Test the principle of contradiction with statements of your own, if you
wish, but don’t be disappointed when you fail to disprove it. Critical thinking in every subject from architecture to zoology depends on this principle.When exactly does contradiction occur? When a person says one
thing now and the opposite later. A suspect, for example, may today admit that he committed the crime he is accused of and tomorrow deny his guilt. Relativists argue that everyone creates his or her own truth and no view is more worthy than any other, and then they contradict themselves by castigating people who disagree with them. A scholar who propounds the view that the material world is an illusion and only the immaterial or spiritual world is real may take his neighbor to court in a property dispute. More than a few television moguls make the rounds of talk shows arguing that the violent, sex-sodden shows they produce have no influence on people’s behavior and then, almost in the next breath,praise public service announcements for AIDS prevention and the responsible use of alcohol for making the world better.
To overcome contradiction, monitor what you say and write. The moment you detect any inconsistency, examine it carefully. Decide whether it is explainable or whether it constitutes a contradiction. If it proves to be a contradiction, reexamine the issue and take a view that is both consistent and reasonable.