Ⅰ .affirm 英[ə'fɜːm] 美[ə'fɝm]
(adj)affirmative 肯定的;积极的 (n) affirmation 主张,肯定;断言
1.to state publicly that something is true 确认,证实,断言属实
affirm that
•A spokesman for the company affirmed that a merger was likely. 该公司的一位发言人证实合并是可能的。
2. to strengthen a feeling, belief, or idea 坚定,强化〔感觉、信念或观点〕
•He claims that modern physics affirms his Christian beliefs. 他声称现代物理学坚定了他的基督教信仰。
Ⅱ. endeavor 英[ɪn'devə] 美[ɪn'dɛvɚ]
1.attempt to do something new or difficult 尝试;努力
•Despite ourbest endeavours, we couldn’t start the car. 我们虽然尽了最大努力,但还是无法发动汽车。
endeavour to do sth
•They made every endeavourto find the two boys. 他们竭尽全力寻找那两个男孩。
Ⅲ. evaluate 英[ɪ'væljʊeɪt] 美[ɪ'væljʊ'et]
(n)evaluation (adj)evaluative (v)underevaluate 低估 overevaluate高估
1.to judge how good, useful, or successful something is评估,评价
•It can be difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of different treatments. 要对各种治疗方法的效果作出评
Ⅳ. functional 英['fʌŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n] 美['fʌŋkʃən]
(n)functionalism实用主义 functionalist实用主义者 (v) function
1.designed to be useful rather than beautiful or attractive为实用而设计的,实用的
•buildings that are sensitively designed, notpurely functional设计细腻而非单纯实用的建筑
2.something that is functional is working correctly工作的,运转正常的
•By 2004, the Supertram is expected to befully functional. 到2004年,超级电车将全面运行。
Ⅴ. inherit 英[ɪn'herɪt] 美[ɪn'hɛrɪt]
(n)inheritor 继承人 inheritance遗产 (adj) inheritable 可以继承的 inherited与生俱来的
1.inherit sth from sb
•He inherited a fortune from his grandmother. 他从祖母那儿继承了一大笔财产。
2.[T]if you inherit a situation, especially one in which problems have been caused by other people, you have to deal with it
•The present government inherited a closed, state-dominated economy. 现任政府接手了一个封闭的、由政府主导的经济制度。
3.[T]to have the same character or appearance as your parents经遗传得到〔父母的性格、外貌〕
inherit sth from sb
•Mr. Grass inherited his work ethic from his father. 格拉斯先生的职业道德遗传自他父亲。
4.[T]to get something that someone else does not want any more接收〔别人不再需要的东西〕
inherit sth from sb
•We inherited the furniture from the previous
Ⅵ. perceive 英[pə'siːv] 美[pɚ'siv]
(n)perception (adj) perceivable 可知觉的 perceptual 感性的,知觉的 perceptive有洞察力的,感知的
1.perceive sth/sb as sth
•Even as a young woman she had been perceived as a future chief executive. 甚至在年轻时,她就被看成未来的总裁。
perceive sth/sb to be sth
•Often what is perceived to be aggression is simply fear. 看起来气势汹汹的表现往往只是恐惧而已。
2.formalto notice, see, or recognize something察觉,注意到,发觉
•Cats are not able to perceive colour. 猫不能辨别颜色。
perceive that
•He perceived that there was no other way out of the crisis. 他认为没有其他办法可以摆脱危机。
Ⅶ. project 英[prəˈdʒekt; ˈprɒdʒekt] 美[prəˈdʒɛkt; prɑdʒɛkt]
project to do sth •a project to develop a substitute for oil 开发一种石油替代品的计划
[+ on] •We’redoingaprojecton pollution. 我们正在做一个关于污染的课题。
1.[T]to calculate what something will be in the future, using the information you have now预计,推断
be projected to do sth
•Total expenditure is projected to rise by 25%. 总开支预计增加25%。
2.[I]to stick out beyond an edge or surface
[+ out/from/through etc] •Four towers projected from the main building. 从主楼上凸出来四个塔楼。
3.[T]to make the picture of a film, photograph etc appear in a larger form on a screen or flat surface放映;投射
project sth onto sth
•She projected the slide onto the wall. 她将幻灯片投射到墙上。
4.[T]to try to make other people have a particular idea about you呈现出…样子,表现〔自己〕
project yourself (as sth)
•his attempts to project himself as a potential leader 他试图表现出自己作为未来领导的样子
5.project your voice 放开声音〔使大房间的每个人都能听见〕
6.[T]to make someone quickly have success or a much better job
project sb into/onto etc sth
•His success projected him onto Channel 4’s comedy series ‘Packet of Three’. 他的成功让自己跻身于第四频道的系列喜剧《三人帮》中。
Ⅷ. resentment 英[rɪ'zentm(ə)nt] 美[rɪ'zɛntmənt]
(v)resent (adj) resentful
1.a feeling of anger because something has happened that you think is unfair愤恨,不满,憎恶
[+ at/against/of etc]
•She was filled with deep resentmentat being passed over for promotion. 没被考虑升职,她感到很气愤。
feel/harbour/bear resentment
•He felt considerable resentment towards Sheila for making him work late. 希拉让他工作到这么晚,他很不满。