#A verifiable and long read length NGS sequencing method (from chemistry, sequencer, to algorism)
## Fig1 intro 2+2
* Work flow
* 1x4 work flow
* 2+2 work flow
* KEY:没有空cycle,homopolymers更长。
* Verifiable
* 010101XOR清晰的校验规则
##Fig2 Fluorogenic sequencing demonstration
* Core fluorogenic chemistry (on surface) . KEY:突出化学
* TG spectra specs. KEY:突出化学
* Key kinetic
* homopolymer聚合酶的动力学方程
* data: single TPLFN and double TPLFNs mix. KEY:一种碱基两种碱基动力学并无区别;homopolymer时间上无区别
* Sequencer, a complete sequencing work flow (画个更好的版本)
* 仪器结构
* 每轮反应中的真实信号,温度等等
* Flow Chip, Surface and PCR. KEY: 突出化学工作
* how to achieve in high throughput format
* Surface stable test. Signal degeneration
* Sample data => sequence. KEY:前面说的都是可行的:
* 1x4
* 2+2
##Fig3 Long read length (from same time)
* Table:1x4 and 2+2 comparison(infinite length random sequence simulation)
* Signal cycle rate
* Homopolymer distribution
* Effective cycle before degeneration
* Carry Forward and IE
* 模拟CAFIE的结果(重要)
* 特征:长程累积,越展越开。一定限度就不提供信息量了。
* 一个过的去,两个过不去
* CF+IE+DG algorism: simulation, illustration of carry forward and insufficient extension.
* 中间出错不影响后面矫正。
* 可以翻一倍左右有效读长
* Corrected data
* Typical CF, IE degeneration value.
* Bar_nt: RAW => corrected , long readlength
* Table: Fluorogenic Sequencing 1x4, 2+2, RAW, after correction
* Table: 在不同的CFIE参数下,不同测序仪可达到的读长。KEY: 隐含可以普适。
##Fig4 Verifiable (accuracy)
* Information calculation table (redundant information)
* Rectification
* False positive chart: Very low FP compare to 1x4
* Table: 在不同的错误率下,可达到的准确度。
* 不同homopolymer长度的indel 准确度。
* Substitution的比较。
##Fig5 Best results
* Table:sample,HP分布,readlength,errorrate,FP,等等。