0 前言
1 Linear Model
1.1 OLS(Ordinary Least Squares)
1.2 Regression Shrinkage Models
1.2.1 Ridge
1.2.2 LASSO
1.2.3 Elastic Net
2 Non-linear Model
2.1 广义上为linear model的non-linear ones
2.2 Tree model
3 Model Evaluation
3.1 Metrics
3.2 Cross Validation
0 前言
Regression的目的是对一个数值变量进行预测。预测的方法有很多种,对应不同的model,可以分为Linear Model和Non-linear Model。
1 Linear Model
广义的linear model的公式如下,也就是,我们想要估计的函数是变量们的线性组合,此处的其实可以是 、等:
但是由于对参数的estimation method的不同,linear model又可以分成好几类。
1.1 OLS(Ordinary Least Squares)
OLS是比较常用的一种linear model。估计方法是最小化residual sum of squares(RSS)来得到参数的估计值。
如果要使得OLS estimator是unbiased,需要满足几个假设:
- 是的线性组合
- 是白噪声即,相互之间独立并和独立
OLS的统计意义上的好处在于,Gauss-Markov Theorem告诉我们,他算出来的参数estimator是所有unbiased linear estimator中最好的。
p-value的背后是对变量coefficient的hypothesis testing:
根据维基百科,p-value是the probability of obtaining results at least as extreme as the observed results。我们带入观测值,p-value为发生比观测值还极端的事件几率。 p-value越小,我们有更强的证据不接受原假设,即接受。 -
confidence interval
OLS reult table 会给出变量coefficient的95%置信区间。因为noise的存在,所以每一个变量coefficient都是有自己的standard error。 -
R squared/ adjuested R squared
为了通过剔除变量个数的影响而较好地比较不同ols model,我们引入adjuested R squared,它惩罚了对不重要的解释变量地引入。其数值比R2小。 -
“Selecting variables in regression models is a complicated problem, and there are many conflicting views on which type of variable selection procedure is best, e.g. LRT, F-test, AIC, and BIC.”
Scott Zeger on 'how to pick the wrong model': Turn your scientific problem over to a computer that, knowing nothing about your science or your question, is very good at optimizing AIC, BIC, ...
One step by one step
Forward stepwise selection
Backward stepwise selection - Business sence
- Shrinkage method
Qualitative Predictors类别变量
如果变量只有2个取值(0/1),就在data processing的时候把它转换成dummy variable。
如果变量有n个取值,就generate n-1个dummy。 -
Interaction term交乘项
多重共线性会导致参数的估计有偏,例如有一些变量参数不显著,所以在回归之前最好看一下correlation matrix,剔除相关系数较大的一些变量。 -
Non-constant variance of error terms (heteroscedasticity)异方差
异方差会导致参数的估计有偏。异方差主要出现在time series。为了解决这个问题,可以对被解释变量Y做transformation,比如取,来稳定Y的方差。 -
Dependence of the error terms残差互不独立
残差互不独立会影响参数估计,特别是置信区间估计。在time series中,解决办法为ARIMA。在cross-section数据中,除了考虑我们是不是遗漏了什么变量之外,也可以注意experiment design。 -
极端值主要会影响置信区间估计。在确定没有什么重要的遗漏变量导致极端值之后,我们更应该注意这类极端值为什么发生,它背后可能会有重要的商业因素。 -
High leverage points高杠杆点
高杠杆点就是在“杠杆两边”,对estimated line产生重大影响的点,是X取值比较unusual的那类点。解决它,第一,可以用rubust regression;第二,在考虑到它的确不影响商业问题的基础上drop它。
1.2 Regression Shrinkage Models
为什么我们需要Shrinkage Models?OLS虽然常用,但是可能会出现over-fitting的问题,针对这个问题shrinkage models通过引入penalty term来优化out-of-sample performance。Regression Shrinkage Models在牺牲了bias的时候减少了variance。同时,其中的LASSO还可以“自动”筛选出比较重要的变量,尤其适合n<p的小样本。
1.2.2 Ridge Regression
Ridge最小化的目标方程是RSS加上一个penalty term(regularization term),用来降低的值的大小从而simplify model:
其中是tuning parameter,可以通过cross validation寻找最优的值。注意:并不完全是0(not sparse)。
1.2.1 LASSO Regression
在跑ridge和LASSO之前,由于penalty term的存在,predictor的scale会很大程度上影响参数的估计值,所以跑回归之前一定要standardize predictors!
先选出a grid of potential values,然后对每一个value算出cross validation的error rate,最后选择error rate最小的那一个带入model。
1.2.3 Elastic Net
Elastic Net是Ridge和LASSO的合体,L1和L2 form都用上了。
2 Non-linear Model
2.1 广义上为linear model的non-linear ones
经过转化,一些含有多次项和指数项的model可以看成linear model,用OLS进行参数估计。
- Polynomial regression
2.2 Tree model
3 Model Evaluation
3.1 Metrics
• The value designates the total proportion of variance in the dependent variable explained by the independent variable.
• Between 0 and 1; the value toward 1 indicates a better model fit.
• For example, 0.97 means 97% of variability in the dependent variable can be explained by the independent variable.
Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
The square root of the mean of the squared errors.
• RMSE indicates how close the predicted values are to the actual values; hence a lower RMSE value signifies that the model performance is good.
• One of the key properties of RMSE is that the unit will be the same as the target variable.
Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
• The mean or average of absolute value of the errors, i.e. the predicted minus actual.
3.2 Cross Validation
- Splits the training dataset into k-folds without replacement, i.e. any given data point will only be part of one of the subset, where k-1 (i.e., k minus one) folds are used for the model training and one fold is used for testing.
- The procedure is repeated k times so that we obtain k
models and performance estimates.
- The procedure is repeated k times so that we obtain k
- Calculate the average performance of the models based on the individual folds to obtain a performance estimate that is less sensitive to the sub-partitioning of the training data compared to the holdout or single fold method.
Python code
# Build a decision tree classifier
clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=2017)
# Evaluate the model using 10-fold cross-validation
train_scores = cross_val_score(clf, X_train, y_train, scoring='accuracy', cv=5)
print ("Train Fold AUC Scores: ", train_scores)
print ("Train CV AUC Score: ", train_scores.mean())