优步的产品非常简洁。它在司机和乘客之间建立一个交易场所,并从车费中抽取大约 1/5 的佣金,优步服务的用户越多,便能越好的发挥作用:乘客减少了等候时间,司机更好的利用了自己的时间。
What Uber is doing is very simple: establishing a dealing platform for drivers and passengers on around 1/5 of commission. Its performance is proportional to the number of its customers: with the decrease of passengers’ waiting time, drivers can also enjoy more flexible times.
Its product is elegantly simple. Uber makes a market between drivers and passengers and takes a cut of about a fifth of the fare. The more people use its service, the better it functions, with lower waiting periods for passengers, and better use of drivers’ time.
注:原文用 its 是因为有上下文,这里 its = Uber’s。
👉中文是“简洁”,如果只翻译成simple那就是“简单”,看到经济学人原文用了elegantly simple,果然很妙。
[N-SING: oft poss N] Someone’s cut of the profits or winnings from something, especially ones that have been obtained dishonestly, is their share.[INFORMAL]
The lawyers, of course, take their cut of the little guy's winnings.
Anki’s product is elegantly simple. Anki developed a program for users to remember things, which is a lot more efficient than traditional study methods. The more contents uploaded in Anki, the better it functions, users can either greatly decrease their time spent studying, or greatly increase the amount they learn.