I am in need of a loan of a bike for weeks
. budget
We only have budget of 30.
. recession
African economy is in deep recession.
twelve stages of repayment.
. deposit: di'pazit
money: the money you need to pay for order, the money you depose in the blank,
v: put down
millions were deposited into Swiss blank account.
. Rebate e-i a-ei
Buyers are offered a crash rebate.
. unemployment
an area of high/low unemployment
. squander :skw)nde
He squandered all his money on gambling.
. go broken / bankrupt kru-,crv
Because of economy recession, his firm went bankrupt.
. currency: u-v en-en
Bitcoin is a kind of digital currency.
. income/ profit: pra:fit
. payoff :回报 解约金
The landlord need to pay for our payoff because he force us to move house without our agreement.
. total amount
. monopoly: me'napli
- a company totally control the market
For years, Alphabel Company have a monopoly on telephone services in US
. inflation
a low/high inflation
. credit
- an arrangement that you make, with a shop/store for example, to pay later or sth you buy
Most new cars are bought on credit.
- v: add money into your account
For some accident, my account's been credited with an extra $100,000,000.
. arrangement: [ e'r3nd3ment ]
- agreement with others / somethings that has been agreed on
It would usually cost $500, but I'm sure we can come to some arrangement.
. loan: [loʊn]
- an amount of money that you borrow from a bank.
The country has no access to foreign loan and financial acid
- v: lend sb sth especially money
Would you load me $500?
. mortgage
. installment
- a part of money
You can pay by installmentp
. bond: band
- 债券
Given Money:
. change
- an amount of money that you have to pay for a service
We can arrange this for a small charge
. supplement [ˈsʌpləmənt]
- an amount of money that you have to pay for extra services, especially in addition to the basic cost of a holiday or vacation.
Safety deposit boxes are available at a supplement.
. expense [ɪkˈspɛns]
- the money that you spend on sth
She always take first-class in travel regardless of expense.
. repay: repei
- to give the money you got from others
I need to repay the loan/ debt/ mortgage.
. cheque: tf3k
- 支票
You could write her a cheque.
. charge
- the amount of money that sb asks for goods and services
We need to ask a small charge for this service.
admission charges 入场费
- to ask an amount of money for goods or a service
In foreign restaurants, server will charge for extra fee.
- a sum of money paid for a professional service or advice
Gotten Money:
. refund: ['ri:fʌnd]
- a sum of money that is paid back to you, especially because you paid too much or you return the goods
a tax refun
- v
We'll refund your money to you in all if you are not entirely satisfied.
. reimburse: [ˌri:ɪmˈbɜ:rs]
You'll be reimbursed for any loss or damage caused by our company.
. profit
. benefit
. income
. revenue
- especially a company / government's income
. property of a company
1. equity: 3quiti ( the exact property after calculating all including debt,often change )
People who make smaller investments in start-up companies in exchange for equity in the company usually fund their investment out of their own pocket.
2. asset: aes3t ( total property of the company )
By the end of 1989, the asset of the company had reached 3.5 billion francs.
3. capital ( start-up company's capital )
This capital for starting a company is from his family.
. invoice / bill :inv)ice (发票)
after eating, I request them to make a invoice for me.
. bargain: ba:gen
- n: a thing that bought for less than the usual price.
I picked up some good bargains in the sale.
- n: agreement between two or more people or groups, to do sth for each other
He and his partner made a bargain to tell each other anythings.
They prefer to bargain with individual client for cash.
Property of sb
estate: i'steit
- a large area of land, usually own by one person or one family
real estate
- a area of land with lots of houses or factories of the same type
She lived in a tower block on an estate in London
- 遗产
legacy: l3geci / inheritance [ɪnˈh3rɪtəns] 美
- money or property that is given to you by sb when they die
He received 30billion legacy.
He wanted his legacy that can be inherited year by year
1. angel investor
2. venture capital
3. selling share
4. borrow money from friends and relative
5. from your credit cards
6. getting a bank loan
7. crowd funding
1. insurance
2. gold
3. stock market
4. house
When I bought it, it reduced by 100 and shopkeeper afford 12 stages of repayment without any interest.