celaref ||单细胞细胞类型定义工具

Sarah Williams (2019). celaref: Single-cell RNAseq cell cluster labelling by reference. R package version 1.0.1.




那么呢,之前你们家大师推荐过几个数据库single cell marker 基因数据库是基于某亚群细胞的marker基因,根据已经知道marker基因的细胞类型,这些数据库其实就是一个细胞类型和marker基因大表。根据marker基因列表与分析出来的差异基因列表以及基因丰度的关系(往往是做一个热图)来推断某个cluster属于哪一种细胞类型。


celaref 简介



# Paths to data files.
counts_filepath.query    <- system.file("extdata", "sim_query_counts.tab",    package = "celaref")
cell_info_filepath.query <- system.file("extdata", "sim_query_cell_info.tab", package = "celaref")
counts_filepath.ref      <- system.file("extdata", "sim_ref_counts.tab",      package = "celaref")
cell_info_filepath.ref   <- system.file("extdata", "sim_ref_cell_info.tab",   package = "celaref")

# Load data
toy_ref_se   <- load_se_from_files(counts_file=counts_filepath.ref, cell_info_file=cell_info_filepath.ref)
toy_query_se <- load_se_from_files(counts_file=counts_filepath.query, cell_info_file=cell_info_filepath.query)



# Filter data
toy_ref_se     <- trim_small_groups_and_low_expression_genes(toy_ref_se)
toy_query_se   <- trim_small_groups_and_low_expression_genes(toy_query_se)


# Setup within-experiment differential expression
de_table.toy_ref   <- contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(toy_ref_se,    dataset_name="ref")
de_table.toy_query <- contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(toy_query_se,  dataset_name="query")



# Plot
make_ranking_violin_plot(de_table.test=de_table.toy_query, de_table.ref=de_table.toy_ref)


# And get group labels
make_ref_similarity_names(de_table.toy_query, de_table.toy_ref)

可以看到除了Group2 没有相应的similarity 类似的type之外,其余的都找到了相对应的细胞类型(基于检验的,不是生物学的)。这当然可以为我们定义细胞类型做一个统计上的参考。




  • Counts Matrix Number of gene tags per gene per cell.
  • Cell information A sample-sheet table of cell-level information. Only two fields are essential:
    cell_sample: A unique cell identifier
    group: The cluster/group to which the cell has been assigned.
  • Gene information Optional. A table of extra gene-level information.
    ID: A unique gene identifier


  1. tab键分割的ounts matrix
gene Cell1 cell2 cell3 cell4 cell954
GeneA 0 1 0 1 0
GeneB 0 3 0 2 2
GeneC 1 40 1 0 0
  1. tab键分割的细胞分群信息
CellId Sample Cluster
cell1 Control cluster1
cell2 Control cluster7
cell954 KO cluster8

From 10X pipeline output

dataset_se <- load_dataset_10Xdata('~/path/to/data/10X_mydata', 
                                   dataset_genome = "GRCh38", 
                                   clustering_set = "kmeans_7_clusters") 
#Prepare 10X query dataset

先要把数据下载好,发现这应用的对象还是cellranger V2 pipeline的输出结果,注意为了和官网数据格式保持一致,我把otus文件夹命名为10X_pbmc4k了,这个前后一致就可以了。

+--- 10X_pbmc4k
|   +--- analysis
|   |   +--- clustering
|   |   |   +--- graphclust
|   |   |   |   +--- clusters.csv
|   |   |   +--- kmeans_10_clusters
|   |   |   |   +--- clusters.csv
|   |   |   +--- kmeans_2_clusters
|   |   +--- diffexp
|   |   |   +--- graphclust
|   |   |   |   +--- differential_expression.csv
|   |   |   +--- kmeans_10_clusters
|   |   +--- pca
|   |   |   +--- 10_components
|   |   |   |   +--- components.csv
|   |   |   |   +--- dispersion.csv
|   |   |   |   +--- genes_selected.csv
|   |   |   |   +--- projection.csv
|   |   |   |   +--- variance.csv
|   |   +--- tsne
|   |   |   +--- 2_components
|   |   |   |   +--- projection.csv
|   +--- filtered_gene_bc_matrices
|   |   +--- GRCh38
|   |   |   +--- barcodes.tsv
|   |   |   +--- genes.tsv
|   |   |   +--- matrix.mtx

datasets_dir <- "D:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\RStudio\\single_cell\\celaref/celaref_extra_vignette_data/datasets"

dataset_se.10X_pbmc4k_k7 <- load_dataset_10Xdata(
  dataset_path   = file.path(datasets_dir,'10X_pbmc4k'), 
  dataset_genome = "GRCh38", 
  clustering_set = "kmeans_7_clusters", 
  id_to_use      = "GeneSymbol")
dataset_se.10X_pbmc4k_k7 <- trim_small_groups_and_low_expression_genes(dataset_se.10X_pbmc4k_k7)

可见我选择的是kmeans_7_clusters 的聚类结果来进行细胞定义。处理过之后:

> dataset_se.10X_pbmc4k_k7
class: SummarizedExperiment 
dim: 15407 4340 
assays(1): ''
rownames(15407): A1BG A1BG-AS1 ... ZZEF1 ZZZ3
rowData names(4): ensembl_ID GeneSymbol ID total_count
colData names(2): cell_sample group

下一步是对数据的转化和处理,也是one-to-others的DE分析,非常的慢和消耗内存,有可能跑断的。关键是这个函数做了是什么?其实就是把我们的矩阵文件整理成上面演示的toy \_ query\_se格式。

de_table.10X_pbmc4k_k7   <- contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(dataset_se.10X_pbmc4k_k7, dataset_name="10X_pbmc4k_k7", num_cores=7)
Sorry, multithreading not supported on windows. Use linux, or set num_threads = 1 to suppress this message.Running single threaded  # 这个sorry 可以忽略 ,在Linux下才能指定运行进程数。
`fData` has no primerid.  I'll make something up.
`cData` has no wellKey.  I'll make something up.
Assuming data assay in position 1, with name et is log-transformed.
Combining coefficients and standard errors
Calculating log-fold changes
Calculating likelihood ratio tests
Refitting on reduced model...
`fData` has no primerid.  I'll make something up.
`cData` has no wellKey.  I'll make something up.
Assuming data assay in position 1, with name et is log-transformed.
 Completed [=======>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]   7% with 0 failures


准备 reference数据集

来自响应的数据库,因为我们的是血细胞,选择的是haemosphere .

A suitable PBMC reference (a ‘HaemAtlas’) has been published by Watkins et al. (2009). They purified populations of PBMC cell types and measured gene expression via microarray. The data used here was downloaded in a normalised table from the ‘haemosphere’website (Graaf et al. 2016).



  • Logged, normalised expression values. Any low expression or poor quality measurements should have already been removed.
  • Sample information (see contrast_each_group_to_the_rest_for_norm_ma_with_limma for details)
this_dataset_dir     <- file.path(datasets_dir,     'haemosphere_datasets','watkins')
norm_expression_file <- file.path(this_dataset_dir, "watkins_expression.txt")
samples_file         <- file.path(this_dataset_dir, "watkins_samples.txt")

norm_expression_table.full <- read.table(norm_expression_file, sep="\t", header=TRUE, quote="", comment.char="", row.names=1, check.names=FALSE)

samples_table              <- read_tsv(samples_file, col_types = cols())
samples_table$description  <- make.names( samples_table$description) # Avoid group or extra_factor names starting with numbers, for microarrays

> samples_table$description
 [1] "X49.years.adult" "X49.years.adult" "X49.years.adult" "X49.years.adult" "X49.years.adult" "X49.years.adult" "X49.years.adult"
 [8] "X49.years.adult" "X49.years.adult" "X49.years.adult" "X49.years.adult" "X49.years.adult" "X63.years.adult" "X63.years.adult"
[15] "X63.years.adult" "X63.years.adult" "X63.years.adult" "X63.years.adult" "X53.years.adult" "X53.years.adult" "X53.years.adult"
[22] "X53.years.adult" "X53.years.adult" "X53.years.adult" "X60.years.adult" "X60.years.adult" "X60.years.adult" "X60.years.adult"
[29] "X60.years.adult" "X60.years.adult" "X48.years.adult" "X48.years.adult" "X48.years.adult" "X48.years.adult" "X48.years.adult"
[36] "X48.years.adult" "X57.years.adult" "X57.years.adult" "X57.years.adult" "X57.years.adult" "X57.years.adult" "X57.years.adult"
[43] "NA."             "NA."             "NA."             "NA."             "NA."             "NA."             "NA."            
[50] "NA."            


amples_table        <- samples_table[samples_table$tissue == "Peripheral Blood",] 
> samples_table
# A tibble: 42 x 7
   sampleId     celltype            cell_lineage       surface_markers tissue           description     notes
   <chr>        <chr>               <chr>              <lgl>           <chr>            <chr>           <lgl>
 1 1674120023_A B lymphocyte        B Cell Lineage     NA              Peripheral Blood X49.years.adult NA   
 2 1674120023_B granulocyte         Neutrophil Lineage NA              Peripheral Blood X49.years.adult NA   
 3 1674120023_C natural killer cell NK Cell Lineage    NA              Peripheral Blood X49.years.adult NA   
 4 1674120023_D Th lymphocyte       T Cell Lineage     NA              Peripheral Blood X49.years.adult NA   
 5 1674120023_E Tc lymphocyte       T Cell Lineage     NA              Peripheral Blood X49.years.adult NA   
 6 1674120023_F monocyte            Macrophage Lineage NA              Peripheral Blood X49.years.adult NA   
 7 1674120053_A B lymphocyte        B Cell Lineage     NA              Peripheral Blood X49.years.adult NA   
 8 1674120053_B monocyte            Macrophage Lineage NA              Peripheral Blood X49.years.adult NA   
 9 1674120053_C granulocyte         Neutrophil Lineage NA              Peripheral Blood X49.years.adult NA   
10 1674120053_D Tc lymphocyte       T Cell Lineage     NA              Peripheral Blood X49.years.adult NA   
# ... with 32 more rows


probes_with_gene_symbol_and_with_data <- intersect(keys(illuminaHumanv2SYMBOL),rownames(norm_expression_table.full))

# Get mappings - non NA
probe_to_symbol <- select(illuminaHumanv2.db, keys=rownames(norm_expression_table.full), columns=c("SYMBOL"), keytype="PROBEID")
probe_to_symbol <- unique(probe_to_symbol[! is.na(probe_to_symbol$SYMBOL),])
# no multimapping probes
genes_per_probe <- table(probe_to_symbol$PROBEID) # How many genes a probe is annotated against?
multimap_probes <- names(genes_per_probe)[genes_per_probe  > 1]
probe_to_symbol <- probe_to_symbol[!probe_to_symbol$PROBEID %in% multimap_probes, ]

convert_expression_table_ids<- function(expression_table, the_probes_table, old_id_name, new_id_name){
  the_probes_table <- the_probes_table[,c(old_id_name, new_id_name)]
  colnames(the_probes_table) <- c("old_id", "new_id")
  # Before DE, just pick the top expresed probe to represent the gene
  # Not perfect, but this is a ranking-based analysis.
  # hybridisation issues aside, would expect higher epressed probes to be more relevant to Single cell data anyway.
  probe_expression_levels <- rowSums(expression_table)
  the_probes_table$avgexpr <- probe_expression_levels[as.character(the_probes_table$old_id)]
  the_genes_table <-  the_probes_table %>% 
    group_by(new_id) %>%
    top_n(1, avgexpr)
  expression_table <- expression_table[the_genes_table$old_id,]
  rownames(expression_table) <- the_genes_table$new_id

# Just the most highly expressed probe foreach gene.
norm_expression_table.genes <- convert_expression_table_ids(norm_expression_table.full, 
                                                            probe_to_symbol, old_id_name="PROBEID", new_id_name="SYMBOL")

# Go...
de_table.Watkins2009PBMCs <- contrast_each_group_to_the_rest_for_norm_ma_with_limma(
  norm_expression_table = norm_expression_table.genes, 
  sample_sheet_table    = samples_table, 
  dataset_name          = "Watkins2009PBMCs", 
  extra_factor_name     = 'description', 
  sample_name           = "sampleId",
  group_name            = 'celltype')
> de_table.Watkins2009PBMCs
# A tibble: 113,376 x 21
   ID    logFC AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val     B     ci CI_upper CI_lower ci_inner ci_outer log2FC      fdr group sig   sig_up
   <chr> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl> <fct> <lgl> <lgl> 
 1 JCHA~  6.86    8.65  27.5 7.13e-26  2.70e-23  49.0 0.0952     6.96     6.77     6.77     6.96   6.86 2.70e-23 B ly~ TRUE  TRUE  
 2 FCRLA  6.41    8.77  23.7 1.13e-23  3.29e-21  44.0 0.103      6.51     6.30     6.30     6.51   6.41 3.29e-21 B ly~ TRUE  TRUE  
 3 VPRE~  6.18    8.66  40.2 1.20e-31  8.70e-29  62.0 0.0587     6.23     6.12     6.12     6.23   6.18 8.70e-29 B ly~ TRUE  TRUE  
 4 TCL1A  6.09    8.52  42.8 1.33e-32  1.14e-29  64.1 0.0544     6.14     6.04     6.04     6.14   6.09 1.14e-29 B ly~ TRUE  TRUE  
 5 CD79A  6.09    9.08  22.7 5.17e-23  1.40e-20  42.4 0.102      6.20     5.99     5.99     6.20   6.09 1.40e-20 B ly~ TRUE  TRUE  
 6 CD19   5.90    8.44  38.4 6.09e-31  4.11e-28  60.5 0.0587     5.96     5.85     5.85     5.96   5.90 4.11e-28 B ly~ TRUE  TRUE  
 7 HLA-~  5.61    8.35  47.9 2.30e-34  2.56e-31  68.0 0.0447     5.66     5.57     5.57     5.66   5.61 2.56e-31 B ly~ TRUE  TRUE  
 8 OSBP~  5.48    7.83  53.2 5.60e-36  8.82e-33  71.4 0.0394     5.52     5.45     5.45     5.52   5.48 8.82e-33 B ly~ TRUE  TRUE  
 9 CNTN~  5.38    7.95  49.3 8.12e-35  9.60e-32  68.9 0.0416     5.42     5.34     5.34     5.42   5.38 9.60e-32 B ly~ TRUE  TRUE  
10 COBL~  5.26    7.70  56.4 6.77e-37  1.28e-33  73.3 0.0356     5.30     5.23     5.23     5.30   5.26 1.28e-33 B ly~ TRUE  TRUE  
# ... with 113,366 more rows, and 4 more variables: gene_count <int>, rank <int>, rescaled_rank <dbl>, dataset <chr>

细胞类型定义(Compare 10X query PBMCs to to reference)


make_ranking_violin_plot(de_table.test=de_table.10X_pbmc4k_k7, de_table.ref=de_table.Watkins2009PBMCs)

Hmm, there’s a few clusters where different the top genes are bunched near the top for a couple of different reference cell types.

Logging the plot will be more informative at the top end for this dataset.

make_ranking_violin_plot(de_table.test=de_table.10X_pbmc4k_k7, de_table.ref=de_table.Watkins2009PBMCs, log10trans = TRUE)


 label_table.pbmc4k_k7_vs_Watkins2009PBMCs <- make_ref_similarity_names(de_table.10X_pbmc4k_k7, de_table.Watkins2009PBMCs)


make_ranking_violin_plot(de_table.test=de_table.Watkins2009PBMCs, de_table.ref=de_table.10X_pbmc4k_k7, log10trans = TRUE)



Sarah Williams (2019). celaref: Single-cell RNAseq cell cluster labelling by reference. R package version 1.0.1.

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