Get Start
Git LFS的官方网址在这里: https://git-lfs.github.com/
下载mac版本 解压如下图:
localhost:Desktop dragon$ cd /Users/dragon/Downloads/git-lfs-2.2.1
localhost:git-lfs-2.2.1 dragon$ ls -l
total 15824
-rw-r--r--@ 1 dragon staff 34163 7 11 04:11
-rw-r--r--@ 1 dragon staff 5156 7 11 04:11
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 dragon staff 8049380 7 11 04:11 git-lfs
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 dragon staff 389 7 11 04:11 install.sh
localhost:git-lfs-2.2.1 dragon$ sudo ./install.sh
Git LFS initialized.
localhost:Desktop dragon$ git lfs clone https://github.com/DragonMichael/AwkwardChat.git
localhost:AwkwardChat dragon$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
localhost:AwkwardChat dragon$ git lfs track "*.framework"
"*.framework" already supported
localhost:AwkwardChat dragon$ git lfs track "*.framework/*"
Tracking "*.framework/*"
localhost:AwkwardChat dragon$ git add .
localhost:AwkwardChat dragon$ git commit -m "Add framework than 100MB file"
localhost:AwkwardChat dragon$ git push origin master
Git LFS: (2 of 2 files) 131.73 MB / 131.73 MB
To https://github.com/DragonMichael/AwkwardChat.git
如果再次提交LFS 就会跳过上传步骤
localhost:AwkwardChat dragon$ git push origin master
Git LFS: (0 of 0 files, 2 skipped) 0 B / 0 B, 131.73 MB skipped
localhost:AwkwardChat dragon$ git lfs ls-files
8334c37062 * Hyphenate.framework/Hyphenate
2a86179cb2 * Hyphenate.framework/Info.plist
本次遇到的坑是 .framework 是文件夹 所以track失败,如下图: 所以要加上这句git lfs track "*.framework/*", 把文件夹的内容也要track,下面的报错就解决了, 如有其它文件点击github 官网issues搜索结果
下面是git lfs 命令集合
Like Git, Git LFS commands are separated into high level ("porcelain")
commands and low level ("plumbing") commands.
High level commands
- git lfs env:
Display the Git LFS environment. - git lfs checkout:
Populate working copy with real content from Git LFS files. - git lfs clone:
Efficiently clone a Git LFS-enabled repository. - git lfs fetch:
Download git LFS files from a remote. - git lfs fsck:
Check GIT LFS files for consistency. - git lfs install:
Install Git LFS configuration. - git lfs lock:
Set a file as "locked" on the Git LFS server. - git lfs locks:
List currently "locked" files from the Git LFS server. - git lfs logs:
Show errors from the git-lfs command. - git lfs ls-files:
Show information about Git LFS files in the index and working tree. - git lfs migrate:
Migrate history to or from git-lfs - git lfs pull:
Fetch LFS changes from the remote & checkout any required working tree files. - git lfs push:
Push queued large files to the Git LFS endpoint. - git lfs status:
Show the status of Git LFS files in the working tree. - git lfs track:
View or add Git LFS paths to Git attributes. - git lfs unlock:
Remove "locked" setting for a file on the Git LFS server. - git lfs untrack:
Remove Git LFS paths from Git Attributes. - git lfs update:
Update Git hooks for the current Git repository. - git lfs version:
Report the version number.
Low level commands
- git lfs clean:
Git clean filter that converts large files to pointers. - git lfs pointer:
Build and compare pointers. - git lfs pre-push:
Git pre-push hook implementation. - git lfs smudge:
Git smudge filter that converts pointer in blobs to the actual content.