[Note] Frame-Based Multicast Switching

Michael Tartre and Bill Lin
Abstract — This letter considers the multicast scheduling problem for the case where the average rates of flows are known and a fixed frame size is applicable. We present a frame-based decomposition method for computing offline a recurring schedule that can guarantee the specified flow rates with minimum internal speedup if any. We consider both the no-splitting case, where a multicast cell must be transferred to all its destinations in a single time slot and the fanout-splitting case, where a multicast cell may take multiple time slots to transfer to all its destinations, transferring only to a subset of its destinations each time.
Index Terms — Multicast switching, high-performance switches, rate guarantees.


  • Switch scheduling for crossbbar switches
  • Online scheduling problem extensively syudied, exsiting algorithms too complex to implement at high speeds/not capable of providing delay gurantees.
  • Offline scheduling is an attractive option when the traffic profile is known a priori and static
    我的研究中traffic demand是对交换机可见的还是不可见的?
  • Birkhoff-Von Neumann(BvN) by Chang: one such offline scheduling which guarantees 100% throughput and determines delay of any known admissible traffic
    • Decompose any admissible traffic matrix into a convex combination of permutation matrices that correspond to switch configurations
    • permmutation metrices O(N^2) for N \times N switch - substantial online memory when N is large
    • not completely : PGPS (Packetized Generalized Process Sharing) algorithm to schedule online the generated permutation matrices, non-trivial impllement
      (PGP IN [2] A. K. Parekh and R. G. Gallager, “A generalized processor sharing approach to flow control in integrated service networks: the single-node case,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, 1993.)
    • 相当于BvN分成两部分,第一部分是将traffic矩阵分解成多个permutation矩阵,再用PGP来调度。
    • 最开始的BvN是针对的单播的,对于组播的改进在:[4] J. K. Sundararajan, S. Deb, and M. Medard, “Extending the Birkhoff-von Neumann switching strategy for multicast—on the use of optical
      splitting in switches,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 2007.

问题: 这里的online和offline具体含义是什么?

  • For Integer flow rates, frame-based offlline scheduling methods have been proposed.
    • Decompose any integer rate matrix into T permutation matrices( T is an interger frame size corresponding to the largest row or column sum of interfer flow rate)
    • Frame-based decomposition approached offer several advantage over BvN approach: 1)Worst-case online memory requirment is much less when T is much less than N^2. 2) no need for PGPs
      (This approach in [3] J. Hui, Switching and Traffic Theory for Integrated Broadband Networks. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. )

This paper: proposes a new frame-based scheduling method that provides support for multicast switching. To the author's knowledgem previous frame-based offline scheduling methods didnot consider multicast switching.

Frame-based offline Multicast Scheduling

  • Formulated as a graph coloring problem

  • Two modes:

    1. No-splitting:A multicast cell must be transferred to all its destinations in a single time slot.
    2. Fan-out splitting: A multicast cell may take multiple time slots to transfer to all its destinations, ransferring only to a subset of its destinations each time.
      关于拆分后没有走掉的部分的处理:In the fanout-splitting case, a multicast cell remains queued until it has been transferred to all its destinations. The fanout-splitting case provides the offline scheduler with more flexibility in resolving conflicts. To support partial service, we assume the multicast virtual output queueing model with requeueing described in [6], which is also assumed in [4], [5]. In this queueing model, when a multicast cell receives partial service, the cell is dequeued from its current queue and requeued in the virtual queue corresponding to the residue (the unserviced part of the multicast).


  • General Case:

    DEF of Flow
DEF of Conflict graph
  • Integer Flow Rate:

    Def of Interger confilict graph

No-Splitting Case

  • 将flow rate 大于1的圈分成多个flow rate为1的圈:

    Def of Unit conflict graph
Once the unit conflict graph is derived, the offline multicast scheduling problem is reduced to the classical graph coloring problem [7].
FIG1 Process for NO-splitting+cell-splitting Case: SEE Config 1 and 2

A unicast flow is shown as a pair (𝑖,𝑗), a multicast flow is shown in the form of 𝑖:[𝑗, 𝑘, . . .], and the rates are shown in bold. i: input port j:output port

Continuing with the example shown in Figure 1(c), the unit conflict graph shown can be colored using 𝐾 = 4 colors, for example as follows:

FIG1: Config1

If the number of switch configurations (colors) equals to the frame size, 𝐾 = 𝑇 , then no internal speedup is required. Otherwise, an internal speedup of 𝐾/𝑇 is required to schedule the cell arrivals in 𝑇 time slots.


Fanout-Splitting case

FIG1: Config2
FIG2. Process for Fanout-splitting Case
FIG2 Config
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