自由与纪律 Freedom and Discipline


When we think about the words for freedom, almost all of the words are positive. For most of the time, when we think about freedom, we would relate with vacation, holidays, but not at school. But when we think about the words can represent discipline, most of the words are negative. At school, the teacher always wants to make sure everything is under her control. If a child followed the directives from the teacher, we can say the child is disciplined. Montessori thinks: freedom and discipline are inner-linked. Freedom is impossible without discipline, while discipline is impossible without freedom.


Inner freedom means the ability to choose what we think is right and good. Inner discipline means the ability to regular oneself in the service of one's growth and improvement. Discipline guides us to make free choices, to have freedom. They are both the fundamental for our society. Without a certain level of freedom and discipline, it is impossible for people to work together.


Freedom allows us to express our humanity, and to express who we are as individuals. Discipline ensures we exercise our freedom, with regard for the people and recognition with their rights. In most of the schools, children get rewarded for pleasing the teacher, or getting punishment for disobedient. It is a big obstacle in the children's education. The children would feel either complemented or passive easily. The goal for education is not for passivity, it is for making a good balance of freedom and discipline, so the children can act with confidence and independence, to become the person they want to be.


Necessary freedoms that we can offer in a Montessori classroom:

A. 选择工作的自由

A.Of choice of activity


Choice of activity needs the child choose with knowledge. We want to help them make intelligent and thoughtful choice. We want to let them choose what they want based on knowledge but not out of curiosity. Also choosing the activity set the responsibility for the child. She is responsible for her own choice, and no matter what is the result it is her own choice. They get to know themselves better by making choices.

B. 选择在哪儿工作的自由

B. Of place of activity


We don't set a table or telling the child where to put a rug. They have thefreedom to choose where to work. But the limit is, they cannot choose a place where some other people are already working there, or choosing a place that may disturb other people.

C. 选择工作时长的自由

C. Of length of time spent with an activity


The children can determine the length of their working time, they can repeat the work any time they like, also they can work at any pace that suits them. The limit is the end of the working period.


The 3 hours working cycle in the morning time is very important to the child. It is awide open time without interruption. It results a lot deeper engagement and concentration. In this 3 hours working time, the child can really belong to herself, without the interruption, she do not need to give herself to the environment.

D. 拒绝邀请的自由

D. To decline an invitation


Child can always decline an invitation or a group activity. They have the freedom to choose something and not to choose something. We do not want to influence them but respect their choices. We need to believe their choices are right, and they have the ability to follow their inner guides. They also need to be responsible for their own choice to decline. They cannot change their mind to come back after they declined the invitation.

E. 行动的自由

E. Of movement


The child can move around the classroom as she wishes. We need to show the children how to move appropriately and we expect them to do so. They should not disturb other children or risk harm to the materials.


Usually a child needs a transition in between the activities, they need to adjust a little bit. We give them the space to adjust and move.


We don't want to give the children the idea of aimless wandering. And if that happens, we don't want to ask the child: "Where is your work?" It is too oppressive for a child. Instead, we may say: "I'm going to do something, do you want to join me?"

F. 交流的自由

F. Of social interaction


Children are ego-centric, they don't want to be alone. As they get older, they want to express themselves more. The key is social development. The limit is talking appropriately and not disturbs the classroom. We need to show the child the appropriate ways to talk. There are certain times they cannot talk, be quiet. But most of the time, we don't give them the idea: "you should be quiet."

G. 思考和回顾的自由

G. To reflect


The children don't have to have work out at any moment. They can sit still, wander in the classroom, rest. We give them the time to consider and think what they want to do next. The limit is not disturbing the atmosphere and the classroom.


Necessary guidelines that we can offer in a Montessori classroom:


Having expectations of behavior is a good thing. We set the condition and we present the children how to follow the guidelines. Having guidelines actually give the children freedom. When issue arrives, we can recognize it. Even little things we need to have a reason for it. For example, putting work away after it is done. So when the children want to find it, it is there on the shelf. Children get benefits from following the guidelines. It turns out the children want to support it.


But too many rules are not good for the children, the adult maybe abusing his power. The child cannot remember all the rules and they would feel insecure and disorienting. But too few guidelines would cause chaos.


Any limit in the classroom need to be clear and comprehensive to the children. All the guidelines need to be consistent followed by all the children and adults. We want the children feel they all have the equal status, everyone has the same rights and privileges.

A. 对人的尊重

A. Respect for people


The language we use to the children are respectful, even when we are directing them to do something, e.g.: " stop hitting somebody." we are always speaking respectfully.


We respect their own property. We prepare each child a single place to put her own cloth and backpack or lunch box.


We respect their activities, we protect them from interruptions. We make sure there is a spot belongs to the child during the activity.


Weare not making assumptions.


We respect their bodies except under extreme circumstances; we are not going totouch them without permission. We may offer our hand sometimes, when a child offers a hug, we hug back. We do not hold hands with the child on the way to do a work. But under some circumstances, they may need to hold our hands, like crossing a road.

B. 对环境的尊重

B. Respect for the physical environment


We prepare and maintain this environment for the children. We also need to give them this very strong idea that: it is your place, the environment belongs to everyone. They need to share this environment with each other. In this environment, we don't want them to feel being threatened, feel there is something they cannot touch, feel they need to tiptoe around. We want children feel free and confident of their exploration. We teach them carefully use thematerials and how to take care of them.


Results of freedom

A. 独立

A. Independence

B. 意愿与服从的发展

B. Development of the will and obedience


Montessori said: "A strong will would lead the ability to obey." A strong will is: I know what I want and I'm going to pursue it.

C. 自信与自我掌控

C. Self-confidence and self-mastery


Children have many chances to set their goals. When a child feels self-confident, she would feel: I’m aware of myself. I know what I can do. I’m going to try to doit even I’m not sure. In the process of repeats and practice, the child can come to self-mastery. As adults, we need to make sure the children have many experiences of success, we need to set right amount of challenges for them, give them the opportunities to repeat. We wish the children can see themselves as capable, confident persons, who are willing to take the risks and set their own challenges.

D. 责任感

D. Responsibility


The responsibility is emerging naturally, it engages purposeful activities.Responsibilities are for ourselves and for the good of our group. We give the children freedom to act with knowledge and let them be responsible at his place to do good for the community.


The Role of the adult


We set perimeters for freedom and limits in the classroom. It is always good to observe individuals and groups of children, to see if in some ways we can increase or offer more freedom to them. The amount of freedom should be getting greater and greater. Through observation, we get the resource from the children. We recognize what is good what is bad. For good, we support; for bad, we illuminate. The greatest assistance we can give to the children is to develop their inner freedom and discipline. Every child is unique, we trust each child’s uniqueness and inner guide, that she can guide herself to be on the right path, she can follow the right discipline. We also should be aware of the model of behavior. Our movements, language, manners should inspire the children and establish a trusting relationship with the children.

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