PART 1: Thoughts
In other words, experts see the forest when everyone else sees only trees.
The more you study a subject, the more detailed your mental representations of it become, and the better you get at assimilating new information.
最后,如何产生我们需要的心理表征? 最好方法就是花时间了解他们,当我们对一个主题研究越多,对它就越熟悉,越理解你的技能越娴熟,创建的心里表征就越好,而心理表征越好,就越能有效的提升技能,形成良性循环。就像Eric,他为了准备语法课,买了30多纸质书和20多本电子进行大量阅读和分析,在不断用的过程中精进自己语法。而反观自己毕业这么多年后连一本语法书都没读过,对这方面都没什么概念,看了两章语法,发觉读PEAK时开始会联系到前两天看过的语法内容,加深印象,这就是用的效果。
PART 2: Summary
First, blindfold chess example illustrates a chess master wins a game by encoding positions and analyzing. They are characteristics of the mental representation. And much of deliberate practice involves developing ever more efficient mental representations. But it's only to a particular specialty. Experts spend their years of practice to change the neural circuity and create mental representations.
And, again,the key benefit of mental representations lies in how they help us deal with information: understanding and interpreting it, holding it in memory, organizing it, analyzing it, and making decisions with it. Furthermore, the best way to develop a mental representation is to spend a little time getting to know them, just as the more we study a subject, the more detailed our mental representations of it become and better us get at assimilating new information.
PART 3: Words and Expression
1.novice: n. someone new to a field or activity
原文:They tested a national-level chess player (i.e., a chess master), a mid-range chess player, and a chess novice on two types of boards.
仿句:For a novice, he has done well.
2. 原文:Simon estimated that by the time a chess player becomes a master, he or she has accumulated some fifty thousand of these chunks.
estimate: v. judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time)(总是用think)
仿句:It estimates that environment pollution will be worsen in the future.
3. 原文:The hierarchy is analogous to the organizational structure of a business or other large institution.
analogous: adj.If one thing is analogous to another, the two things are similar in some way. 类似的[正式]
be analogous to 与…相似,类似于
仿句:The usage of this word is analogous to another one.
4. 原文:All this information becomes integrated into one holistic concept that is represented by the word dog.
holistic: adj. emphasizing the organic or functional relation between parts and the whole 全部的(习惯性用whole)
仿句:I lack holistic concept of grammar.
5.原文:And other sorts of advanced abilities needed to excel in their particular specialties
excel:v.distinguish oneself (平时习惯性用be good at 或better)
excel in:v. 在……方面胜过;在……方面很擅长
excel at:突出;擅长于
仿句:In school, I excel in running.