
What we need is a blank slate, someone totally suggestible, an empty piece of clay we can mold 塑造 to our whims(a sudden desire).

I've dealt with unicorn before, and If I had to describe them in one word, it would be "frustrating"

I used to be one of the sweetest people I knew, but recently I've been slacking 松弛,偷懒 in the whole goodness department.Well today we'll gonna fix it.

Welcome, all, to the final debate in what's sure to be  [on an a cosmic scales] a forgettable blip in human history.

Accounts differ of his true motivations and origins.I know he's older than ou galaxy.And far more twisted, not a physical form, he can only project himself into our thoughts through the mindscape思维空间.That's why he want this. I dismantled portal.But with this tear,Bill still has a way into our reality.To get his hand on this rift, he would trick or posses anyone.

Dipper,I was a fool try to hide all this.The reason I've been trying to prepare you for Bill's trick is because bill tricked me.It's the biggest regret of my life. bill wasn't always my enemy.Dipper,I used to think he was my friend long long ago.I had hit a road lock in my investigation of gravity falls, until I found some mysterious writing in a cave, Ancient incantations about a being with answer.It warned me not to read them.I read the inscription ,but nothing happened until later that afternoon.

He told me me he was a muse that he chose one brilliant mind  a century to inspire.What a fool I was! Blinded by his flattery and games, he became my research assistant.He was free to move in and out off my mind  as he pleased. We were partners.When he told me that I could complete my research by building a gateway to other worlds,I trusted him.He said this was the way genius happened with a little help from a friend.It seemed that I was on the verge of my greatest achievement.Until my partner got a glimpse of bill's true plans.

Let's just say when the portal finishes charging up, your dimension is gonna learn how to party.

You can't stop bridge between our world from coming.but it would be fun watch you try.

I'd been betrayed,I shut the petal down, severing the link between bill's world and ours.I had to hide my instructions so no one ever finish bill's  work.Bill's been waiting for the gateway to reopen ever since.All he need to do is get his hand on this rift.To bill  it's just a game.But to us, it would mean the end of the world.

In one week, we become teenagers, and summer vacation winds to an end.So we need to throw the greatest party of all time.

-Dipper,let me ask you about something.Have you thought about your future?

-no,not really. I mean beyond graduating high school with a high GPA,so I can get accepted to a good technical college with a photograph and media production minor主修摄影兼修传媒 to start my own ghost hunting show.

-It's like talking to a younger version of myself.If you are so sure of what you want out of life.Why waste?Why put up with the drudgery 单调沉闷的工作of school?

-Huh trust me I'd love to fast forward the whole thing, but not like I have a choice.

_Dipper,I've been thinking I'm getting too old to investigate Gravity Falls on my own.I need train an apprentice  学徒 to help me fight monsters,solve mysteries and protect this town.And I think I'd like to keep it in the family.I've read your additions 注释 my journals and I'm impressed with your potential.Dipper,I have 12 PHDs ,your parents would be thrilled If I could give you such an advance education.

-Mabel will be fine on her own.She has magnetic personality.I watched she become penpals with pizza delivery man in the 60seconds she was at the door.

I'm not sure, but being a hero means fighting back even when it's impossible.在毫无希望的情况下背水一战

Anyway,It's been fun turning Gravity Falls inside out, 天翻地覆 rounding up 围捕 all its terrified citizens and then stacking 堆叠 them into this massive throne of frozen human agony. 凝结人类痛苦的巨大王座

Mabel's bubble is the most diabolical 恶魔的 trap I've ever created.It would take titanium not to give into its temptations.

Hey ,Wendy what's up? I thought you were busy wrecking the school or whatever.

-Yeah,that got old quick.And this music is really start to get on my nerves.

Look,mabel,this whole thing is ridiculous.But if wining a trial is what it takes to get you home with us, then so be it.

My case is simple, this very unrighteous dude thinks the reality is better than fantasy.But reality is bogus, lame,whack. (pretend to be)(差劲的,蹩脚的)(伤人,重击)

Look real life stinks sometimes, ok? I'm not gonna lie.There's a better way to get through it than denial, And that's with help from people who care about you,It's how we've gotten through our whole life.

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