

Legend has it that in ancient times, a hunter named Houyi hunted in the mountains. A rabbit was lying lazily among the trees, unafraid of Houyi.


Hou Yi: “Today came to the mountains hunting, not a beast but see a rabbit. Well, the sun is also fast downhill. Caught it home to cook to eat today is not a waste.”


With that, Houyi bent his bow and shot an Arrow at the rabbit. The rabbit seemed to have a spirit and ran forward. Houyi’s Arrow hit the rabbit in the leg. Frightened, the rabbit ran into the stump and knocked himself unconscious. Houyi went up, beaming. Mention the rabbit ears to go back to see a woman in the distance sweet-scented Osmanthus tree, the woman stood under the sweet-scented Osmanthus tree as if looking for something, the woman born beautiful, good call big Yi heart. He was afraid of the woman and saw flowers nearby. He picked them up and put down the rabbit and the bow and Arrow. She handed the flower to the girl and asked, “Beautiful girl. What are you looking for?”


Chang’e blushed and said, “I’m looking for my rabbit, little Lord.”


Houyi thought to himself, rabbit? I just shot one. Why don’t you ask the girl if it’s hers. “Just a moment, Miss.”


Hou Yi pulled the rabbit out of the grass and handed it to Chang’e


“I just saw a hunter shoot the rabbit in the leg and it came running towards me. I saw that he was hurt and wanted to take it home to recuperate.”


“Thank you, that’s my rabbit.”


Hou Yi handed the rabbit to the red faced Chang’e and looked at each other.


“Thank you. This rabbit means a lot to me.”


“If it’s so important... why don’t you marry me?”Houyi said, laughing.


“Okay.”Chang’e took it seriously.


They made a vow under the sweet-scented Osmanthus Tree


One day, there were ten suns in the sky.


Chang’e felt the heat. Houyi climbed the mountain and shot down nine suns with his bow.


The last Sun: “The hero mercy, spare me. Ask the future will rise and fall on time. If you shoot me, people in the daytime can not see the road.”


Hou Yi thought for a moment and agreed.


When Queen Mother of the West of Asgard learned of this, he descended to Earth.


Queen Mother of the West: “Are you the sun-shooting Hero?”


Hou Yi: “Exactly.”


The Queen Mother of the West said, “You have done this great thing for the people, and I will give you this elixir.”The Queen Mother of the West offered Houyi a elixir. “Eat this, and you will rise.”


Hou Yi: “Thank you, Queen Mother of the West, my family has a wife, beautiful and virtuous, the only one elixir, Houyi is not willing to abandon his wife alone to become immortal.”


The Queen Mother of the West nodded slightly and left.


When Hou Yi returned home, he gave the Elixir to Chang’e.


Hou Yi: “My Lady, you must take good care of this elixir.”Houyi handed the Elixir to Chang’e


Chang’e: “Husband, I understand. Sooner or later, word will get out that the Queen Mother of the West gave you this elixir. I will put it away, and husband must be careful.”


At the door, Ponmont, who had come to Houyi for advice on archery, was about to knock, and heard the conversation. His eyes rolled. He saw Chang’e enter the inner room with the Elixir, thought for a moment and then left. And didn’t realize his sachet was on the floor.


When Hou Yi turned to go out, he saw the purse on the ground. He picked it up and looked at it. It was Pang Meng’s purse. He turned and entered the room.


Hou Yi: “My Lady, you must take care of this elixir. My Disciple Pang Meng is not a righteous man. He has just listened to me. If he gets the Elixir, the consequences will be unimaginable.”


Chang’e: “I will die to protect the Elixir, do not let it fall into the hands of such a small person.”


A few days later, Houyi was due to head up the mountain for a hunting trip that was expected to last all day. Before he went out, he said to Chang’e, “My lady, you must be careful of Ponmont. You must be careful that the elixir does not fall into the hands of others.”


 Chang’e: “Husband and rest assured.”


After Houyi left the house, Chang’e sat at home, thinking about how to keep the elixir out of the hands of the little people.


Two hours later, pommon came with his sword and banged on the door.


Pang Meng: “OPEN THE DOOR! Master has a hunting accident on the mountain!”


Worried about Houyi, Chang’e rushed out, grabbed Ponemon and asked, “What’s wrong? What’s wrong with your master?”


Pang Meng: “Teacher Niang, let me go inside to say again.”


“Madam,”Ponemon said to Chang’e, “Take out the Elixir. I’ll take it up the mountain to save the master.”


Chang’e knew for a moment that Ponemon was trying to trick her. I was too eager to let such a thief into the house. I thought we were inviting the wolves into our home?


 Chang’e: “What Elixir? What are you talking about?”


Seeing Chang’e play the fool, and knowing that he had been betrayed, Ponmont put on a fierce face, and said to Chang’e, “Give me the elixir, or else...”Ponmont drew his sword at Chang’e. “I will kill you.”


Chang’e: “I do not have the Elixir, your master went out this morning to take away!”Chang’e See Pang Meng into the back room to find the elixir quickly stopped.




Seeing that he was about to find his clothes, Chang’e ran over, took the elixir from under them, and swallowed it.


Chang’e: “I would rather live forever and never meet your master than let you swallow the Elixir.”


Pang Meng was about to kill Chang’e when he heard Hou Yi shout from the courtyard, “Open the door, lady. I’m back.”


Ponmont scrambled out of the window.


Chang’e had hardly stepped into the courtyard when the moonlight caught her. Suddenly Chang’e floated up and flew to the moon. Houyi hurried to catch up, but failed. The Rabbit in the courtyard flew with Chang’e to the moon, to accompany Chang’e to the palace. They disappeared into the sky, and when Houyi came home, he saw the mess and knew it was Ponemon. Chang’e swallowed the elixir to keep Ponemon from getting his hands on it.


Hou Yi every night sitting under the osmanthus trees looking at the moon miss Chang 'e, Chang 'e is also missing him in the moon palace.


The Queen Mother of the West was touched to hear their story. It was because she had given him the Elixir, but she could not give Houyi another. For Houyi ate and did not eat alike, and could not see each other. The Queen Mother of the West ordered them to meet once a year.


The next night, as usual, Houyi came to the Osmanthus tree, the full moon, August 15. I saw a woman. He walked forward quickly and looked at the woman who was holding the jade rabbit.


The woman smiled and said, “Are you the Archer who never misses?”


Hou Yi: “Every once in a while, every shot will fail, and the failure of the Arrow, shot the heart of the girl?”Houyi said holding Chang’e’s hand.


Chang’e: “Exactly.”


They snuggled up to each other and sat under the sweet-scented Osmanthus Tree looking at the moon. We agreed to meet once a year on August 15. Hou Yi brought her own creations for Chang’e. Later generations named it moon cake.


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