In those days fornication was an indictable offense, and bastardy was a misdemeanor. And evidently there were few other activities in life that gave Ann’a shriveled soul more deep and abiding satisfaction than uncovering the story of some suffering girl’s error, and then running to the Grand Jury with the news. The records of the Court of Quarter Sessions in Fort Harrod repeatedly tell the pathetic story of some unfortunate girl indicated for fornication“on information of Ann McGinty.” 17 cases were tried at Harrodsburg in the spring of 1783, and 8 were for fornication.
1、在当时,“通奸 or 乱伦”是个严重的犯罪,而生下私生子也是一种轻罪。
(of a crime) for which you can be indicted可以提起公诉的 an ~ offense 一起严重的犯罪
■Misdemeanor: [ˌmɪsdɪ'minə]
是相对于felony(重罪)而来的,而即使是“轻罪”,各个州的法条也有不同程度的规定:simple misdemeanor(一般轻罪), serious misdemeanor(严重轻罪),以及aggrevated misdemeanor(超级轻罪),本人不是法律专家,就不具体说了。
可惜我们的林肯总统的祖母并不是一个懂得维护女性权利的人,相反,她常常从她的小屋里听到什么马褂,马上就跑到地方法院去“打小报告”,说的就是哪个女孩子不清白之类的“谣言”。由此也可以看出,当时在背地里议论女性的八卦已经成为一种“风俗”或者“风尚”,Ann McGinty这个妇女眼中的“劳动模范”都带头这么做了,更别提那些无所事事的女人们了。
lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness
Among these indictments, there is 1 brought by the Grand Jury on November 24, 1789, and reading as follows: “Lucy Hanks for fornication.”
This wasn’t Lucy’s first offense. The first had been years before, back in Virginia.
There was a long time ago, and the old records are meager: they only a few bare facts and so setting for the facts. From them and from other sources, however, a probable story can be reconstructed. The essential elements, at any rate, are well established.
■Meager: [ˈmiɡɚ]
1. deficient in amount/qualtiy/extent 2. barely adequate
■ at any rate:
1. used to show that what you have just said is not as important as what you are going to say强调下文的重要性 2. used to show that you are being more accurate about sth that you have just said 强调上文的准确性 3. used to say that a particular fact is true despite what has happened in the past or what may happen in the future 强调事件的真实性,不管将来和过去
The Virginia home of the Hanks family had been on a narrow strip of land bounded on one side by the Rappahannock River, on the other by the Potomac. On this same narrow strip of land dwelt the Washingtions and the Lees, the Carters and the Fauntleroy,and many other snuff-and-silk-breeches family. This aristocrats attended services at Christ Church, and so did the poor and illiterate families of the neighborhood such as the Hankses.
■ Be bounded on:
A is bounded on B. A与B接壤
A is bouderd on the south/east/west/north by B,A的南/东/西/北边与B交界
The U.S. is bounded on the north by Canada./England is bounded on the north by Scotland.
■ Dwelt:
Lucy Hanks was present, as usual, on the second Sunday in November, 1781, when General Washington caused a great craning of necks by bringing General La Fayetteto church, as his guest. Everyone was eager to see the distinguished Frenchman who, only a month before, had helped Washington capture the army of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown.
■ Caused a great craning of necks: 引得大家都伸长了脖子
Crane: (n.&v.) 1.起重机 2. 鹤 a large bird with long legs and a long neck
The crane and the mother-of-pearl fight to death.河蚌相争
■ The Battle of Yorktown约克镇战役
也叫做Siege of Yorktown(约克镇围攻), the Surrender at Yorktown,the Siege of Little York,是在1781年10月19日结束的。
华盛顿家族领导的是AmericanContinental Army,而由Charles Cornwallis(查理斯•康沃尔)联合领导的是British Army,法国作为美国的盟友,也从罗德岛登陆,派出了和Comte de Rochambeau(罗尚博伯爵)和他的部队来争夺已经被英方控制的纽约市,和正在采取军事行动的弗吉尼亚州。
康沃尔勋爵最先接到他上级Henry Clinton发出的一条模糊指令,让他挖一条防御性深水港来抵抗敌人的进攻,而他最后选择在Yorktown开挖这个深水港。而美法联军在1781年夏天已经统一了纽约北部,他们决定使用“调虎离山”的方法,让英方以为他们要继续围攻纽约,同时,联军的部队则南下朝弗吉尼亚州进发。
另外,帮了联军大忙的还有率领法国某西印度群岛舰队的海军司令官Comte de Grasse(格拉斯伯爵),他在8月底到达了(美国的)切萨皮克湾,带来了增援;9月初时,他就在此处打败了由Sir Thomas Graves率领的康沃斯的增援部队,这次大捷之后,他堵截了任何试图想从海上逃跑的康沃斯部队British Army,事实上形成了对在Yorktown备战的康沃斯的海上封锁;9月底,随着罗尚博伯爵的到来,美法联军基本在路上和海上形成了对康沃斯(英国)的合围之势。
另外,格拉斯伯爵还做了许多外围工作:他带来了从古巴哈瓦那的市民那里搜刮来的50万银比索,为美国的陆上部队采购补给和发放薪水;而在圣多明歌(多米尼加首都),他又会见了Francisco Saavedra de Sangronis,一个西班牙卡洛斯三世的代理人,这个代理人许诺西班牙海军将保护法国商船队的安全,保证格拉斯可以带着他的所有船只向北驶离这个海域。
■ General La Fayette:拉斐特将军 (1757-1834)
一个法国贵族军官,帮助美国打了American Revolutionary War,并且是乔治•华盛顿、亚历山大•汉密尔顿、托马斯•杰斐逊三人的好友。在1789年的法国大革命(the French Revolution)和1830年的七月革命( the July Revolution)中扮演重要角色。