

From qingyunrui



From 木心



如果我们能抛下过去,不管那些新的尝试是否成功,但至少我们会获得内心的轻松和平和。想起了Oscar Wilde的一句话:“过去的事情唯一可爱之处在于它已经过去。”("The one charm of the past is that it is the past.") 所有伤痛和不幸的最好结局是:一切已成为过去,而我已重新在路上。

From 怂


I never let the memory of something painful prevent me from trying something  new. If you think too much about the ass-kicking your mom gave you,or the  ass-kicking that life gave you, you’ll stop pushing the boundaries and breaking  the rules. It’s better to take it, spend some time crying, then wake up the next day and move on. You’ll have a few bruises and they’ll remind you of  what happened and that’s okay. But after a while the bruises fade, and they fade for a reason— because now it’s time to get up to some shit again.  永远不要被那些痛苦的过去阻碍自己尝试新的事物,要勇于打破规则、突破障碍。可以为困难而哭泣,但是生活还在继续,哭过之后还是要继续前进,好好生活。发生过的事情总会过去,正是因此,才需要我们站起来继续向前走。


From qingyunrui

1.I prided myself on being the ultimate prankster.

I was extremely proud of my letter-writing abolities.

积累口语表达, 为自己的某种行为感到自豪

仿写:  I pride myself on reading book every day.

2, At that age my love of  fire was in full bloom
3, backfire

原文:The only way it backfired on her was that I constantly challenged and questioned her.


英文:1, if a plan or action backfires, it has the opposite effect to the one you intened

例句:The company's new policy backfired when a number of employees threatened to quit.

motor vehicles  colors&sounds

      2, if a car backfires, it makes a suddenloud noise because the engine is not working correctly

总之 这个单词 有一种  后院起火;事与愿违的感觉

From 木心

1.I think he thought he was giving me an ultimatum that would get me to shape up

Shape up

①to improve your behaviour or work:

例句:You kids had better shape up, because I’m in no mood to fool around.

②to make progress in a particular way:

~progress/ plan

例句:Ken’s plans for the business are shaping up nicely.

仿写:The government has yet to shape up the progress of smoking prohibition.

✏️ shape as

Immigration is shaping up as a major issue in the campaign.

✏️ shape up to be something

It's shaping up to be a pretty big party.

③shape up or ship out 美式 口语

used to tell someone that if they do not improve, they will be made toleave a place or their job 要么表现好要么走人

2. The principal laid into me.

lay into somebody/ something 短语动词

释义:to attack or criticize someone or something:


例句:Outside the club, two men were laying into each other.

仿写:Pay attention to thunder, in case it laid into you suddenly.

Learn to buck that trend now and you will be a better man because of it

buck [及物动词]to oppose something in a direct way:


例句:He was a rebel who bucked the system (=opposed rules or authority).

例句:Unemployment in the area has bucked the trend by falling over thelast month.

✏️ buck against

✏️ buck ˈup:  (often in orders) to become more cheerful ➔cheer up

例句:Buck up, kid! Itʼs not the end of the game.

仿写:Initially, Trevor's mother had bucked against the apartheid.


1. At my gran’s house I always got seconds, which none of the other kids got.

seconds: 第二份食物;还可以表示“次品”--clothes or other goods that are cheaper than usual because they are not perfect

7. My mom would have given me proper sit-down hidings if I’d given her the opportunity, but she could never catch me.

hiding: spoken, beating, a severe physical punishment

You'll get a good hiding when you come home!

From 怂

1. to death  极致

原文:My mom used to take me to the park so she could run me to death to  burn off the energy.

英义:Used to emphasize the extreme nature of a specific action, feeling, or  state of mind.

例句:I've got used to speaking in public but it used to scare me to death。

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