1. Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria: Definition of Done; which output of the project is acceptable, including features, capabilities, feel, look that the solution will have.
2. Backlog Management: Product Backlog; a set of features that we haven't been able to accomplish.
3. Balanced Scorecard: It's usually used by the senior management team for strategy or operation activity; It's to assess the level of the performance of the staff members within the org.
4. Benchmarking and Market Analysis: Comparing with other competitors to do assess on the solutions or current state.
5. Barnstorming: putting all heads together; group creativity technique, whereby efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem.
6. Business Capability Analysis: Capability of the business, in essence, what business is able to do.
7. Business Cases: "Why" (reasons) to do it
8. Business Model Canvas: helps us to be able to determine or describe the rationale of how an org is able to create deliver and then also capture rules.
9. Business Rules Analysis: Rules or policies that actually govern the org.
10. Collaborative Games: Team building activities or facilitate unity and drive ones within a team.
11. Concept Modelling: Represent a system which shows the interaction of concepts; Organize the business vocabulary needed to consistently and thoroughly communicate the knowledge of the domain; A set of glossary that focus on the key concepts that we use in a particular domain.
12. Dara Dictionary: Gives us the definition of the data, so you don't have multiple interpretation of the data.
13. Data Flow Diagrams: The flow of the data: where the data comes from, which activities process the data, what would be utilized. and then what would be the output results of that particular data.
14. Data Mining: We mining a large number of data and the data would come to a clear pattern or relationship.
15. Data Modelling: Help us represent the data in a reasonable format; Classify the objects that is relevant to a particular domain; Show relationships among various data objects.
16. Decision Analysis: Offer various solutions to the problems to find out a best one.
17. Decision Modelling: Show how to make a decision; It gives us an SOP for decision making and clearly stipulate how decisions are taken.
18. Document Analysis: Includes contextual understanding and requirements by examining available materials.
19. Estimation: To forecast: cost, effort, time, resources, etc.
20. Financial Analysis: How will cost; ROI
21. Focus Groups: In a group setting, carrying out elicitation or gathering information or ideas to discuss and comment on a topic within a particular context.
22. Functional Decomposition: Breaking down complexity into smaller more manageable, understandable components.
23. Glossary: Key terms that are relevant in our business analysis practice.
24. Interface Analysis: It's used to identify where, why, when, how and for whom information is exchanged between solution components or across solution boundaries.
25. Interviews: Data or information gathering technique: talking to the interviewee and asking them relevant questions.
26. Item Tracking: Capture and design responsibility for issues as well as stakeholders' concerns that pose an impact on the solution. In the other words, this is to address the stakeholders' concerns, identifying actions, assumptions, constrains, dependencies, defects enhancements or issues.
27. Lessons Learned: Using previous data especially projects that have been done before to be able to determine what works, what does not work and then of course what can be done but then in a better way. Compile success, opportunities for improvements, failures a then recommendations for improvements.
28. Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) : Measure solution performance/ outcome/ expectation/ forecast; Measure progress.
29. Mind Mapping: Diagrammatic representation of the note-taking in a non-linear diagram.
30. Non-functional Requirements Analysis: They are needed to be in place in order for our functional or solutions to thrive.
31. Observation: Eliciting the information which is not being said. This is often used in interviews as interview can have shortfalls because sometimes during an interview, people might not want to open up;
32. Organizational Modelling: Roles, responsibilities, as well as reporting structures within an org, also align with the org's goal.
33. Prioritization: Take a decision based on the indices, for example, implementation, time, cost, importance or value.
34. Process Analysis: Assess a process for its efficiency as well as its effectiveness.
35. Process Modelling: Standardized graphical model to show how work is carried out; it's also a foundation for process analysis. Describe the sequential flow of work or activities.
36. Prototyping: "Samples"; To elicit and validate stakeholders need.
37. Reviews: Feedback from stakeholders.
38. Risk Analysis and Management: Identify the risk using either a qualitative or quantitative analysis model
39. Roles and Permissions Matrix: Assign responsibilities within team member and make proper communication with our stakeholders.
40. Root Cause Analysis: Underlying the cause of the problem. That's the only way you can ensure that the problem does not repeat itself again.
41. Scope Modelling: "boundaries"; clearly define what we should do and what is not within our scope definition.
42. Sequence Diagrams: How processes or objects interact during the scenario; How interfaces within a particular software.
43. Stakeholder List, Map or Personas: List of all stakeholders; their attributes, the potential impacts they can have on our project and then how will the change process impact on our stakeholders.
44. State Modelling: A set of possible state of entity; the sequence of states that the entity can be in and how an entity changes from one to another; how events and conditions that cause the entity to change the state.
45. Survey or Questionnaire: It's important when the population is large or hard to observe.
46. SWOT Analysis: Strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. To analysis internal and external conditions.
47. Use Cases and Scenarios: Determine where a problem could arise at every point in time within its interactions.
48. User Stories: Simple documents contains features.
49. Vendor Assessment: Ability of vendor to meet the commitment.
50. Workshops: Bring stakeholder together to collaborate.