诗篇 66:1-7,8-10,13-15 CUNPSS-神
“全地都当向 神欢呼! 歌颂他名的荣耀! 用赞美的言语将他的荣耀发明! 当对 神说:你的作为何等可畏! 因你的大能,仇敌要投降你。 全地要敬拜你,歌颂你, 要歌颂你的名。 (细拉) 你们来看 神所行的, 他向世人所做之事是可畏的。 他将海变成干地,众民步行过河; 我们在那里因他欢喜。 他用权能治理 万民 ,直到永远。 他的眼睛鉴察列邦; 悖逆的人不可自高。 (细拉)”
“神啊,你曾试验我们, 熬炼我们,如熬炼银子一样。 你使我们进入网罗, 把重担放在我们的身上。 你使人坐车轧我们的头; 我们经过水火, 你却使我们到丰富之地。”
“我要用燔祭进你的殿, 向你还我的愿, 就是在急难时我嘴唇所发的、 口中所许的。 我要把肥牛作燔祭, 将公羊的香祭献给你, 又把公牛和山羊献上。 (细拉)”
见证, 试炼, 诗篇
Testing produces Testimony
Psalms 66:8-12, 16 NLT
Let the whole world bless our God and loudly sing his praises. Our lives are in his hands, and he keeps our feet from stumbling. You have tested us, O God; you have purified us like silver. You captured us in your net and laid the burden of slavery on our backs. Then you put a leader over us. We went through fire and flood, but you brought us to a place of great abundance.
Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he did for me.
The Psalmist reflected on how the Israelites went through the Red Sea on foot and was set free from slavery. He was reminded of the goodness of God through the darkness of slavery. God always produces the best through the process of the worst. Through the test we go through, comes the testimony of praise! Through the slavery and suffering in Egypt, the Israelites multiplied as a nation. Through the wandering in the wilderness, they were refined as the people of God. Therefore, the Psalmist reminded others in verse 16 of what God had done! He was tested and purified in the hands of the Almighty God but now he praised God for the forgiveness of sins and answered prayers! So, do not fret when troubles come. Do not be dismayed or be discouraged when times are hard. For suffering produces perseverance, perseverance produces character and character produces hope(cf Romans 5) ! The testing and trials we are going through will produce a testimony of praise and glory to God if we do not give up!
Lord, thank You for reminding me to be faithful and consistent. Teach me not to be afraid of hard times or difficult situations. For we have not been tested to the point of shedding blood, so teach me to rejoice in You every day. Your unfailing love reaches to the heavens. Let every testing You put me through produces a testimony of praise! Continue to purify my heart and let me serve with an attitude of a faithful servant , in the identity of a filial son , with the passion of a beloved friend. Bless my bros n sis to remember that the testimony is coming through the the testing they are going through! In Jesus’ Name, amen.