[20180531]ThyssenKrupp-Steeling itself 浴火重生

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Steeling itself


Activist investors go after a German industrial icon


The aim is to thoroughly shake up the last of the country’s unreformed conglomerates



 Print edition | Business

May 31st 2018

FEW industrial scenes offer the dramaof a steelworks in full flow. Perched high in a cabin, a technician guides a bucket the size of a house to send 250 tons of lava-like molten metal into a vast crucible. As a roar echoes across a gargantuan hall, a pile of scrap slides into the mixture. Plumes of illuminated smoke rise. Sparks like giant fireflies tumble down. ThyssenKrupp’s steelmaking plant in Duisburg makes 30,000 tons of the metal daily.


The firm itself is going through an industrial drama, after years of ailing. Its boss, Heinrich Hiesinger, was seen as its saviour after arriving from Siemens late in 2010. But swiftness is not his forte: a colleague says he talks of “diligence before speed”. He did rid the firm of loss-making steel plants, such as assets in the Americas that cost €8bn ($9.3bn) in write-downs. Yet he has not reformed a top-heavycompany.


Several bits of the group—a hotch-potch that includes submarine-, ship- and lift-building, auto supplies and a unit for constructing entire factories—underperform their peers. Notwithstanding some bright areas, such as lifts (see chart), overall operating margins are just 3.5%, after years of failed promises by managers to match the market average for European peers of 7%. All divisions are guided by a powerful head office in Essen that is said to guzzle an extraordinary 30% of total profits. ThyssenKrupp’s share price badly lags behind Germany’s largest listed firms. Meanwhile, Siemens, Bayer and others have broken off subsidiary units and simplified structures. This “is the last man standing” says an observer, asking what makers of lifts and submarines have in common.


Two big changes loom, as activist investors demand reform. One is the end of steel, which provides two-fifths of revenues. The firm has agreed with Tata, an Indian maker, to bundle their European steel assets into a joint venture. The idea is to reduce steelmaking capacity and for ThyssenKrupp to pass on pension liabilities. Yet the Tata deal, announced in September, has dragged. ThyssenKrupp partly blames months of delays on Brexit (Tata faces uncertainty over its operations in Port Talbot, in Wales) and on a new boss at Tata. A signing ceremony is due this month.


The second, bigger question is how to revive the firm’s industrial activities. Mr Hiesinger says he has bright ideas for change, but will not spill them until the deal with Tata is signed. He talks up the activities of high-end engineering units, notably the lift business. Yet analysts say even the better-performing units suffer under a heavy superstructure. As a stand-alone firm, liftmaking, which is far more profitable than the firm’s other divisions, could be worth more than the entire conglomerate’s market capitalisation of €14.5bn, argues one observer. Managers still trot out20th-century-style defences of conglomerates. They say units can share bright ideas and technology, citing a nifty idea for a horizontal motorised lift that came from the railways team. Yet more autonomous units, or outright independent firms, would be most open to innovation.

第二个更大的问题在于如何重振公司的工业部门。赫辛根先生称他有 很好的变革想法,但在与塔塔签署协议之前不会泄漏。他看重高端工程事业部,特别是电梯业务。然而分析师认为即便是表现较好的事业部也不堪管理层之冗重。一位观察员称,蒂森克虏伯的电梯制造事业部作为一家独立企业,其利润空间远大于集团其它事业部,其价值可能比整个集团公司145亿欧元的市值还要高。而企业管理层还在炫耀这个巨头20世纪的军防风采,他们说集团各事业部之间可以共享好的想法和技术,比如可平移电动升降电梯的创意就来自企业铁道团队。更多自主事业部或者完全独立的集团子公司也都会对创新持开放态度。

Cevian, an activist shareholder of long standing which owns 18% of ThyssenKrupp, is demanding “fundamental reorganisation” of industrial activities, scrapping Mr Hiesinger’s centralised structure. Cevian is relatively friendly to managers; a sharper spur to action is Elliott, the world’s largest activist hedge fund, which has just bought a stake. Both may have some quiet support from unions and from the Krupp family foundation, in Essen, which has the dominant stake. ThyssenKrupp’s shares leapt after news of Elliott’s arrival: the hope is for big changes this summer.


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