









  • 内存
  • 硬盘



  • shouldDecompressImages 是否解压缩图片,默认为YES
  • disable iCloud backup 是否禁用iCloud备份, 默认为YES
  • shouldCacheImagesInMemory 是否缓存到内存中,默认为YES
  • maxCacheAge 最大的缓存不过期时间, 单位为秒,默认为一周的时间
  • maxCacheSize 最大的缓存尺寸,单位为字节


@interface SDImageCacheConfig : NSObject

 * Decompressing images that are downloaded and cached can improve performance but can consume lot of memory.
 * Defaults to YES. Set this to NO if you are experiencing a crash due to excessive memory consumption.
@property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL shouldDecompressImages;

 *  disable iCloud backup [defaults to YES]
@property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL shouldDisableiCloud;

 * use memory cache [defaults to YES]
@property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL shouldCacheImagesInMemory;

 * The maximum length of time to keep an image in the cache, in seconds
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger maxCacheAge;

 * The maximum size of the cache, in bytes.
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSUInteger maxCacheSize;



static const NSInteger kDefaultCacheMaxCacheAge = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; // 1 week

@implementation SDImageCacheConfig

- (instancetype)init {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        _shouldDecompressImages = YES;
        _shouldDisableiCloud = YES;
        _shouldCacheImagesInMemory = YES;
        _maxCacheAge = kDefaultCacheMaxCacheAge;
        _maxCacheSize = 0;
    return self;








  • + (nonnull instancetype)sharedImageCache 单利
  • - (nonnull instancetype)initWithNamespace:(nonnull NSString *)ns 通过制定的namespace来初始化
  • - (nonnull instancetype)initWithNamespace:(nonnull NSString *)ns diskCacheDirectory:(nonnull NSString *)directory NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER 指定namespacepath.


6.Cache paths


- (nullable NSString *)makeDiskCachePath:(nonnull NSString*)fullNamespace;





 * Add a read-only cache path to search for images pre-cached by SDImageCache
 * Useful if you want to bundle pre-loaded images with your app
 * @param path The path to use for this read-only cache path
- (void)addReadOnlyCachePath:(nonnull NSString *)path;



  • 数据源:可以保存UIImage也可以保存NSData
  • 唯一标识:找到该数据的唯一标识,一般使用图片的URL
  • 是否需要保存到硬盘:根据配置文件中的设置,如果设置了应该缓存到内存,那么图片肯定会被缓存到内存中。
  • 数据保存这一过程必须是异步的,在完成之后,在主线程回调


 * Asynchronously store an image into memory and disk cache at the given key.
 * @param image           The image to store
 * @param key             The unique image cache key, usually it's image absolute URL
 * @param completionBlock A block executed after the operation is finished
- (void)storeImage:(nullable UIImage *)image
            forKey:(nullable NSString *)key
        completion:(nullable SDWebImageNoParamsBlock)completionBlock;

 * Asynchronously store an image into memory and disk cache at the given key.
 * @param image           The image to store
 * @param key             The unique image cache key, usually it's image absolute URL
 * @param toDisk          Store the image to disk cache if YES
 * @param completionBlock A block executed after the operation is finished
- (void)storeImage:(nullable UIImage *)image
            forKey:(nullable NSString *)key
        completion:(nullable SDWebImageNoParamsBlock)completionBlock;

 * Asynchronously store an image into memory and disk cache at the given key.
 * @param image           The image to store
 * @param imageData       The image data as returned by the server, this representation will be used for disk storage
 *                        instead of converting the given image object into a storable/compressed image format in order
 *                        to save quality and CPU
 * @param key             The unique image cache key, usually it's image absolute URL
 * @param toDisk          Store the image to disk cache if YES
 * @param completionBlock A block executed after the operation is finished
- (void)storeImage:(nullable UIImage *)image
         imageData:(nullable NSData *)imageData
            forKey:(nullable NSString *)key
        completion:(nullable SDWebImageNoParamsBlock)completionBlock;

 * Synchronously store image NSData into disk cache at the given key.
 * @warning This method is synchronous, make sure to call it from the ioQueue
 * @param imageData  The image data to store
 * @param key        The unique image cache key, usually it's image absolute URL
- (void)storeImageDataToDisk:(nullable NSData *)imageData forKey:(nullable NSString *)key;



  • 判断图片是否被缓存到disk(异步)

       *  Async check if image exists in disk cache already (does not load the image)
       *  @param key             the key describing the url
       *  @param completionBlock the block to be executed when the check is done.
       *  @note the completion block will be always executed on the main queue
      - (void)diskImageExistsWithKey:(nullable NSString *)key completion:(nullable SDWebImageCheckCacheCompletionBlock)completionBlock;
  • 异步查询图片是否存在,这里返回了一个NSOperation,原因是在内存中获取耗时非常短,在disk中时间相对较长。

       * Operation that queries the cache asynchronously and call the completion when done.
       * @param key       The unique key used to store the wanted image
       * @param doneBlock The completion block. Will not get called if the operation is cancelled
       * @return a NSOperation instance containing the cache op
      - (nullable NSOperation *)queryCacheOperationForKey:(nullable NSString *)key done:(nullable SDCacheQueryCompletedBlock)doneBlock;
  • 同步在内存查询图片

       * Query the memory cache synchronously.
       * @param key The unique key used to store the image
      - (nullable UIImage *)imageFromMemoryCacheForKey:(nullable NSString *)key;
  • 同步在disk查询图片

       * Query the disk cache synchronously.
       * @param key The unique key used to store the image
      - (nullable UIImage *)imageFromDiskCacheForKey:(nullable NSString *)key;
  • 同步查找图片,先内存后disk

       * Query the cache (memory and or disk) synchronously after checking the memory cache.
       * @param key The unique key used to store the image
      - (nullable UIImage *)imageFromCacheForKey:(nullable NSString *)key;



  • 全部移除

       * Remove the image from memory and disk cache asynchronously
       * @param key             The unique image cache key
       * @param completion      A block that should be executed after the image has been removed (optional)
      - (void)removeImageForKey:(nullable NSString *)key withCompletion:(nullable SDWebImageNoParamsBlock)completion;
  • 移除内存数据,是否也移除disk数据

       * Remove the image from memory and optionally disk cache asynchronously
       * @param key             The unique image cache key
       * @param fromDisk        Also remove cache entry from disk if YES
       * @param completion      A block that should be executed after the image has been removed (optional)
      - (void)removeImageForKey:(nullable NSString *)key fromDisk:(BOOL)fromDisk withCompletion:(nullable SDWebImageNoParamsBlock)completion;
  • 移除disk数据,是否也移除内存数据 这种情况SDWebImageCache未实现



  • 清空内存

       * Clear all memory cached images
      - (void)clearMemory;
  • 清空disk

       * Async clear all disk cached images. Non-blocking method - returns immediately.
       * @param completion    A block that should be executed after cache expiration completes (optional)
      - (void)clearDiskOnCompletion:(nullable SDWebImageNoParamsBlock)completion;
  • 清空过期数据

       * Async remove all expired cached image from disk. Non-blocking method - returns immediately.
       * @param completionBlock A block that should be executed after cache expiration completes (optional)
      - (void)deleteOldFilesWithCompletionBlock:(nullable SDWebImageNoParamsBlock)completionBlock;



  • 获取disk使用size

       * Get the size used by the disk cache
      - (NSUInteger)getSize;
  • 获取disk缓存的图片数目

       * Get the number of images in the disk cache
      - (NSUInteger)getDiskCount;
  • 异步获取disk使用size

       * Asynchronously calculate the disk cache's size.
      - (void)calculateSizeWithCompletionBlock:(nullable SDWebImageCalculateSizeBlock)completionBlock;
  • 获取某个路径下的指定的图片,比如key为,path,那么调用后边的方法后,返回

       *  Get the cache path for a certain key (needs the cache path root folder)
       *  @param key  the key (can be obtained from url using cacheKeyForURL)
       *  @param path the cache path root folder
       *  @return the cache path
      - (nullable NSString *)cachePathForKey:(nullable NSString *)key inPath:(nonnull NSString *)path;
  • 获取默认的缓存路径

       *  Get the default cache path for a certain key
       *  @param key the key (can be obtained from url using cacheKeyForURL)
       *  @return the default cache path
      - (nullable NSString *)defaultCachePathForKey:(nullable NSString *)key;




  1. SDWebImage源码解读 之 NSData+ImageContentType 简书 博客园
  2. SDWebImage源码解读 之 UIImage+GIF 简书 博客园
  3. SDWebImage源码解读 之 SDWebImageCompat 简书 博客园
  4. SDWebImage源码解读_之SDWebImageDecoder 简书 博客园
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