1,从本周文章/音频/视频中我学到的最重要的概念:国外的世界多姿多态,有高大的建筑,美味的食物。The world of aboard is very beautiful.There have tall builings and delicious food.
2,我在本周文章/音频/视频中学到的怦然心动的单词:hip时髦的 laid-back自在的 creamy含奶油的 array一批 nibble一小口
3,在本周文章/音频/视频中我最喜欢的一句话:We've got shopping,sightseeing,history,culture,and of course the odd beach.我们去逛商场购物,观光,了解历史,文化,当然还有大海滩。
I didn't see Kung Fu Panda before this class, but the Kung Fu Panda was shown by the teacher, and I felt a lot about it after I saw it.I think when he see that symbol, Po will think of his own mother and his life experience.What impressed me most was that his mother had put him in the car to keep him out of danger, but his mother had suffered.It made me see the greatness of a mother.