原来Brett居然跟Robert一起去了San Sebastian,难怪前一阵子,两个人同时销声匿迹了,Robert这小子居然没有透露一丝蛛丝马迹。Jake心里打翻了五味瓶。
当Robert自信满满地跟Bill打赌,说Brett和Mike不会按约定的时间跟他们碰头的时候,表面上惹恼了Bill,更受伤的确是Jake。凭什么仿佛你对我的Brett那么了解,就因为你和她有了你一次San Sebastian之旅吗?你以为你的惶惶小心思我看不出来吗?你理发不觉是为了Brett?是的,Robert那种急切盼望,焦虑不安等待Brett到来的心情被Jake彻底洞穿。Jake享受看Robert那种紧张情绪。
“I have never seen a man in civil life as nervous as Robert Cohn—nor as eager. I was enjoying it. It was lousy to enjoy it, but I felt lousy. Cohn had a wonderful quality of bringing out the worst in anybody.”
当Robert告诉Jake他要留下来等Brett,让Bill和Jake先行出发时,Jake彻底崩溃了,爆了粗口。“The lying bastard!"
“And as for this Robert Cohn," Bill said, "he makes me sick, and he can go to hell, and I'm damn glad he's staying here so we won't have him fishing with us."
"You're damn right."
"We're going trout-fishing. We're going trout-fishing in the Irati River, and we're going to get tight now at lunch on the wine of the country, and then take a swell bus ride."
"Come on. Let's go over to the Irufla and start," I said.”
1. After a while we came out of the mountains, and there were trees along both sides of the road, and a stream and ripe fields of grain, and the road went on, very white and straight ahead, and then lifted to a little rise, and off on the left was a hill with an old castle, with buildings close around it and a field of grain going right up to the walls and shifting in the wind.
2. cinch
a sure thing; a certainty
必定的事; 毫无疑问的事:
he was a cinch to take a prize.