done or made in a hurried and careless way:
[Example] Whatever methods here are seem slapdash.
She done is quickly and slapdash.
someone who directs the performance of musicians or a piece of music:
[Example] Year by year the academy turns out conductor.
The conductor forgot his baton.
(v) to work more slowly and with less effort than usual, or to go more slowly:
[Example] Nobody had been slacking.
He had been caught slacking on job.
In summary, the key factor to achieve deliberate practice is to establish technique, put into outside of one's comfort zone, have define goal and develop a plan, have feedbacks and then modification, full attention and effective mental representation. In addition, the major difference between purposeful practice and deliberate practice is that deliberate practice requires a teacher or coach to guide the correct way of performance.
這一章節終於要點出刻意練習與purposeful partice 的不同了以及到底如何達到刻意練習。要達到刻意練習主要是要在一個已經開發的領域上,有一定的主觀標準或是先對主觀的標準,例如棋局的輸贏或音樂表演得好壞,這樣練習時才知道對與錯,以及如何改進。研究點出了音樂學生優秀到卓越之間的差別是練習的時間,無論那個學生剛被挖掘時多有天賦,他們的練習時間與卓越程度是成正相關的。再來例證了芭雷舞者甚至是年輕的棋藝大師也是一樣。 最後做了個總結(我英文summary的部分)。
看了這裡自己終於把例證跟作者想表達的中心思想結合起來了,然後根據這個文章所說的,也希望各位看到我的英文語法或用法錯誤時不要吝於糾正:) 期勉繼續跟大家一起刻意練習