I assure you that in none of them am I dancing. 我保证其中没一个“我”是在跳舞的
Sorry, I haven't given her your schedule yet. 抱歉 我还没给她你的日程表
She can put it right in her phone. 她可以下到手机里
That doesn't seem likely. 这是不太可能的
I'm sure that will happen soon enough. 这个愿望很快就能实现了
Can we leave it at that? 就这样了行吗
Anybody want to come along? 有人想一起去吗
I think we'll pass. 我们就不去了
In this case, you bet she is. 这件事 肯定她说了算
You can't train my girlfriend like a lab rat. 你不能拿我女朋友当小白鼠训
Actually, it turns out I can. 事实证明 我能
No, this has to stop. 不行 这一套必须打住
Not particularly. 没有特别高兴
What could she possibly be talking about for so long? 她究竟在聊啥聊这么久
Come again? 再说一遍
Okay, here we go. 好了 我们开始
Okay, that's it. 够了 到此为止
What's the big deal? You've done this before. 这有什么 你又不是没纹过
When we tell this story, let's end it differently. 等回去说起此事时 要编个不一样的结局