1. The sound of his car as it whines out of the driveway, then speeds away, has the ring of finality; all of them hear it.
whine本身有两种意思,一是,发动机不停发动的呜呜声音,二是If something or someonewhines, they make a long, high-pitched noise, especially one which sounds sad or unpleasant.哀鸣声。作者在这里一语双关,表现James低沉、悲伤的情绪。
the ring of finality: finality定局 ring这个词有戒指,回响等意思。所以我觉得这里也有一个双关,汽车驶出的声音仿佛有一种婚姻终结和某种情绪回荡的感觉。
2. Marilyn wants to burn the books that litter the carpet, to peel the wallpaper from the walls.
3. At eighteen, he is allowed to buy only three-two beer, that watery stuff his classmates chugged at parties.
chug这个词好形象,比干巴巴的drink不知道形象多少倍,这才是喝啤酒的感觉,咕嘟咕嘟下肚,爽,一小口一小口是sip, gulp大口大口,喝什么,怎么喝的多种多样,忘掉drink吧。
4. Nath’s throat goes raw, like a wound.
5. Nath cranks the window down.
摇下车窗还可以说wind down the window
The tiny holes and unfaded patches that will mar the wallpaper when the posters and pictures come down; the carpet, crushed beneath the furniture, that will never rise again.
In his own car, James too mulls over that moment on the stairs. After he’d pulled out of the driveway, he had driven without thinking, jamming his foot onto the gas pedal, heading wherever he can slam his foot to the floor.
James情绪失控后的行为描写。描写很到位,用的都是有强列情绪感和声音感的词。 jam, slam, 没有用一般的踩油门,刹车。
当James回到家里,等待他的不哭泣、愤怒,而是平静。Marilyn是问了两个字“How long”,然后终于两个人曝发了。原来每个人都困在自己的小小世界里,James 以为他是唯一那个从小到大与众不同的人,在压力中生存,他从来没有想到Marilyn在自己的医生梦想里,曾经有过同样的感受。他从来没有考虑过Marilyn为了家庭放弃了什么。
Marilyn在把James赶出家门后,心痛至绝望 You loved so hard and hoped so much and then you ended up with nothing. Children who no longer needed you. A husband who no longer wanted you. Nothing left but you, alone, and empty space. 她深爱James,她把Lydia当作她唯一的希望,然而现在一切都灰飞烟灭了。
Marilyn发现了那本cookbook的时候,才意识到5岁时的Lydia居然知道她在想什么。终于明白:Everything that she had wanted for Lydia, which Lydia had never wanted but had embraced anyway. A dull chill creeps over her. Perhaps—and this thought chokes her—that had dragged Lydia underwater at last. 也许那正是把Lydia拖入湖水中的原因。