Think element not points
Posted 16 Nov 2010
When we approach treatment, our mantrashould always be: Think element, notpoints. We know that we treat by needling aseries of points, but we must think of these points not asindividual stitches in a garment, but as shaping the garment as awhole. It has always surprised me how muchattention practitioners seem to pay to individual points, whilstplacing very much in a subsidiary role the element upon whosemeridians these points lie, of which they form only a smallpart.
I am convinced of the cumulative natureof working upon an element, rather than the need to rely upon theindividual action of specificpoints. In my view it istherefore never just one individual point which does the trick, andturns the tide of treatment as it were. Rather,there is a gradual accumulation of effect, as the selection ofdifferent points on that meridian/element adds layer upon layer tothe elements effectiveness in redressing a patientsimbalances. There may come a tipping-point as aresult of one treatment, where ill-health turns at last to goodhealth, but it is created, not by the points selected for thatparticular treatment, but as a result of having, with eachpreceding treatment, through the selection of one point or a seriesof points after another, placed weight upon weight on the side ofthe scales of health labelled balance.
The greater the over-emphasis on pointsto the detriment of the subtleties of the elemental and meridiannetworks to which they belong, the more practitioners are reluctantto engage with the elements at the deep level such a relationshipcalls for. This deep level of understanding helpsremove the emphasis on individual points, replacing it instead withwhat I regard as a much simpler scenario. Herethe power of each element and of its servants, its two yin and yangofficials, remains always to the fore, with correspondingly lessemphasis placed on deciding which of its points to select toharness its energy. All pointsbelonging to an element enhance in different ways that elementsenergy, each becoming one of the many doorways through which thisenergy can be directed. This is why it ispossible for practitioners to choose quite different points on thesame meridian and yet lead to a similar level of improvement in thepatient.
If the effectiveness of treatment liesin the cumulative effect of selecting points on the same elementrather than in selecting a succession of unrelated, individualpoints, it is then very much a matter for individual practitionerspreferences which points relating to that element are selected atwhich stage of treatment. These selections areusually based on the protocols used in the particular branch ofacupuncture in which they have been trained or by the individualteachers who have passed on their knowledge to them, and they willtherefore vary from school to school and from practitioner topractitioner.