out)
                    print('    No pending jobs', file=out)
                for alias, store in sorted(self._jobstores.items()):
                    if jobstore in (None, alias):
                        print('Jobstore %s:' % alias, file=out)
                        jobs = store.get_all_jobs()
                        if jobs:
                            for job in jobs:
                                print('    %s' % job, file=out)
                            print('    No scheduled jobs', file=out)

    def wakeup(self):
        Notifies the scheduler that there may be jobs due for execution.
        Triggers :meth:`_process_jobs` to be run in an implementation specific manner.

    # Private API

    def _configure(self, config):
        # Set general options
        self._logger = maybe_ref(config.pop('logger', None)) or getLogger('apscheduler.scheduler')
        self.timezone = astimezone(config.pop('timezone', None)) or get_localzone()
        self.jobstore_retry_interval = float(config.pop('jobstore_retry_interval', 10))

        # Set the job defaults
        job_defaults = config.get('job_defaults', {})
        self._job_defaults = {
            'misfire_grace_time': asint(job_defaults.get('misfire_grace_time', 1)),
            'coalesce': asbool(job_defaults.get('coalesce', True)),
            'max_instances': asint(job_defaults.get('max_instances', 1))

        # Configure executors
        for alias, value in config.get('executors', {}).items():
            if isinstance(value, BaseExecutor):
                self.add_executor(value, alias)
            elif isinstance(value, MutableMapping):
                executor_class = value.pop('class', None)
                plugin = value.pop('type', None)
                if plugin:
                    executor = self._create_plugin_instance('executor', plugin, value)
                elif executor_class:
                    cls = maybe_ref(executor_class)
                    executor = cls(**value)
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Cannot create executor "%s" -- either "type" or "class" must be defined' %alias)

                self.add_executor(executor, alias)
                raise TypeError("Expected executor instance or dict for executors['%s'], got %s instead" %
                    (alias, value.__class__.__name__))

        # Configure job stores
        for alias, value in config.get('jobstores', {}).items():
            if isinstance(value, BaseJobStore):
                self.add_jobstore(value, alias)
            elif isinstance(value, MutableMapping):
                jobstore_class = value.pop('class', None)
                plugin = value.pop('type', None)
                if plugin:
                    jobstore = self._create_plugin_instance('jobstore', plugin, value)
                elif jobstore_class:
                    cls = maybe_ref(jobstore_class)
                    jobstore = cls(**value)
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Cannot create job store "%s" -- either "type" or "class" must be defined' % alias)

                self.add_jobstore(jobstore, alias)
                raise TypeError("Expected job store instance or dict for jobstores['%s'], got %s instead" %
                    (alias, value.__class__.__name__))

    def _create_default_executor(self):
        """Creates a default executor store, specific to the particular scheduler type."""
        return ThreadPoolExecutor()

    def _create_default_jobstore(self):
        """Creates a default job store, specific to the particular scheduler type."""
        return MemoryJobStore()

    def _lookup_executor(self, alias):
        Returns the executor instance by the given name from the list of executors that were added
        to this scheduler.

        :type alias: str
        :raises KeyError: if no executor by the given alias is not found

            return self._executors[alias]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError('No such executor: %s' % alias)

    def _lookup_jobstore(self, alias):
        Returns the job store instance by the given name from the list of job stores that were
        added to this scheduler.

        :type alias: str
        :raises KeyError: if no job store by the given alias is not found

            return self._jobstores[alias]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError('No such job store: %s' % alias)

    def _lookup_job(self, job_id, jobstore_alias=None):
        Finds a job by its ID.  

        :return tuple[Job, str]: a tuple of job, jobstore alias (jobstore alias is None in case of
            a pending job)
        if self.state == STATE_STOPPED:
            # Check if the job is among the pending jobs
            for job, alias, replace_existing in self._pending_jobs:
                if job.id == job_id:
                    return job, None
            # Look in all job stores
            for alias, store in self._jobstores.items():
                if jobstore_alias in (None, alias):
                    job = store.lookup_job(job_id)
                    if job is not None:
                        return job, alias

        raise JobLookupError(job_id)

    def _dispatch_event(self, event):
        Dispatches the given event to interested listeners.

        :param SchedulerEvent event: the event to send

        with self._listeners_lock:
            listeners = tuple(self._listeners)  # cb: mask

        for cb, mask in listeners:
            if event.code & mask:
                except BaseException:
                    self._logger.exception('Error notifying listener')

    def _real_add_job(self, job, jobstore_alias, replace_existing=False):
        :param Job job: the job to add
        :param bool replace_existing: ``True`` to use update_job() in case the job already exists
            in the store


        #1. Fill in undefined values with defaults
        replacements = {key:value for key, value in self._job_defaults.items() if not hasattr(job, key)}

        # Calculate the next run time if there is none defined
        if not hasattr(job, 'next_run_time'):
            now = datetime.now(self.timezone)
            replacements['next_run_time'] = job.trigger.get_next_fire_time(None, now)

        #2. Add the job to the given job store
        store = self._lookup_jobstore(jobstore_alias)
        except ConflictingIdError:
            if replace_existing:

        # Mark the job as no longer pending
        job._jobstore_alias = jobstore_alias

        # Notify listeners that a new job has been added
        event = JobEvent(EVENT_JOB_ADDED, job.id, jobstore_alias)

        self._logger.info('Added job "%s" to job store "%s"', job.name, jobstore_alias)

        # Notify the scheduler about the new job
        if self.state == STATE_RUNNING:

    def _create_plugin_instance(self, type_, alias, constructor_kwargs):
        """Creates an instance of the given plugin type, loading the plugin first if necessary."""
        plugin_container, class_container, base_class = {
            'trigger': (self._trigger_plugins, self._trigger_classes, BaseTrigger),
            'jobstore': (self._jobstore_plugins, self._jobstore_classes, BaseJobStore),
            'executor': (self._executor_plugins, self._executor_classes, BaseExecutor)}[type_]

            plugin_cls = class_container[alias]  # alias: plugin_cls
        except KeyError:
            if alias in plugin_container:
                plugin_cls = class_container[alias] = plugin_container[alias].load()
                if not issubclass(plugin_qcls, base_class):
                    raise TypeError('The {0} entry point does not point to a {0} class'.format(type_))
                raise LookupError('No {0} by the name "{1}" was found'.format(type_, alias))

        return plugin_cls(**constructor_kwargs)

    def _create_trigger(self, trigger, trigger_args):
        if isinstance(trigger, BaseTrigger):
            return trigger
        elif trigger is None:
            trigger = 'date'
        elif not isinstance(trigger, str):
            raise TypeError('Expected a trigger instance or string, got %s instead'%trigger.__class__.__name__)

        # Use the scheduler's time zone if nothing else is specified
        trigger_args.setdefault('timezone', self.timezone)

        # Instantiate the trigger class
        return self._create_plugin_instance('trigger', trigger, trigger_args)

    def _create_lock(self):
        """Creates a reentrant lock object."""
        return RLock()

    def _process_jobs(self):
        Iterates through jobs in every jobstore, starts jobs that are due and figures out how long
        to wait for the next round.

        If the ``get_due_jobs()`` call raises an exception, a new wakeup is scheduled in at least
        ``jobstore_retry_interval`` seconds.

        if self.state == STATE_PAUSED:
            self._logger.debug('Scheduler is paused -- not processing jobs')
            return None

        self._logger.debug('Looking for jobs to run')
        now = datetime.now(self.timezone)
        next_wakeup_time = None
        events = []

        with self._jobstores_lock:
            # 遍历 jobstore
            for jobstore_alias, jobstore in self._jobstores.items():
                    due_jobs = jobstore.get_due_jobs(now)
                except Exception as e:
                    # Schedule a wakeup at least in jobstore_retry_interval seconds
                    # next_wakeup_time <= etry_wakeup_time
                    self._logger.warning('Error getting due jobs from job store %r: %s', jobstore_alias, e)
                    retry_wakeup_time = now + timedelta(seconds=self.jobstore_retry_interval)
                    if not next_wakeup_time or next_wakeup_time > retry_wakeup_time:
                        next_wakeup_time = retry_wakeup_time


                for job in due_jobs:
                    # Look up the job's executor
                        executor = self._lookup_executor(job.executor)
                    except BaseException:
                        # delete job without executor
                            'Executor lookup ("%s") failed for job "%s" -- removing it from the '
                            'job store', job.executor, job)
                        self.remove_job(job.id, jobstore_alias)

                    run_times = job._get_run_times(now)
                    run_times = run_times[-1:] if run_times and job.coalesce else run_times
                    if run_times:
                            executor.submit_job(job, run_times)
                        except MaxInstancesReachedError:
                                'Execution of job "%s" skipped: maximum number of running '
                                'instances reached (%d)', job, job.max_instances)
                            event = JobSubmissionEvent(EVENT_JOB_MAX_INSTANCES, job.id,
                                                       jobstore_alias, run_times)
                        except BaseException:
                            self._logger.exception('Error submitting job "%s" to executor "%s"',
                                                   job, job.executor)
                            event = JobSubmissionEvent(EVENT_JOB_SUBMITTED, job.id, jobstore_alias,

                        # Update the job if it has a next execution time.
                        # Otherwise remove it from the job store.
                        job_next_run = job.trigger.get_next_fire_time(run_times[-1], now)
                        if job_next_run:
                            self.remove_job(job.id, jobstore_alias)

                # Set a new next wakeup time if there isn't one yet or
                # the jobstore has an even earlier one
                jobstore_next_run_time = jobstore.get_next_run_time()
                if jobstore_next_run_time and (next_wakeup_time is None or
                                               jobstore_next_run_time < next_wakeup_time):
                    next_wakeup_time = jobstore_next_run_time.astimezone(self.timezone)

        # Dispatch collected events
        for event in events:

        # Determine the delay until this method should be called again
        if self.state == STATE_PAUSED:
            wait_seconds = None
            self._logger.debug('Scheduler is paused; waiting until resume() is called')
        elif next_wakeup_time is None:
            wait_seconds = None
            self._logger.debug('No jobs; waiting until a job is added')
            wait_seconds = min(max(timedelta_seconds(next_wakeup_time - now), 0), TIMEOUT_MAX)
            self._logger.debug('Next wakeup is due at %s (in %f seconds)', next_wakeup_time,

        return wait_seconds

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