一、 生命的觉悟 (Consicousness of life)
二、一颗自由、喜悦与充满爱的心 (A heart full of freedom, joy and love)
三、走遍天下的气魄(The spirit of travelling all over the world)
四、回归自然及与大自然连接的能力(Back to nature,ability to connect with nature)
五、安静而平和的睡眠(Smooth and steady sleeping)
六、享受真正属于自己的空间与时间(Enjoy your own space and time)
七、彼此深爱的灵魂伴侣(A beloved soul mate)
八、任何时候都有真正懂你的人(There's always someone who really understands you)
九、身体健康、内心富有(Heathy, with a rich heart)
十、具有感染力并能点燃他人的希望 (Appealing, ability to ignite hopes of others)