Day89 | 遇见GCT(五) - 币一面对面直播摘录

Welcome to the BigONE official group and invite everyone to participate in the live broadcast of this group at 20:00 on May 15,Beijing

币一面对面 – 极客链基金会主席-Adam Loveall 和极客链基金会生态伙伴巴克云创始人-刘智聪
BigONE AMA - GeekChain Foundation Chairman – Adam Loveall and GeekChain Foundation Strategic Partner BuckyCloud Founder – Liu Zhicong

We will take the blockchain technology into the future using our trusted system.

Geeks will change the world again.

Adam’s expertise includes solution architecture, software architecture and design of large scale enterprise systems for several US-based firms using cloud-based computing such as AWS and Bluemix. Before he started Geekchain he worked as the top information security engineer and has in-depth experience on cryptography, OKI, encryption, and key management tools.

Liu Zhicong is the founder of BuckyCloud, the strategic partner of GeekChain. He served as the chief engineer and architect of many core products of the Xunlei Networking Technologies Co., Ltd., once oversaw the research and development of Xunlei's core systems (including P2P, cloud storage, and machine learning). His primary focus now is to design and develop GeekChain network and its underlying network protocol.

Now we welcome the two to introduce the GeekChain project.

The vision of the GeekChain Foundation is to utilize global cutting-edge resources, and to build a smart node next-generation blockchain application ecosystem by developing and implementing a "one chain, one dapp" technology architecture.

First, I’d like to thank currency exchange BigOne for providing this opportunity for us to discuss the GeekChain project here. I have been hearing from many early Bitcoin adopters/loyalists expressed their concern over the highly centralized node of Bitcoin today. They believe that the current distribution of Bitcoin's computing power is against Original intention of Satoshi Nakamoto, despite of fact that it was determined by the consensus of the POW. On the contrary EOS is using a new consensus mechanism to introduce the limited “super node” approach, which I think is their biggest innovation.

I believe the transition from Bitcoin to Ethereum, and then to EOS is an important process in the development of blockchain technology, and EOS is by no means the final state. We are here to promote the development of the GeekChain framework and the implementation strategy of the future GeekChain computing node. The current technology trend of blockchain is to create a more effective decentralized distributed solution. And let’s do not forget, any distributed system has an impossible trinity of balancing "security, speed, and cost," But we are optimistic that the underlying technological advances in GeekChain can develop and better balance the impossible trinity under our efforts.

The vision of the GeekChain Foundation is to utilize global cutting-edge resources and to develop a “one chain and one dapp” technology architecture in order to build a smart node next-generation blockchain application ecosystem. What we are promoting here is the next generation of blockchain and its ecosystem. If bitcoin implemented trusted ledgers and ETH implemented trusted codes, then we would like to explore the new dimension of the blockchain: trusted systems. Our trusted system will run on a large number of untrusted end user devices, but it can feature all the functions of a traditional centralized system.

Next, I will elaborate on our foundation vision in three aspects.

Let me first explain the "one chain and one dapp" system architecture.

Blockchain platforms based on "smart contracts" sound good on paper, but it is impossible to achieve a good balance of performance, cost, and security on such chains given the limitation of today's hardware and network. We are going back to the basics of blockchain technology, and to make fundamental changes on the underlying technology and infrastructure, so that every blockchain project team that is trying to develop DApp can design and develop their network based on their unique use cases, and not to wait for a big, universal public chain.

In order to achieve this goal, we had come up the "one chain and one dapp" architectural idea. The DApp team will complete the development of DApp based on ChainSDK rather than using a generic main chain. After their development is completed, every DApp team will get their dapp on their main chain. In the development process, you can choose your own blockchain key application technology (including definition of block size, consensus algorithm, etc.) by constructing a configuration file. You also have the option of using the traditional programming language (JavaScript is supported) to develop based on your unique business requirements (smart contracts).
为了实现这个目标,我们创造性的提出了“一链一应用”的架构思想,DApp团队将基于ChainSDK而不是一个通用主链来完成DApp的开发。开发完成后DApp团队将得到一个应用主链。 开发过程中可以通过构造配置文件的方法来选择合适自己的区块链关键应用技术(包括定义块大小、共识算法等),还可以直接使用传统的编程语言(首先得到支持的是JavaScript)来完成业务需求(智能合约)的开发。

The GCT Foundation is very honored to be able to work with BuckyCloud, the world's leading technology development team in the P2P field. The BuckyCloud team has decades of experience in the field of designing and running large-scale P2P systems. They will lead the effort of promoting the development of the ChainSDK within the communities. BuckyCloud will also aim to introduce a set of tool chains to lower the difficulty of developing your own main chain.
GCT基金会幸运的与P2P领域的世界顶级技术开发团队巴克云进行了携手,巴克云团队有数十年真实的大型P2P系统的架构和运营经验,他们将引领社区推动ChainSDK 的发展. 还将持续的在ChainSDK中集成区块链的新技术,并通过一整套工具链降低应用主链的开发门槛。

Next, I would like to talk about "smart node infrastructure".

Every home router is your home gateway, normally online and has access to internet 24/7. The current smart routers also have the computing power and storage capability, so it can serve as a natural distributed storage and computing node. Home router’s role in the blockchain network will soon be recognized and will have far-reaching significance, reflecting the true definition of Blockchain network such as decentralized storage and calculation, and it truly returns the power to users.

We are very pleased to have the opportunity to partner with China's industry leader HiWifi . In the past 4 months, we have been evaluated the technical architecture with HiWifi team, based on many factors such as the smart home gateway technology, hardware expansion capabilities, manufacturing costs, data processing, and total user base. A number of technical verifications of the future use cases were carried out using several HiWifi several flagship models. I’d like to announce that the results obtained are very satisfactory.
And more importantly, we have established the consensus that the smart home node in the future will be automated. Our company had formally signed the contract to form strategic partnership in early April of 2018, and consequently HiWifi became the first eco-partner of the GCT Foundation.

In the near future, the GCT Foundation will continue to collaborate with HiWifi to further promote blockchain smart nodes, and to utilize the current infrastructure of two million HiWifi routers to build the “one chain, one dapp” infrastructure.
The owners of HiWifi’s blockchain routers will become early adapters of the new eco-system by sharing idle network resources, idle computing resources, and by contributing storage space. The goal is to provide public network nodes that can be configured dynamically for the development and testing of the application chain, and also to provide enough public network nodes for the “cold launch” of the application chain project, which will greatly improve the development efficiency of the development and to speed up the real-world implmentation of DApp.

Last but not least, I want to talk about GCT tokens and its circulation.

The GCT Foundation has carefully designed an eco-system based on fairness and openness of our public chain. Every party in this system can promote development driven by their own interests and can share the benefits of applied technology. We created the GeekChain Token (GCT) for this sole purpose.
GCT基金会为搭建一个公平、开放的应用公链上线生态,精心设计了一个经济体系。在这个体系中的每一方,都能在利益的驱动下推动生态发展,并共同分享应用生态的收益。我们为这个经济循环创建了Geek Chain Token (GCT)。

In the early stage of the economical cycle in our eco-system, DApp development team configures each individual project based on the scale of the project and development nodes and uses GCT to purchase nodes. Smart node owners get GCT as reward by providing computing power and storage in the form of mining. Blockchain developers can earn GCT by contributing code to become a driving force in the community; and hardware manufacturers generate value in GCT in the form of hardware sales.

During the later and more advanced stage of the eco-system, each GCT address will receive the extra GCT reward, which will greatly ensure the long-term growth of the GCT asset value. This is the consensus of constructing the GCT economical cycle.

The ecological construction and economical cycle of GCT can be seen in Figure below:


The GCT Foundation is actively promoting the project. Our strategic partners within the community have demonstrated great interest and efficiency. Wang chuyun, founder of the GEE, and Liu zhicong, founder of buckycloud, are both typical geeks, and their ideas and abilities are admirable.We are open to work with global leading smart hardware manufacturers to build a community along with the top blockchain developers in the world. We are inviting more DApp implementation team to join us to speed up the development of blockchain technology.


Q: Recently GCT launched a BDT Beta test invitation on their official website, what is the purpose of this beta test?

Hello everyone, my name is Liu Zhicong from BuckyCloud, I will answer this question.

The blockchain technology can be divided into three layers in terms of its architecture. The bottom layer is the non-centralized P2P network, with a consensus engine as the middle layer, and business logic as the top layer. Because most of the blockchain teams on the market now are US-based, and their focus is on the consensus engine (consensus algorithm research) and business logic support (comprehensive methods for writing smart contracts). Their underlying network layer is commonly based on TCP/DHT, which is also widely accepted by the industry.

The TCP/DHT based protocol stack was the mainstream solution for eMule around year 2000. While it is widely accepted in the United States, where has ton of IPv4 addresses in their network, but it caused many problems in China, where there is a shortage of IPv4 addresses, also a large number of nodes are behind the multi-layer routers. I have in-depth understanding of the network access situation in China, learned from many years of P2P system development at XunLei.

The GCT Foundation hopes to convert a large number of home smart devices into future blockchain nodes, and to do that it requires a new P2P protocol tailored for China's network environment. BuckyCloud has been working on BDT protocol since it was founded back in 2016, learning from our shortfall from Xunlei, and including a better multi-layer NAT support, IPv6 support, discovery on decentralized SN, and carrier-friendly DHT structure. So after 14 months of R&D, we have accomplished the proof the concept, and completed the initial code development and laboratory testing, ready for real-world experiment.

At that point of time, we were approached by GCT Foundation. We began to optimize the protocol for the new application scenario of the blockchain. As for the strategic partnership, GCT Foundation can help to push testing of the BDT protocol in a real-world production environment. From my past experience with Xunlei, the cycle of a new protocol from design to production testing was generally more than one year, and it also requires rigorous testing and data analysis to promote and improve the new protocol. I would also like to point out that there are very few teams in this industry other than us have full P2P protocol development experience.

The BDT protocol is now entered a critical phase of testing, verification, and optimization. Our goal is to complete the 1,000-node test, 10,000-node test, unlimited-node test, and then to release the official version of the protocol later 2018. We did not expect to have such a large platform like this after I left Xunlei. We will continue to advance the implementation of the new protocol with industrial-grade processes and quality requirements. At present, we have received strong support from the GCT community for conducting 1,000-node test. This is truly the power of decentralization that we could not imagine in the past. We will try to live up to the expectations set by GCT Foundation and release the official version of the BDT protocol this year.

Q: GCT is an ERC20 token, so do GCT foundation have plan of developing and launching your own parent blockchain? What is the value forecast of GCT tokens in various DApp projects based on "one chain and one DApp" concept?

I will take this question as well.
GeekChain is indeed a parent blockchain development project based on the concept of ​​ “one chain, one DApp”. The current development plan is to have the BETA version available for testing at the end of June this year. The official release timeline will depend on the test results. As the parent blockchain goes live, we will utilize the Ethereum smart contract to convert the GCT from ERC20 onto new parent blockchain. As previously mentioned in the GCT white paper, there are two main functions of GCT tokens:

  1. After the user makes his/her smart device into the public-blockchain project node, the project team will pay extra GCT to the user in addition to the tokens earned by user’s smart device.
  2. Profit is being generated in the entire GCT ecosystem, coming from several different DApps. The profit will be converted into GCT tokens and distributed to GCT existing holders.

Q: I have been a loyal user of HiWifi router. Now since my router has the mining capability, I would like to ask: what is your algorithm for mining? Can I set up a mining pool using multiple HiWifi routers?

Hi, first let me welcome you to be an important part of GCT eco-system as a GCT miner.

The algorithm of mining using a HiWifi router is determined by your device's computing power, storage capacity, and data transmission efficiency of the network. You can earn GCT and ACT Tokens using high-end HiWifi devices. We will introduce more ways of earning token rewards as the Dapps development and eco-system moves forward.

As an integral piece of the GCT eco-system, HiWifi devices will continuously be upgraded as GCT project moves forward, and mining mechanisms will continue to improve. There are many factors being considered in the GCT operational planning, including the mining ability and the hardware capabilities of the HiWifi devices, the consensus algorithm for the assigned project, and the duration of the GCT held by the current equipment’s binding address.

As an existing member of the GCT mining community. you can refer other HiWifi users to upgrade their routers to start mining. We will mark you as a referrer for all the miners you had referred, your mining efficiency will greatly be improved as a mining referrer.

In the early days of GCT eco-system, the device mining capacity was less affected by the age of the account holder’s GCT tokens. Currently our goal is to distribute GCT to early adopters as evenly as possible. The age of GCT tokens and hardware capacity will play a bigger role in mining capability in the next phase and resulted in the greater income difference.

Q: Does GCT foundation operate internationally? I see your strategic partners are all China-based teams. Do you have partners from other countries?

The GCT Foundation currently has offices in the United States and China. We decided to focus on the Chinese market and community in the early stages of operation, because China’s R&D of smart hardware and P2P protocol is world-class. Although the Chinese government had imposed legal restrictions on cryptocurrency transaction and distribution, it did not slow down the development of blockchain technology in China. GCT is very optimistic about the rapid advancement of blockchain technology in China. However, the development of the GCT community will inevitably require more participation of other international smart hardware owners and developers. Few smart network device manufacturers and DApp project teams had reached to us. We will actively take the initiative to include more strategic partners to participate in our project.

We will take the blockchain technology into the future using our trusted system, and geeks will change the world again.

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