1. Introduction
What Is Philosophy of Mind?
1.1 心灵哲学是啥?
Metaphysical Preliminaries
Mind-Body Supervenience
Materialism and Physicalism
Varieties of Mental Phenomena
Is There a “Mark of the Mental”?
1.1 心灵哲学是啥?
In coping with the myriad things and events that come our way at every mo-ment of our waking life, we try to organize them into manageable chunks.
We do this by sorting things into groups—categorizing them as “rocks,” “trees,” “fish,” “birds,” “bricks,” “fires,” “rains,” and countless other kinds—and describ-ing them in terms of their properties and features as “large” or “small,” “tall” or “short,” “red” or “yellow,” “slow” or “swift,” and so on. A distinction that we al-most instinctively apply to just about everything is whether it is alivingthing. (It might be a dead bird, but still we know it is thekindof thing that lives, un-like a rock or a celadon vase, which couldn’t be “dead.”) There are exceptions, of course, but it is unusual for us to know what something is without at the same time knowing, or having some ideas about, whether it is a living thing. Another example: When we know a person, we almost always know whether the person is male or female.
The same is true of the distinction between things, or creatures, with a “mind” and those without a mind. This, too, is one of the most basic contrasts we use in our thoughts about things in the world. Our attitudes toward crea-tures that are conscious and capable of experiencing sensations like pain and pleasure are importantly different from our attitudes toward things lacking such capacities, mere chunks of matter or insentient plants, as witness the controversies about vegetarianism and scientific experiments involving live animals. And we are apt to regard ourselves as occupying a special and distinctive place in the natural world on account of our particularly highly developed mental capacities and functions, such as the capacity for abstract thoughts, self-consciousness, artistic sensibilities, complex emotions, and a capacity for rational deliberation and action. Much as we admire the miracle of the flora and fauna, we do not think that every living thing has a mind or that we need a psychological theory to understand the life cycles of elms and birches or the behavior and reproductive patterns of amoebas. Except those few of us with certain mystical inclinations, we do not think that members of the plant world are endowed with mentality, and we would exclude many members of the ani-mal kingdom from the mental realm as well. We would not think that planarians and gnats have a mental life that is fit for serious psychological inquiry.
When we come to higher forms of animal life, such as cats, dogs, and chimpanzees, we find it entirely natural to grant them a fairly rich mental life. They are surelyconsciousin that they experiencesensations, like pain, itch, and pleasure; theyperceivetheir surroundings more or less the way we do and use the information so gained to guide their behavior. They alsorememberthings—that is, store and use information about their surroundings—andlearnfrom experience, and they certainly appear to havefeelingsandemo-tions, such as fear, frustration, and anxiety. We describe their psychologicallife using the expressions we normally use for fellow human beings: “Phoebe is feeling cramped inside the pet carrier and all that traffic noise has made her nervous. The poor thing is dying to be let out.”
But are the animals, even the more intelligent ones like horses and dolphins, capable of complex social emotions like embarrassment and shame? Are they capable of forming intentions, engaging in deliberation and making decisions, or performing logical reasoning? When we go down the ladder of animal life to, say, oysters, crabs, and earthworms, we would think that their mental life is considerably impoverished in comparison with that of, say, a do-mestic cat. Surely these creatures have sensations, we think, for they react in appropriate ways to noxious stimuli, and they have sense organs through which they gain information about what goes on around them and adjust and modify their behavior accordingly. But do they have minds? Are they conscious? Do they have mentality? What is it to have a mind, or mentality?