

默认分类 2007-08-25 22:43   阅读3评论0 

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   1、 a fortiori——更加

prep. Latin for "with even stronger reason," which applies to a situation in which if one thing is true then it can be inferred that a second thing is even more certainly true. Thus, if Abel is too young to serve as administrator, then his younger brother Cain certainly is too young.

   【注】 a fortiori(更加),系拉丁语,意为“有更充分的理由”。

   2、A mensa et thoro——法定分居

   A mensa et thoro is a Latin term meaning "from table and bed" which became used in English as "from bed and board."

A kind of divorce which does not dissolve the marriage bond, but merely authorizes a separate life of the husband and wife. Neither spouse has the right to remarry where there is a divorce a mensa et thoro; only parties who have been awarded a divorce a vinculo matrimonii, the more common type of divorce, can do so.

   【注】 即一种不解散婚姻关系的离婚。处于此种状态的配偶均不得再婚。

   3、A vinculo matrimonii——解除婚姻、离婚

  literally "from the bond of marriage." Such a divorce generally enables the parties to marry again.

   【注】 意为“解除婚姻关系”。

   4、Ab initio——自始无效

[Latin, From the beginning; from the first act; from the inception.]。An agreement is said to be “void ab initio(自始无效)” if it has at no time had any legal validity. The illegality of the conduct or the revelation of the real facts makes the entire situation illegal ab initio (from the beginning), not just from the time the wrongful behavior occurs.

   【注】 形容事件由开始时的状态,例如合约从开始便已经无效,称为“The contract was void ab initio”。

   『笺』 “自始无效”(void ab initio)是一项合同法律关系中广泛运用的制度,它的意义在于,一旦某个合同或某项合同条款因违反法律或公共秩序而被宣告无效,那么宣告无效的效力将上溯到合同签订的那一刻起,即合同自始都是无效的。如果合同已部分履行,那么被宣告自始无效的合同的已履行部分将被恢复原状,回到合同履行前的状态。自始无效是一项古老的法律制度,它对于保护无效合同中善意当事人一方的利益具有极其现实的意义。



   obsolete:An apparent, plain, or downright murder. It was used to distinguish a wilful murder, from a chance-medley, or manslaughter. (Source: Bouviers Law Dictionary 1856 Edition)

   【注】 它通常指别于过失杀人、无过失杀人。


①To approve, encourage, and support (an action or a plan of action); urge and help on. ②To urge, encourage, or help (a person): abetted the thief in robbing the bank.

   This word is usually applied to aiding in the commission of a crime. The word abet is most commonly used as part of the comprehensive phrase aid and abet.

   【注】 指鼓动、煽动或怂恿别人做某事,特指实施犯罪。经常用在“怂恿并教唆”短语中。这种行为称之为教唆或实施教唆,实施这种行为的人称为教唆犯。教唆犯不同于从犯。从犯必须在犯罪进行时在场并鼓励或帮助主犯。犯罪前进行的帮助主要是同谋与促成犯罪,犯罪后进行的帮助如逃跑,均不构成教唆;只是犯罪时到场,并且未阻止犯罪也不构成教唆。教唆犯以前在重罪中,作为第二级主犯承担刑事责任。现在,在任何情况下,教唆犯都是作为主犯来承担责任的。(见《牛津法律大辞典》,光明日报出版社1988年版,第2页)


to travel covertly out of the jurisdiction of the courts, or to conceal oneself in order to avoid their process.

   【注】 秘密地躲藏起来以躲避逮捕或诉讼。


   An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal. The distinction between an accessory(从犯) and a principal(主犯) is a question of fact and degree:

●The principal is the one whose acts or omissions, accompanied by the relevant mens rea(犯罪意图), are the most immediate cause of the actus reus (Latin for "guilty act",即犯罪行为).

   ●If two or more people are directly responsible for the actus reus, they can be charged as joint principals (see common purpose. The test to distinguish a joint principal from an accessory is whether the defendant independently contributed to causing the actus reus rather than merely giving generalised and/or limited help and encouragement.

   In some jurisdictions, an accessory is distinguished from an accomplice(同谋、帮凶), who normally is present at the crime and participates in some way. A person who incites another to a crime will become a member of a conspiracy if agreement is reached, and may then be considered an accessory or a joint principal if the crime is eventually committed.

   The concept of accessory is part of English common law, and been inherited by those countries with a more or less Anglo-American legal system. The concept is less used in countries with completely different legal traditions. The specific terms accessory-before-the-fact and accessory-after-the-fact are more commonly used in England and the United Kingdom than in the United States and are more common in historical than in current usage.

   【注】 从犯,是相对于主犯在犯罪活动中的地位而言,是指在共同犯罪中起次要或者辅助作用的罪犯。从犯可为:(一)在共同犯罪中起次要作用的。这种从犯在犯罪集团活动中,听从主犯的指挥,从事某一方面的犯罪活动;或者在一般共同犯罪活动中,虽然参与了实施犯罪,但没有直接造成严重的后果和情节不很严重。(二)在共同犯罪中起辅助作用的。这种从犯一般是为共同犯罪活动提供犯罪工具、指点犯罪地点和对象、窥探被害人的行踪、排除障碍、创造有利条件,事先允许窝藏其他共同犯罪人和窝赃、销赃等等。他们都不直接参加实施犯罪的行为。


   9、Accelerated Rehabilitation——察看

   Also called AR. A program that gives persons charged with a crime or motor vehicle violation for the first time a second chance. The person is placed on probation for up to two years. If probation is completed satisfactorily, the charges are dismissed.

   【注】 当一个因犯罪或机动车辆违法而被控告时将被给予一个察看期。察看器一般是2年。察看期如果满意的话,控告将被取消。


   The generic name for the defendant in a criminal case.

   【注】 Accused通常指刑事案件的被告,民事诉讼的被告称为Defendant;而申索案件中的被索偿的一方称为Respondent(答辩人)。


   to be found not guilty of a violation of law.

   【注】 刑事案件经审讯后,被告罪名不成立被释放,称为“The accused is acquitted”。Acquittal是名词。


   Postponement of a court session until another time or place.

   【注】 法庭在聆讯途中暂时休庭30分钟,称为“adjourned for 30 minutes”。如要将聆讯押后再排期重审,称为“adjourned to a date to be fixed”。


   A decision or sentence imposed by a judge.

   【注】 法官作出的裁决或判决。

   14、Adjudicatory Hearing——裁决听证

  Juvenile court proceeding to determine whether the allegations made in a petition are true and whether the child/youth should be subject to orders of the court.

   【注】 少年法庭在判定申诉书中的申辩是否真实以及少年是否应屈从于法庭的命令而进行的一项流程。

   15、Adult Probation——未成年缓刑

   A legal status, applied to people 16 years of age and older, who have been convicted of a crime and placed under the supervision of a probation officer for a period of time set by the court.

   【注】 对16岁或更大一点的人因犯罪而给于的一种法律地位。其将在法庭确定的一段时间内接受缓刑监督官的监督。


   Affidavit: A written statement made under oath.

   Affirmation:Declaring something to be true under the penalty of perjury by a person who will not take an oath for religious or other reasons.

   【注】 以宗教仪式发誓后签署的书面证供称为Affidavit,而以真诚发誓所签署的证供称为Affirmation,两者的格式用词有些分别,但主要作用相同。


   "Also known as". Used to list aliases or another name, or another spelling of a name used by a person.

   【注】 “也称为,也即是”。通常用来列举一个人的别名、化名或其他名字及另外的拼写法。


  Saying that something is true. The assertion, declaration or statement of a party in a case, made in a pleading.

   【注】 诉讼陈词中未经证实的声言,例如:The Plaintiff alleged that his loss was due to the Defendant's breach of contract,原告声称他的损失是被告违约所引致。Allegation是名词。


Money a court requires one spouse to pay the other spouse for support before and/or after the divorce is granted. If you do not ask for alimony at the final hearing, you can never get it in the future.

   【注】 法院要求配偶的一方在离婚前或离婚后支付给另一方以维持生活的费用。

   20、Alternate Juror——候补陪审员、预备陪审员

   A juror selected as a substitute in case another juror must leave the jury panel.

   【注】 陪审团成员之一必须离场时,挑选一人以代替该名陪审员进行听审。21、A. L. R.(American Law Reports)——《美国法律报告》

In American law, the American Law Reports are a resource used by American lawyers to find a variety of sources relating to specific legal rules, doctrines, or principles. It is an important tool for legal research.

Each ALR volume contains several annotations. An annotation is an article that summarizes the evolution of a very specific legal concept in a concise and precise fashion. The article will either be preceded by the full text of an important relevant case, or in later series, contain a reference to the text of the case, which is reproduced at the end of the volume.

   【注】 A. L. R.(American Law Reports,《美国法律报告》),1919年开始由律师合作出版公司出版,现在由西方集团出版。从1992年起开始出版第五系列(A. L. R. 5th )。1969年以前A. L. R.的内容一直包括涉及联邦法律问题及州法律问题的判决,从1969年考试不再收录联邦法院的判决。后者收入新出版的一个系列,《美国联邦法律报告》(American Law Reports, Federal),简称A. L. R. Fed.。A. L. R.和A. L. R. Fed.由“注释”和“判例”两部分组成。

   22、Amicus curiae——法庭之友、法官的顾问(也有人将其译为“法庭特聘顾问”)

Amicus curiae (Latin, plural amici curiae) is defined as, "A friend of the court. One not a party to a case who volunteers to offer information on a point of law or some other aspect of the case to assist the court in deciding a matter before it". The information may be a legal opinion in the form of a brief, testimony that has not been solicited by any of the parties, or a learned treatise on a matter that bears on the case.

   “……a phrase that literally means "friend of the court" -- someone who is not a party to the litigation, but who believes that the court's decision may affect its interest."”William H. Rehnquist, The Supreme Court, page 89.

   【注】 “法庭之友”(amicus curiae或friends of the court),根据布莱克法律词典的解释,是指“对法院有疑问的事实或法律上的观点善意地提醒法院注意或向法院报告的人”。据此可以理解,所谓的“法庭之友”,通常是对特定案件的事实或法律问题具有专业特长或独到见解的专业人士,其向法院提供的报告将有助于法庭加深对特定案件的理解从而形成公正合理的判断。在这个意义上说,“法庭之友”对特定案件的解决是有积极意义的。

   『笺』 “法庭之友”有着悠久的历史,它肇始于罗马法,发展于英国普通法,而后移植到美国法中得以繁荣。“法庭之友”发展至今,也为许多大陆法系国家的法院所采用,如法国;国际仲裁机构也有一定程度的采用。在国外学者的相关论著中,提及“法庭之友”时,亦会用“Amicus”的缩写;相应地,“法庭之友陈述”也有“Amicus Curiae Briefs”和“Amicus Briefs”两种表达方式。

   23、Anno Domini/A.D.——耶穌紀元……年、公元……年

Anno Domini (Latin : "In the year of (Our) Lord"), abbreviated as AD or A.D., defines an epoch based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth. AD is also an abbreviation for Christian Era. Similarly, Before Christ (from the Ancient Greek "Christos" or "Anointed One", referring to Jesus), abbreviated as BC or B.C., is used in the English language to denote years before the start of this epoch. Some prefer the alternatives 'CE' and 'BCE', arguing that they are more neutral terms

   【注】 Anno Domini(耶穌紀元……年、公元……年),西拉丁语,意为“我们在主的时代”,一般缩写为A.D.,公元的時間計算起於耶穌基督出生之日。

   24、Anno Regni/ A. R.——在……统治时代、在……朝代

   'in the year of (his/her) reign'.

   【注】 Anno Regni(在……统治时代、在……朝代),一般缩写为A. R.。如A.R.V.R.22(Anno Regni Victoriae Reginae vicesimo secundo)指在维多利亞女王统治的第22年。


   A court order declaring that a marriage is invalid.

   Annulment is a legal procedure for declaring a marriage null and void. Annulment differs from divorce where the court ends an otherwise legal marriage on a specific date.

In strict legal terminology, annulment refers only to making a voidable marriage null; if the marriage is void ab initio, then it is automatically null, although a legal declaration of nullity is required to establish this. The process of obtaining such a declaration is similar to the annulment process.

   【注】 一份法院宣告其婚姻无效的判决书。撤消婚姻是宣布婚姻无效的一道法律程序。撤消婚姻不同于离婚。严格说来,无效婚姻指的是可推翻的婚姻。

   『笺』 annulment是annul的名词形式,意思是“废除、取消(法律等)”,尤其指取消法院对不合法婚姻所作的不生效的宣告。


   The party appealing a decision or judgment to a higher court.

   【注】 它指的是就某一决定或判决而向高级法院申诉的当事人。


  Submitting a case or dispute to designated parties for a decision, instead of using a judge.

   【注】 仲裁(arbitration)又称公断,是指各方当事人自愿地将他们之间发生的争议交给各方所同意的第三者进行审理和裁决,该裁决对各方当事人均具有约束力,能最终解决争议。


   “for purposes of argument”, as in "assuming 'arguendo' that my opponent's contentions are correct." [In Latin, in this context, "arguendo" would mean "for the sake of arguing concerning another thing."

   The term is most often used in the following logical context:

   ●P1 argues "X is a result of Y"

   ●P2 responds "While you may or may not be correct that X is a result of Y, assuming 'arguendo,' that you are correct, you still fail to account for the existence of Z, which makes null your contention."

   【注】 “法律中的前提假定”通常用于“为了讨论另外有关的事情”。


   The first court appearance of a person accused of a crime. The person is advised of his or her rights by a judge and may respond to the criminal charges by entering a plea. Usually happens the morning after a person is arrested.

   【注】 当大陪审团起诉书或检察官起诉书提交法院后,法院应根据迅速及时的原则,对该案安排传讯。传讯应当在公开法庭进行,被告人必须到庭。法官首先问明被告人个人情况,然后向被告人宣读起诉书,说明指控性质,告知被告人享有的诉讼权利,接着要求被告人对指控作出答辩。

   『笺』 一般说来,美国的刑事诉讼程序可以分为三个阶段,即审前程序,审理程序,和审后程序。

   审判前程序(Procedure Prior to Trial)基本包括以下几个步骤,即:提出控告(Complaint);逮捕(Arrest);在警察局“登记” (Booking);逮捕后在治安法官前聆讯(Appearance before Magistrate after Arrest);预审(Preliminary Examination,有时又称预先听证—preliminary hearing或审查性审判—examining trial);正式起诉(Filing of Accusation or Pleadings);传讯(Arraignment);被告人答辩(Plea by Defendant)。

   审理程序(Procedure during Trial)包括:选定陪审团(Selection of Jurors)、开场陈述(Opening Statements)、起诉方举证(Presentation of Government’s Case)、辩护方举证(Presentation of Defendant’s Case)、终结辩论(Closing Arguments)、指示陪审团(Instructing the Jury)、陪审团评议(Jury Deliberations)、陪审裁决(Conviction or Acquittal)。

   审后程序(Procedure after Trial)相对简单,其包括:课刑(Sentencing)、上诉(Appeal)等。


   Money for alimony and/or child support, which is overdue and unpaid.

   【注】 拖欠的离婚赡养费和(或)子女抚养费。

31、As is——现状

   As is (or as-is) is a legal term and concept used to disclaim liability for an item being sold. "As-is" denotes that the seller is selling, and the buyer is buying an item in whatever condition it presently exists, and that the seller is accepting the item “with all faults”(不保证商品没有瑕疵).

   A seller of a used automobile, for example, sells his car to a buyer, and puts into the contract of sale, the statement: "The buyer accepts the automobile AS-IS, WITH ALL FAULTS". Two minutes after the buyer drives off with his shiny '87 Honda Accord, the engine seizes, and the car stalls. Unless the buyer can show that there was some fraud involved in the sale, he is stuck with the car without any recourse to return the car (now presumably being hooked up to a tow truck) to the seller, and gets his money back.

   【注】 “As is”常用于物业买卖的合约中,指物业的现状。“The property is and will be sold on an ”as is“ basis …”即物业将会以其现状出售。


At common law, an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact.

   An assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm. It is both a crime and a tort and, therefore, may result in either criminal or civil liability. Generally, the common law definition is the same in criminal and tort law. There is, however, an additional criminal law category of assault consisting of an attempted but unsuccessful battery.

   Law.:①Sexual assault;②The crime of rape.

   【注】 以武力侵犯他人的行为,称为Assault。一般性质的殴打,称为“Common Assault”;严重者称为Aggravated Assault;未经许可触摸他人身体,可以被控非礼,称为Indecent Assault。

   『笺』 侵犯是通过明显的武力而实施的故意行为,无论在刑法还是民法上都导致侵权。刑法上,它还包括试图但未遂的侵袭。


   33、Assistant Attorney General——首席检察官助理

   An attorney who represents a state agency in civil cases.

   【注】 首席检察官助理是代表州检察机关的律师。

   34、A. V. (Authorized Version)——钦定圣经

   An English translation of the Bible from Hebrew and Greek published in 1611 under the auspices of James I. Also called Authorized Version, King James Version.

   【注】 A. V. (Authorized Version),即詹姆斯一世欽定《圣经》英译本〔King James Bible〕。钦定版圣经不仅影响了随后的英文版圣经,对英语文学的影响也是很大的。为了让更多未受良好教育的普通人也能知晓「上帝的旨意」,该部圣经一共的辞汇量只在8,000个常用的英文单词,因此十分容易理解。 一些著名作者,如John Bunyan, John Milton, Herman Melville, John Dryden, and William Wordsworth 很明显从这个版本的圣经中得到启发。一些圣经如,英语修订版圣经(English Revised Version),新美国标准版圣经(New American Standard Bible), 修订标准版圣经(the Revised Standard Version), 还有新钦定版圣经(New King James Version)等都是这个版本的修订版。这个版本尽管常被说成是“权威版”(Authorised Version (AV))或者“权威标准版”(Authorised Standard Version (ASV))。 它本身从来没有被英国政府或者英国教会正是这样承认过。


   Also called Bond. Money or property given to the court for the temporary release of a defendant, to ensure that the defendant will return to court.

   【注】 刑事案中的嫌疑犯或被告,可以暂时被释放。保释可以是有条件的,也可以是无条件的。保释的条件包括缴交指定金额的保释金、提供人事担保及定时向警署报到等。

   『笺』 根据《朗文法律词典》的介绍,保释是指“在被逮捕的人提供担保或者接受特定条件的情况下将其释放的制度”。保释制度发源于英国,大约形成于12-13世纪。波洛克和梅特兰认为保释制度直接产生于实际需要,而不是对抽象自由的热爱。英国《1976年保释法》第一条规定:(1)在某人被指控或被宣告有罪的程序中或者相关的程序中,可准予保释。(2)因为某一罪行被逮捕或正在被签发逮捕证的犯罪人可准予保释。法律倾向于给予任何被监控者保释,准予保释是常态,而不准保释反而有着十分严格的规定。


   『笺』 在英美法系,保释制度已较为发达,立法趋于完善,司法实践经验也较为丰富。而我国的取保候审制度与之在某些做法上相似,但有本质的不同,且实际适用比例并不高,作用有限。毋庸讳言,在我国,犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的羁押率是很高的。高羁押率、长期羁押乃至超期羁押的危害极大。对于重罪嫌疑人来说,由于久押不决,给他们精神上造成巨大的痛苦;对于轻罪嫌疑人来说,则有可能其未决羁押期限超过了实际判处的刑期,从而给司法机关带来极大的尴尬与被动;对于未构成犯罪或者依法不应判罪的嫌疑人来说,则侵权性质更为严重,造成的损失往往无法补救。

   36、Balance of probabilities——可能性较高者、平衡可能性

   Also known as "preponderance of the evidence", this is the standard required in most civil cases. The standard is met if the proposition is more likely to be true than not true. Effectively, the standard is satisfied if there is greater than 50% chance that the proposition is true. Lord Denning in Miller v. Minister of Pension described it simply as "more probable than not".

    【注】 这是民事案件中举证的标准,法庭对原告和被告所提出的证据,认为那一方的可信性较高,便会判处该方胜诉。相对刑事案而言,民事案中败诉的后果一般都只是经济利益,所以法庭对举证的要求,相对也较刑事案为低。 

   37、bench warrant——法院拘票

   Court papers issued by the judge, "from the bench," for the arrest of a person.

   A bench warrant is used for attachment or arrest in a case of contempt, which is the willful disregard or disobedience of an authority such as the court. A bench warrant is also issued when an indictment, which is a written accusation of a person's guilt for an act or omission, is handed down. A third instance where a bench warrant is issued is to obtain a witness who disobeys a subpoena, which is a command to appear at a specified time and place to present testimony upon a certain matter.

   【注】 法官签发的逮捕令。


   38、Beyond reasonable doubt——无合理疑点

   The standard that must be met by the prosecution's evidence in a criminal prosecution: that no other logical explanation can be derived from the facts except that the defendant committed the crime, thereby overcoming the presumption that a person is innocent until proven guilty.

   Beyond a reasonable doubt is the highest standard of proof that must be met in any trial.

      【注】 这是刑事案件中举证的标准,控方向法庭提出的证据,必须是在合理的情况下并无疑点,法庭才会判处被告有罪。刑事罪的后果对被告而言,较为严重,举证标准的要求也因此而较民事案严格,如果法庭认为证据有任何疑点,都会将疑点的利益“benefit of doubt”归于被告。


   Imposing or commanding adherence to a commitment, an obligation, or a duty: binding arbitration; a binding agreement.

   【注】 “binding”通常的解释是连结一起,但法律上则多用作有约束力的,例如:This provisional agreement is a binding contract。这份临时协议是有法律约束力的。

   40、Body Corporate——法人实体、法人

   A body corporate is the English legal term for a corporation. It is distinct from a natural person(自然人), although it has many of the same legal rights.

   A body corporate can be either a corporation sole (consisting of a single person) or a corporation aggregate (consisting of two or more persons). The UK Crown is an example of a corporation sole, whereas J Sainsbury plc is an example of a corporation aggregate.

   【注】 经法律程序而产生具有与自然人相同法律地位的组织,例如:根据公司条例注册成立的有限公司Limited Company,可以拥有资产,可以向外借贷,可以提出控诉,也可以被申索。法人团体没有自然的死亡因素,所以必须经法律程序才可以将它消除。


   『笺』 legal person、moral person、juristic person、artificial person、juridical person都译为“法人”,与“自然人”相对。41、Bond——保释、保释金

   Also called bail. Money or property given to the court for the temporary release of a defendant, to ensure that the defendant will return to court. There are two kinds of bonds:

   ●Non-financial bonds: Non-surety bond where the defendant's signature alone guarantees the amount of bond and the defendant is not required to post any property or retain the services of a professional bail bondsperson as collateral.b) Promise to appear.

   ●Surety bond(履约保证): The court requires cash, real estate or a professional bail bondpersons signature as collateral before releasing the defendant back into the community. (The court may allow the defendant to post ten percent of the bond in cash to secure his or her release.)

   【注】 保释分为无条件保释和有条件保释两种形式。最初的保释是嫌疑人用保证金作担保获得审前释放,接着出现了保证人保证的形式。而且保证金可以嫌疑人自己交,也可以由保证人交。以后保释逐步附加其他条件,称为有条件保释。有条件保释是指,如果决定保释而不附加条件将导致危险时,可附加以下一个或多个条件:(1)有一个明确的住址。(2)每天上午到当地警察局报到。(3)宵禁,即晚上不能出门。(4)缴纳保证金。至于保证金的数额,则根据嫌疑人的财产、涉嫌犯罪的轻重等情况来确定。(5)有防止逃跑的安全措施。(6)符合保释支持计划(即政府推行措施保证被保释人出庭)等等。无条件保释是指嫌疑人无条件获得保释。一般情况下,应无条件保释,实践中大多数为无条件保释。如情况变化,无条件保释可以转化为有条件保释。

   『笺』 在英美国家,保释制度经过了很长的发展历程。目前,保释观念已经深入人心。保释制度赖以产生和发展的两个理论基础是:其一,任何公民都享有人身自由权。人身自由是公民的一项基本权利,即便存在着犯罪嫌疑,仍然应当尽量保证公民作为社会生活中的一员的自由。其二,是无罪推定原则。基于无罪推定原则,任何人在依法被判处有罪以前,都是无罪的,因此在等待法庭审理时,应享有自由的权利。



   42、Bond Review——保释听证

   A hearing for a judge to decide if the defendant’s bond amount needs to be changed.

   【注】 法官决定是否有必要调整被告保释金金额而举行的听证。


A surety; one who has put up cash or property as collateral before a defendant may be released.

   【注】 为被告保释而支付保释金的人。

   44、Broken Down Irretrievably——感情破裂并无法挽回、夫妻感情确已破裂

   The most common reason for granting a divorce. It means there is no hope of the husband and wife getting back together again. Also known as "no-fault" divorce.

   【注】 “感情破裂并已无法挽回”是准予离婚的最常见理由。它意味着配偶双方已无法继续共同生活。因此而离婚被称为“无过错”离婚。

   45、Burden of Proof——举证责任、证明责任

   Obligation of proving a disputed charge or allegation. For example, Are you sure you mailed the tax return on time? The burden of proof's on you. A legal term dating from the late 1500s, it has also been used more loosely in recent times.

   【注】 无论是刑事或民事案件,提出控诉的一方,都负有举证的责任,即是向法庭提出证据,支持控诉和申索的事由。虽然在一般的情况下,向法庭举证是主控和原告的责任,但如果被告在刑事案中被法庭判罪之后,再被受害人以民事追讨赔偿,则在有关的民事诉讼中,如果被告否认他对受害人的损失需要负上赔偿的责任,被告便有责任向法庭举证,支持他的抗辩。

   burden of proof(举证责任),它的一般含义是指“谁主张,谁举证”,即是指在诉讼中,当事人必须为自己的诉讼主张提供证据,如果举不出证据或证据不能证明主张,将承担败诉的风险。例外规则有“举证责任转移或倒置”和“法庭主动或协助收集证据”,前两者是当事人行使诉权所引出的必然规则,最后一点是法庭行使审判权的或然规则。

   『笺』 在英文中,burden of proof一词,既有提供证据的含义,也有以证据证明其事实主张的含义。因此,就burden of proof应译成“举证责任”,还是“证明责任”,在学者中存在争议。

   举证责任的设置,本为促进诉讼的进行,严格举证责任的时效。最早提出举证责任概念的,当为德国刑事诉讼法学者格尔查(又译为格拉斯,juliusglaser)。在1883年,格尔查从实体法与程序法的二元论出发,在其名著《刑事诉讼导论》一书中将举证责任分为“实质上的举证责任”(materielle beweislast)与“诉讼上的举证责任”(prozessuale beweislast)两层含义。承接格拉查的举证责任双层含义说,德国人莱昂哈德(leonhard)对举证责任分为客观举证责任与主观举证责任两类。

   在英美法系,发现举证责任多义性的是美国学者赛叶(thayer),他在1890年的《证明责任论》(the burden of proof)和1898年的《证据理论研究》(a preliminary treatise on evince)两篇论著中对举证责任的多义性进行了分析。据赛叶的理解,人们是在三层含义上使用举证责任这一术语:⑴当事人应对不能证明某一论题或主张而承受相应的败诉风险。⑵当事人在诉讼中应对其事实主张承担提出证据的责任。⑶不加区分地使用前两种含义。

   46、Capias Mittimus——拘票、收押令

   A civil arrest warrant used to get a person physically into court to respond to a specific case or claim.

   【注】 将人带到法庭以应辩的一种逮捕令。

   47、Capital Felony——重刑罪

   A criminal offense in which the death penalty may be imposed

   【注】 罪名之一种,因其犯罪行为将导致被判死刑的罪。

   48、Case Conference——个案研讨会

   A meeting scheduled by the court to review the case.

   【注】 法庭定期举行的以讨论某案件的会议。

   49、Case File——个案案卷

   The court file containing papers submitted in a case.

   【注】 所谓个案案卷就是关于某案的有关资料的法律档案。

50、Cause of Action——诉讼理由

   The fact or combination of facts that gives a person the right to seek judicial redress or relief against another. Also, the legal theory forming the basis of a lawsuit.

The cause of action is the heart of the complaint, which is the pleading that initiates a lawsuit. Without an adequately stated cause of action the plaintiff's case can be dismissed at the outset.

The cause of action is often stated in the form of a syllogism(三段论), a form of deductive reasoning that begins with a major premise (the applicable rule of law), proceeds to a minor premise (the facts that gave rise to the claim), and ends with a conclusion. In a cause of action for battery, the rule of law is that any intentional, unpermitted act that causes a harmful or offensive touching of another is a battery.

   【注】 提出诉讼,必须要有合理的事实根据,缺乏合理的诉讼理由,对方不但可以向法庭请求剔除有关的诉讼,同时可以要求赔偿浪费了的律师费及其它费用。




   a warning against certain acts

   【注】 执法人员(警察及海关人员等)在拘捕疑犯时,提醒疑犯保持缄默的权利的警告说话。执法人员在没有给予疑犯警诫词的情况下所录取的供词,可能不会被法庭接纳为有效的证供。

   52、Certified Copy——核证副本、正式核准的副本

   A photocopy of a document, judgment, or record that is signed and attested to as an accurate and a complete reproduction of the original document by a public official in whose custody the original has been placed for safekeeping.

   A certified copy is admissible as evidence in a lawsuit when the original document cannot be produced because it has been lost or destroyed. This rule, which considers a certified copy to be secondary evidence unless circumstances of loss or destruction warrant its treatment as primary evidence, is known as the best evidence rule.

   【注】 核证副本通常都有核证人的签署和核证日期,以确认对该副本进行了核证,除特别声明必须用文件正本的情况外,核证副本一般都视为有效的文件。



   [Latin, To be informed of.] At common law, an original writ or order issued by the Chancery or King's Bench, commanding officers of inferior courts to submit the record of a cause pending before them to give the party more certain and speedy justice.

   【注】 在下级法院的判决受到异议时,上级法院向下级法院发出令状或命令,要求它呈上案件记录,以便审查它所作的判决。

   在1891年前,只要上诉案件来自于联邦法院系统,或者是关系到联邦问题、或者是从州最高法院上诉的,最高法院都有正式义务受理这些上诉案件。以至于1890年,最高法院竟然处理了18000多个案件。1925年《司法法》(Judiciary Act of 1925)极大地抑制了纠错令的使用,通过进一步确定调卷令,在更多种类的案件中授予联邦最高法院以更大的裁量权。只有当最高法院9名大法官中至少有4名大法官同意审查某一案件时才签发调卷令。



   A room in which a judge may consult privately with attorneys or hear cases not taken into court.

Chiefly British. A suite of rooms, especially one used by lawyers.

   【注】 诉讼律师和法官的办公室,称为“Chamber”。诉讼程序中有部份的聆讯是在法官的办公室中进行的,称为内庭聆讯“hearing in chambers”,内庭聆讯只准许当事人及其法律代表出席。

   55、change of venue——管辖权变化、审理法院变更

   In law, the word venue designates the location where a trial will be held. It derives from the Latin word for "a place where people gather."

A change of venue is the legal term for moving a trial to a new location. In high-profile matters, a change of venue may occur to move a jury trial away from a location where a fair and impartial jury may not be possible due to widespread publicity about a crime and/or defendant(s) to another community in order to obtain jurors who can be more objective in their duties. This change may be a few towns away, or across the state.

   This is done when there is a reason to think that a defendant will not receive a fair trial, for whatever the reason.

   【注】 审理法院变更是指将一个案件的审讯移到另外一个新的管辖地法院进行审理。这种变化既可在一州之内进行,也可跨州进行。当被告没有受到公平审判十,无论什么理由都必须进行审理法院变更。


   To impose a burden, duty, obligation, or lien; to create a claim against property; to assess; to demand; to accuse; to instruct a jury on matters of law.

【注】 Charge可以是名词,也可以是动词,它包含了多个不同的解释:① 是提供服务的收费,例:Legal Charge(律师收费);②是刑事控罪,例:This case has more than one charge(这案件包含多于一项的控罪);③是借贷的抵押,例:The company charged its property for the loan(这间公司以其物业作为借款的抵押);④是对法定债务人的物业的押记,用以偿还有关的法定债务。


   All property except real property; personal property. For example: jewelry, clothing, furniture, and appliances.

  A chattel is treated as personal property rather than real property regardless of whether it is movable or immovable.

   【注】 动产,指的是除了不动产以外的财产。它是“不动产”相对应的一个概念。

   58、“Chip Smith Charge”——奇普·史密斯指控判例

   The "Chip Smith charge" is an instruction to deadlocked jurors, urging those jurors whose disagree with the majority vote to reexamine the majority views in an effort to reach a unanimous verdict.

"Everything old is new again." We've all heard this phrase before, and this is certainly the case with the Chip Smith charge. The charge derives from State v. Smith, 49 Conn. 376 (1881). James "Chip" Smith was a 21-year-old who was drinking, firing off his gun and causing a general disturbance of the peace one afternoon in December of 1880. His behavior forced his father out into the street and to the home of Daniel J. Hayes, the chief of police for the borough of Ansonia. The elder Mr. Smith begged Mr. Hayes to come and arrest his son. Mr. Hayes went in search of Chip, found him in a downtown street and tried to arrest him. A struggle ensued, and Chip shot Hayes in the abdomen. Hayes later died of his injuries. James "Chip" Smith was tried for and convicted of Hayes' murder. In an opinion reviewing Smith's conviction, the Connecticut Supreme Court set forth language concerning the duty of jurors when deliberating. This language became known as the Chip Smith charge, and trial courts repeatedly gave the charge to jurors when they reported that they were deadlocked.

Over the years, the Chip Smith charge became an established part of Connecticut jurisprudence. However, the instruction was often challenged as being coercive and implying that a juror in the minority should "give in" to the majority for the sake of unanimity. Recently, in State v. O'Neil, 261 Conn. 49 (2002), the instruction was challenged once again, and our old Chip Smith charge was given a new dressing.

   【注】 奇普·史密斯指控判例,是指对处于审理僵局的陪审团进行指导以促使这些意见不一的陪审员在再次投票时以获得一致性的裁决结论。

   『笺』 该指控来自1881年康涅狄格州的“州诉史密斯”一案。21岁的詹姆士·奇普·史密斯酒后开枪影响了街区的平静,当该镇的公安局长丹尼尔·J·贺耶斯试图逮捕史密斯时,史密斯开枪射中了贺耶斯的腹部以致其身亡。当康涅狄格州高级法院审理此案时,陪审团成员之间分歧很大,后来反复审理最终取得一致性结论。“奇普·史密斯指控”已经康涅狄格州司法的一部分。该案提供的指示经常迫使陪审团的少数派成员让步以达成全体一致。


   Law. A reference to previous court decisions or authoritative writings.

   【注】 所谓Citation(引证)是指援引一个司法先例或者法律依据,借以支持或削弱某一观点。

   对于如何引证各种法律依据,美国有一套广为接受的引证体系,俗称“蓝皮书”(),其全称是《统一引证体系》(A Uniform System of Citation),由《哈佛法律评论》协会(Harvard Law Review Association)出版。它对于各种类型的法律引证制定了详细的规则、格式和缩写。(Peter W. Martin, Introduction to Basic Legal Citation, see http://www.law.cornell.edu/citation/index.htm)

   而英国没有这样统一的规则体系,不过在实践中形成了一套被大家普遍接受的引证方式。其中牛津大学指定的一套名为《牛津法律依据标准引证》(The Oxford Standard Citation of Legal Authorities)的法律引证体系在司法实践中具有较大的影响。

60、Civil Action——民事诉讼

   A lawsuit other than a criminal case usually filed in a Judicial District courthouse. Includes family actions (divorces, child support, etc) and small claims cases, although these are both separately designated.

   A lawsuit brought to enforce, redress, or protect rights of private litigants—the plaintiffs and the defendants— not a criminal proceeding.

Today, courts in the United States generally are not divided into common-law courts and equity courts because most states and the federal government have merged the procedures for law and equity into one system. Now all kinds of lawsuits are simply called civil actions without the former distinctions of procedure in law or in equity.

A criminal proceeding is called a penal action to distinguish it from civil actions.

   【注】 民事诉讼是指不同于刑事诉讼的一种诉讼以执行、救济、保护诉讼人的权利。


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  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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