I have been learning English for two monthes, but the result is limited.
Now, I want to look back on this peroid. I have strenghed my English through these ways:
1.learn words. I have reviewed CET4 and TEC words with the help of BaiCiZhan, honesly, BaiCiZhan is a wanderful APP about learning English, it's not just an APP,it is a system with product, productor, funcer, and related products which I could get in TaoBao. but to the result, I have to say, I only gleaned a few words, that means I haven't really remember those words, maybe I need more review, maybe I should learn how to use them more.
2. Listen English songs. It has a lot of fun to do this, and I'm suprised with some English songs by their lovely sound, like "what makes you beautiful", "good boy","call me maybe","boom clap". But to my purperse, look up each song's words is nesscery.
3.watch English movie. This is my favorate part, I have watched "high school musical1" more than 3 times, and listened it's conversation more than 10 times, of cause, I have read its script carefully. These days, I'm adopted in another exallent science fiction movie named "serenity". I think this is the most useful measure for me to learn English, because the words could recall me about the scence it ocorred in the movie.
4.writing. it is what I'm doing now. And I must do it more, everyday an artist would be better.