那不勒斯四部曲IV-失踪的孩子 中英双语版6



What happened a few weeks later made my

  decision for me. Mariarosa had gone, she had an engagement in Bordeaux.

  Before she left she took me aside and delivered a confused speech about

  Franco, on the need for me to stay close to him during her absence. She

  described him as very depressed, and I suddenly understood what until that

  moment I had only intuited in fits and starts and then missed through

  distraction: with Franco she was playing the good Samaritan as she did with

  everyone; she loved him seriously, she had become for him

  mother-sister-lover, and her expression of suffering, her withered body were

  due to permanent anxiety about him, the certainty that he had become too

  fragile and might break at any moment.


She was away for eight days. With some

  effort—I had other things on my mind—I was cordial to Franco. I stayed up

  late talking with him every evening, and I was glad that instead of talking

  about politics he preferred to recall, to himself more than to me, how well

  we had got on together: our walks through Pisa in the spring, the terrible

  smell of the street along the Arno, the times he had confided to me things

  he’d never said to anyone about his childhood, his parents, his grandparents.

  Above all I was pleased that he let me talk about my anxieties, about the new

  contract I had signed with the publishing house, about the need therefore to

  write a new book, about a possible return to Naples, about Nino. He never

  attempted generalizations or superfluous words. He was, rather, sharp, almost

  vulgar. If he is more important to you than yourself—he said one evening,

  seeming almost dazed—you should take him as he is: wife, children, that

  permanent tendency to sleep with other women, the vulgar things he is and

  will be capable of. Lena, Lenuccia, he murmured, affectionately, shaking his

  head. And then he laughed, got up from the chair, said obscurely that in his

  view love ended only when it was possible to return to oneself without fear

  or disgust, and left the room with shuffling steps, as if he wanted to

  reassure himself of the materiality of the floor. I don’t know why Pasquale

  came to mind, that night, a person very far from him in social background,

  culture, political choices. And yet, for an instant, I imagined that if my

  friend from the neighborhood had managed to reemerge alive from the darkness

  that had swallowed him he would have the same way of walking.


For an entire day Franco didn’t come out

  of his room. That night I had an engagement for work, I knocked, I asked him

  if he could give Dede and Elsa dinner. He promised to do it. I got home late,

  and, contrary to his usual habit, he had left the kitchen in great disorder.

  I cleared the table, I washed the dishes. I didn’t sleep much, at six I was

  already awake. On the way to the bathroom I passed his room and was attracted

  by a sheet of notebook paper attached to the door with a thumbtack. On it was

  written: Lena, don’t let the children in. I thought that Dede and Elsa had

  been bothering him, or that the evening before they had made him angry, and I

  went to make breakfast with the intention of scolding them. Then I thought

  again. Franco had a good relationship with my daughters, I ruled out that he

  was angry with them for some reason. Around eight I knocked discreetly. No

  answer. I knocked harder, I opened the door cautiously, the room was dark. I

  called him, silence, I turned on the light.


There was blood on the pillow and on the

  sheet, a large blackish stain that extended to his feet. Death is so

  repellent. Here I will say only that when I saw that body deprived of life,

  that body which I knew intimately, which had been happy and active, which had

  read so many books and had been exposed to so many experiences, I felt both

  repulsion and pity. Franco had been a living material saturated with

  political culture, with generous purposes and hopes, with good manners. Now

  he offered a horrible spectacle of himself. He had rid himself so fiercely of

  memory, language, the capacity to find meaning that it seemed obvious the

  hatred he had for himself, for his own skin, for his moods, for his thoughts

  and words, for the brutal corner of the world that had enveloped him.


In the days that followed I thought of

  Pasquale and Carmen’s mother, Giuseppina. She, too, had stopped being able to

  tolerate herself and the segment of life that remained to her. But Giuseppina

  came from the time that preceded me, Franco instead was of my time, and that

  violent removal from it didn’t just make an impression, it was devastating. I

  thought for a long time about his note, the only one he left. It was

  addressed to me and in substance was saying: Don’t let the children in, I

  don’t want them to see me; but you can enter, you must see me. I still think

  about that double imperative, one explicit, one implicit. After the funeral,

  which was attended by a crowd of militants with weakly clenched fists (Franco

  was still at the time well known and highly respected), I tried to

  re-establish a bond with Mariarosa. I wanted to be close to her, I wanted to

  talk about him, but she wouldn’t let me. Her untidy appearance got worse, her

  features took on a morbid distrust that diminished even the vivacity of her

  eyes. The house slowly emptied. Any sisterly feeling toward me vanished, and

  she became increasingly hostile. Either she stayed at the university all the

  time or, if she was at home, she shut herself in her room and didn’t want to

  be disturbed. She got angry if the girls made noise playing, she got even

  angrier if I scolded them for their noisy games. I packed the bags, I left

  for Naples with Dede and Elsa.



Nino had been sincere, he had actually

  rented the apartment on Via Tasso. I went to live there right away, even

  though it was infested with ants and the furniture came down to a double bed

  without a headboard, cots for the children, a table, some chairs. I didn’t

  talk about love, I didn’t mention the future.


I told him that my decision had to do

  mostly with Franco, and I limited myself to bringing him good news and bad.

  The good was that my publisher had agreed to bring out his collection of

  essays, provided he made a new draft that was a little less dry; the bad was

  that I didn’t want him to touch me. He greeted the first piece of news

  joyfully, he was desperate about the second. But then, as it turned out, we

  spent every evening sitting together, rewriting his essays, and with that

  closeness I couldn’t keep my rage alive. Eleonora was still pregnant when we

  began to love each other again. And when she gave birth to a girl, who was

  named Lidia, Nino and I had returned to being lovers, a couple with our

  habits, a nice house, two children, an intense life, both private and public.


“Don’t think,” I said from the start,

  “that I’m at your command: I’m not capable of leaving you now, but sooner or

  later it will happen.”


“It won’t happen, you won’t have any

  reason to.”


“I have plenty of reasons.”


“Everything will change soon.”


“We’ll see.”


But it was a stage set, I passed off as

  very reasonable what was in fact unreasonable and humiliating. I’m taking—I

  said, adapting Franco’s words—what is indispensable to me now, and as soon as

  I’ve consumed his face, his words, every desire, I’ll send him away. When I

  waited for him in vain for days I told myself it was better that way, I was

  busy, he was with me too much. And when I felt the sting of jealousy I tried

  to calm myself by whispering: I am the woman he loves. And if I thought of

  his children I said to myself: He spends more time with Dede and Elsa than

  with Albertino and Lidia. Naturally it was all true and all false. Yes, the

  force of Nino’s attraction would wear out. Yes, I had a lot of things to do.

  Yes, Nino loved me, he loved Dede and Elsa. But there were also others, yes,

  whom I pretended to ignore. Yes, I was more attracted to him than ever. Yes,

  I was ready to neglect everything and everyone if he needed me. Yes, his ties

  to Eleonora, Albertino, and the newborn Lidia were at least as strong as his

  ties to me and my daughters. I lowered dark curtains over those yeses, and if

  in fact here or there a tear in the fabric made evident the true state of

  things I quickly resorted to big words about the world to come: everything is

  changing, we are inventing new forms of living together, and other nonsense

  of the sort that I myself uttered in public or wrote every time it happened.


But the difficulties hammered at me every

  day, cracks were continually opening up. The city hadn’t improved at all, its

  malaise wore me out immediately. Via Tasso turned out to be inconvenient.

  Nino got me a used car, a white Renault 4 that I immediately became attached

  to, but then I was always stuck in traffic, and I soon gave it up. I

  struggled to meet the endless demands of daily life much more than I ever had

  in Florence, Genoa, Milan. From the first day of school Dede hated her

  teacher and her classmates. Elsa, now in first grade, always came home

  depressed, her eyes red, and refused to tell me what had happened to her. I

  began to scold them both. I said they didn’t know how to deal with adversity,

  they didn’t know how to assert themselves, they didn’t know how to adapt, and

  they had to learn. As a result the two sisters joined forces against me: they

  began to speak of their grandmother Adele and aunt Mariarosa as if they were

  divinities who had organized a happy world made just for them, they mourned

  them in an increasingly explicit way. When, in an attempt to win them back, I

  drew them to me, cuddled them, they hugged me unwillingly, and sometimes

  pushed me away. And my work? It became more and more evident that, especially

  in that successful period, I would have done better to stay in Milan and find

  a job at a publisher’s. Or even settle in Rome, since I had met people on my

  promotional tours who had offered to help me. What were my daughters and I

  doing in Naples? Were we there just to make Nino happy? Was I lying to myself

  when I portrayed myself as free and autonomous? And was I lying to my

  audience when I played the part of someone who, with her two small books, had

  sought to help every woman confess what she couldn’t say to herself? Were

  they mere formulas that it was convenient for me to believe in while in fact

  I was no different from my more traditional contemporaries? In spite of all

  the talk was I letting myself be invented by a man to the point where his

  needs were imposed on mine and those of my daughters?


I learned to avoid myself. It was enough

  for Nino to knock on the door and the bitterness vanished. I said to myself:

  Life now is this and can’t be other. Meanwhile I tried to give myself some

  discipline, I didn’t resign myself, I tried to be assertive, sometimes I even

  managed to feel happy. The house shone with light. From my balcony I saw

  Naples stretching to the edges of the yellow-blue reflection of the sea. I

  had taken my daughters away from the temporariness of Genoa and Milan, and

  the air, the colors, the sounds of the dialect in the streets, the cultured

  people Nino brought to see me even late into the night gave me confidence,

  made me cheerful. I took the girls to see Pietro in Florence and was pleased

  when he came to see them in Naples. Over Nino’s protests I let him stay in my

  house. I made him a bed in the girls’ room; their affection for him was a

  performance, as if they wanted to keep him with them through a display of how

  much they loved him. We tried to have a casual relationship, I inquired about

  Doriana, I asked about his book, which was always about to be published when

  further details emerged that had to be examined. When the children held tight

  to their father, ignoring me, I took a little break. I went down through the

  Arco Mirelli and walked along Via Caracciolo, beside the sea. Or I went up to

  Via Aniello Falcone and came to the Floridiana. I chose a bench, I read.



From Via Tasso the old neighborhood was a

  dim, distant rockpile, indistinguishable urban debris at the foot of

  Vesuvius. I wanted it to stay that way: I was another person now, I would

  make sure that it did not recapture me. But in that case, too, the purpose I

  tended to attribute to myself was fragile. A mere three or four days after

  the first harried arrangement of the apartment I gave in. I dressed the

  children carefully, dressed up myself, and said: Now let’s go see Grandmother

  Immacolata and Grandfather Vittorio and the uncles.


We left early in the morning and at

  Piazza Amedeo took the metro; the children were excited by the violent wind

  produced by the train’s arrival, which ruffled their hair, pasted their

  dresses to their bodies, took away their breath. I hadn’t seen or talked to

  my mother since the scene in Florence. I was afraid she would refuse to see

  me and maybe for that reason I didn’t telephone to announce my visit. But I

  have to be honest, there was another, more obscure reason. I was reluctant to

  say to myself: I am here for this or that other reason, I want to go here or

  I want to go there. The neighborhood for me, even more than my family, was

  Lila: to plan that visit would also mean asking myself how I wanted to

  arrange things with her. And I still didn’t have definite answers, and so

  leaving it to chance was better. In any case, since it was possible that I

  would run into her, I had devoted the greatest attention to the children’s

  appearance and to my own. If it happened, I wanted her to realize that I was

  a lady of refinement and that my daughters weren’t suffering, weren’t falling

  apart, were doing very well.


It turned out to be an emotionally

  charged day. I went through the tunnel, I avoided the gas pump where Carmen

  worked with her husband, Roberto, and crossed the courtyard. My heart

  pounding, I climbed the crumbling stairs of the old building where I was born.

  Dede and Elsa were very excited, as if they were heading into some unknown

  adventure; I arrayed them in front of me and rang the bell. I heard the

  limping gait of my mother, she opened the door, she widened her eyes as if we

  were ghosts. I, too, in spite of myself, showed astonishment. The person I

  expected to see had come unglued from the one who was in fact before me. My

  mother was very changed. For a fraction of a second she seemed to be a cousin

  of hers whom I had seen a few times as a child, and who resembled her,

  although she was six or seven years older. She was much thinner, the bones of

  her face, her nose, her ears seemed enormous.


I tried to hug her, she drew back. My

  father wasn’t there, nor were Peppe and Gianni. To find out anything about

  them was impossible, for a good hour she barely spoke a word to me. With the

  children she was affectionate. She praised them mightily and then, enveloping

  them in large aprons, she began making sugar candies with them. For me it was

  very awkward; the whole time she acted as if I weren’t there. When I tried to

  say to the children that they were eating too many candies, Dede quickly

  turned to her grandmother:


“Can we have some more?”


“Eat as many as you want,” my mother

  said, without looking at me.


The same scene was repeated when she told

  her grandchildren that they could go play in the courtyard. In Florence, in

  Genoa, in Milan I had never let them go out alone. I said:


“No, girls, you can’t, stay here.”


“Grandma, can we go?” my daughters asked,

  almost in unison.


“I told you yes.”


We remained alone. I said to her  anxiously, as if I were still a child: 


“I moved. I’ve taken an apartment on Via





“Three days ago.”




“I’ve written another book.”


“What do I care?”


I was silent. With an expression of

  disgust, she cut a lemon in two and squeezed the juice into a glass.


“Why are you having a lemonade?” I asked.


“Because seeing you turns my stomach.”


She added water to the lemon, put in some

  bicarbonate of soda, drank the foamy effervescence in one gulp.


“Are you not well?”


“I’m very well.”


“It’s not true. Have you been to the



“Imagine if I’ll throw away money on

  doctors and medicine.”


“Elisa knows you don’t feel well?”


“Elisa is pregnant.”


“Why didn’t you or she tell me anything?”


She didn’t answer. She placed the glass

  on the sink with a long, tired sigh, wiped her lips with the back of her

  hand. I said:


“I’ll take you to the doctor. What else

  do you feel?”


“Everything that you brought on. Because

  of you a vein in my stomach ruptured.”


“What do you mean?”


“Yes, you’ve killed this body.”


“I love you very much, Mamma.”


“Not me. You’ve come to stay in Naples

  with the children?”




“And your husband’s not coming?”




“Then don’t ever show up in this house



“Ma, today it’s not like it used to be.

  You can be a respectable person even if you leave your husband, even if you

  go with someone else. Why do you get so angry with me when you don’t say

  anything about Elisa, who’s pregnant and not married?”


“Because you’re not Elisa. Did Elisa

  study the way you did? From Elisa did I expect what I expected from you?”


“I’m doing things you should be happy

  about. Greco is becoming an important name. I even have a little reputation



“Don’t boast to me, you’re nobody. What

  you think you are means nothing to normal people. I’m respected here not

  because I had you but because I had Elisa. She didn’t study, she didn’t even

  graduate from middle school, but she’s a lady. And you who have a university

  degree—where did you end up? I’m just sorry for the two children, so pretty

  and they speak so well. Didn’t you think of them? With that father they were

  growing up like children on television, and you, what do you do, you bring

  them to Naples?”


“I’m the one who brought them up, Ma, not

  their father. And wherever I take them they’ll still grow up like that.”


“You are presumptuous. Madonna, how many

  mistakes I made with you. I thought Lina was the presumptuous one, but it’s

  you. Your friend bought a house for her parents, did you do that? Your friend

  orders everyone around, even Michele Solara, and who do you order around,

  that piece of shit son of Sarratore?”


At that point she began to sing Lila’s

  praises: Ah, how pretty Lina is, how generous, now she’s got her own

  business, no less, she and Enzo—they’ve known how to get ahead. I understood

  that the greatest sin she charged to me was forcing her to admit, with no way

  out, that I was worth less than Lila. When she said she wanted to cook

  something for Dede and Elsa, deliberately excluding me, I realized that it

  would pain her to invite me to lunch and, taking the children, I went away


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