奥德赛(Odysseus)和他的同伴来到了Cicones,他们洗劫了城市,杀人、掳掠财富;但是他的伙伴们过于贪婪,当那些人们唤来友邻来帮助时,面对强大的对手,折损了6名士兵(sixmen-at-arms)。逃到海上,并没有一帆风顺,宙斯(Zeus)多加阻挠,使得他们偏离了目的地——家。先是来到了忘忧国度(theland of the Lotus-eaters),岛上是些活在梦想中的、以吃莲花生的人,生活无忧无虑。下船后,他的伙伴们尝试了这神奇的东西,结果个个都忘了回家。无奈之下,奥德赛不得不将他们拽捆回去。
But I brought them back, back
to the hollow ships, and streaming tears—I forced them,
hauled them under the rowing benches, lashed them fast
and shouted out commands to my other, steady comrades:
‘Quick, no time to lose, embark in the racing ships!’—
so none could eat the lotus, forget the voyage home.
然后,他们继续踏上征程,来到了独眼巨人的岛上(theland of the high and mighty Cyclops)。他们被这里所吸引,想一探究竟。
I’ll go across with my own ship and crew
and probe the natives living over there.
What are they—violent, savage, lawless?
or friendly to strangers, god-fearing men?’
Let’s make away with the cheeses, then come back—
hurry, drive the lambs and kids from the pens
to our swift ship, put out to sea at once!’
‘Strangers!’ he thundered out, ‘now who are you?
Where did you sail from, over the running sea-lanes?
Out on a trading spree or roving the waves like pirates,
sea-wolves raiding at will, who risk their lives
to plunder other men?’
But since we’vechanced on you, we’re at your knees
in hopes of a warmwelcome, even a guest-gift,
the sort that hostsgive strangers. That’s the custom.
Respect the gods, my friend. We’re suppliants—at your mercy!
Zeus of the Strangers guards all guests and suppliants:
strangers are sacred—Zeus will avenge their rights!
So he laid his trap
but he never caught me, no, wise to the world
I shot back in my crafty way, ‘My ship?
Poseidon god of the earthquake smashed my ship,
he drove it against the rocks at your island’s far cape,
dashed it against a cliff as the winds rode us in.
I and the men you see escaped a sudden death.’
There at a stroke we’d finish off ourselves as well—
how could we with our bare hands heave back
that slab he set to block his cavern’s gaping maw?
how could I pay him back? would Athena give me glory?
Here was the plan that struck my mind as best …
‘Nobody, friends’—Polyphemus bellowed back from his cave—
‘Nobody’s killing me now by fraud and not by force.’‘
So, Cyclops, no weak coward it was whose crew
you bent to devour there in your vaulted cave—.
you with your brute force! Your filthy crimes
came down on your own head, you shameless cannibal,
daring to eat your guests in your own house—
so Zeus and the other gods have paid you back!