
About Sarasota


In the Sarasota area, you can enjoy the breathtaking sunsets, educational museums, operas, ballets, plays, golf tournaments, and boat races. You can join in tennis, lawn bowling, water skiing, shell collecting, bird watching, growing exotic tropical plants, university classes, golf, or boating.


Quality service is available from knowledgeable physicians, bankers, lawyers, investment brokers, lenders and insurance agents, who can help answer your questions about living and conducting business in Florida.


Sarasota, together with its neighbors to the north and south, Manatee County and Charlotte County, form the 7th-largest market in Florida. It is also Florida’s third-fastest growing major market. With over 600,000 people, the Sarasota/Manatee/Charlotte area is one of the largest, most affluent markets in Florida. In the last 5 years, it has grown 4 times faster than the national average. The per capita retail sales are almost 20% above the national average. It has a strong base of retirement age people, about a third of the population, but the fastest-growing segment of the market is middle-aged adults and their children. It has approximately 1/4 the population of the Tampa/St. Petersburg area.

Sarasota,连同它的邻居到北部和南部,马纳蒂县和夏洛特县,形成第七大市场佛罗里达州。这也是佛罗里达州增长最快的第三大市场。超过600000人,Sarasota /海牛/夏洛特地区是最大的,在佛罗里达州最富裕的市场。在过去的5年中,它已经比全国平均水平快4倍。人均零售额近20%,高于全国平均水平。它有很强的退休年龄,大约占总人口的第三,但增长最快的部分是中年人和他们的孩子。它拥有约1 / 4的坦帕/圣彼得堡地区的人口。

The beauty of Sarasota will get your attention on your first visit. If you see Sarasota first from the window of an airplane, the colors of the Gulf of Mexico and Sarasota Bay, contrasting with the brilliant white sand of Longboat, Lido, and Siesta beaches, will make you anxious to see more. A rainbow of colors comes from the tall condominiums shining in the sun, the warm tile on the roof and patio of the mansion built by circus magnate John Ringling, the various green hues from the lush jungle-like vegetation, the flowers that are blooming any month of the year, and the lavender seashell-design Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall.


Sarasota boasts some of the oldest and newest homes in the area. Some homes were built over 50 years ago as winter vacation cottages. Others are new gated bayfront estates with manicured grounds, marble foyers, soaring ceilings, the newest fixtures and technological advances, and spectacular views.


Residents from any neighborhood can enjoy the wide range of activities available throughout Sarasota. Whether your taste in art leans more toward circus posters, Rubens and Poussin, seashell creations, sand sculptures, or the new art of the Ringling School of Art students, it’s here. Your hunger for theatre can be filled by the Foreign Film Festival, the Asolo Theatre Company, Florida Studio Theatre, Island Players, Lemon Bay Playhouse, or Theatre Works, for a start.


If you want to add music to your diet, you could begin with the Florida West Coast Symphony, Key Chorale, Gloria Musicae, the Jazz Club of Sarasota, Sarasota Ballet of Florida, Sarasota Blues Society, Sarasota Opera Association, or the Sarasota Concert Band.

如果你想添加音乐到你的饮食,你可以开始与佛罗里达西海岸的交响乐,关键的合唱团,Gloria Musicae,Sarasota的爵士俱乐部,Sarasota Ballet佛罗里达州,萨拉索塔萨拉索塔歌剧布鲁斯社会协会,或萨拉索塔音乐会乐队。

You also have a large number of choices when you look for educational opportunities, spectator or participant sports, boating and other water activities, restaurant styles, museums, state parks, or fresh citrus. Traveling to areas around Sarasota is easy, with quick access to Interstate-75. Tampa and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Florida Aquarium, Dali Museum and other attractions, is only an hour north of Sarasota. Disney World’s many attractions, near Orlando, are only 125 miles away, about a 2.5 hour drive.

当你寻找教育机会、观众或参与运动、划船和其他水上活动、餐馆风格、博物馆、州立公园或新鲜柑橘时,你也有很多选择。旅游区在Sarasota是容易的,快速访问interstate-75。坦帕和坦帕湾的海盗、佛罗里达水族馆、Dali Museum等景点,只有一个小时的Sarasota北。迪士尼世界的许多景点,离奥兰多只有125英里,大约有2.5小时车程。

See our events page for coming special events.


There is truth in the statement that you can’t be bored in Sarasota unless you want to be!


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