How to use Wunderlist's Calendar Feed
Last Updated: Nov 26, 2014
You can now see your to-do’s with due dates in your calendar, whether you use iCal, Google Calendar, and Outlook, or any calendar that supports the iCalendar format. Calendar Feed takes all of your to-dos with a due date and places them in your Calendar as an 'all-day' event.
To get started head on over to our Web App. Sign in, and you’ll be taken to your Wunderlist account in your browser. If you don’t normally use the Web app, no worries, you just need it once to get the URL for your Wunderlist calendar feed.
Go to Account Settings by clicking on your name and profile photo at the top left corner.
Scroll all the way to the bottom, and you’ll see the Calendar Feed section.
Copy the link (it starts with https://).
On iCal
Go to File > New Calendar Subscription.
Paste the URL from your Wunderlist account into the field that pops up.
Click Subscribe, and you’ll then be able to set some preferences (how frequently you want the calendar to update, if iCal should ignore attachments, etc).
Your to-do’s with due dates will now show up in your iCal. iCal will auto-refresh the sync depending on your settings, up to every 5 minutes.
On Google Calendar
Follow the steps above in the Web app to get your unique Wunderlist Calendar Feed URL.
Go to Other Calendars on the left and click the little arrow facing down to open options. Click Add by URL. Paste your Wunderlist Calendar Feed URL, then click Add Calendar.
Your to-do’s with due dates will now show up in your Google Calendar. Please note, Google Calendar only syncs once every 24 hours, so tasks you added in Wunderlist will not show up immediately in your calendar.
On Outlook 2013
Go to the Start ribbon, and click Open Calendar, then choose From the Internet. Paste your Wunderlist Calendar Feed URL.
Your to-do’s with due dates will now show up in your Outlook Calendar.
In, go to your calendar. Click Import, then Click Subscribe. In the Calendar URL Box, type or copy-and-paste the URL. Enter a name for the calendar and choose a color. Now click on Subscribe.
If you are getting an error message "This calendar wasn't updated because of a problem with the publisher's file. We'll try updating it again later.", please change the beginning of the URL from https:// to http://
Improvements are on the way
Calendar integration has been the one of the most requested features, so we wanted to let you get your hands on it as soon as possible. In this first version, the integration itself is fairly simple and currently only syncs one way (from Wunderlist to your calendar). But the good news is, we're continuing to work on making this feature better for you, so be sure to stay tuned.
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