Amazon's Empire 和Levelling the paying field, 如果说前者偏向于是一篇软文,那后者应该是对欧洲金融科技现状较客观的分析描写。
1. 印象最深的就是ground的应用,从无法理解文义到现在一看到基本上就觉得在讲理由这种事的第一反应,在文中的精彩例句如:Grounds for scepticism does not come much fertile than this...; Even on standard antitrust grounds...
2. 对同义不同词的灵活变换运用:lure, attract, entice. 三个词轮番上阵,喜欢极了这种灵活:the more shoppers Amazon lures.......which entice more shoppers........which attract more customers.
3.nudge , disruption 等词的经常出现,真的应验了那种,见面次数越多,陌生人也变成了老朋友
1 现在对长句基本上能一眼看到大主干和修饰词了,比如在第一篇中,The comparative immunity from legal liablity of digital platforms-for the posting of inflammatory content on Facebook,say,or the vetting of drivers on Uber-is being chipped away. 分析这个句子时,唯一的障碍就是say,孤零零的放在那里,着实不懂什么用义,后来群友说可以理解为for example时终于豁然开朗。
2.能明显感觉出这些作者对Yet句型的偏爱,比如文一 Yet Amazon's shareholders are working on the premise that it is just getting started. 文二 Yet for all their complaints, customers still trust banks with their money.