

备考CATTI 今天


Working Together for a Green and Better Future for All


– Remarks at the Opening Ceremony of the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 Beijing China

中华人民共和国主席 习近平

H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China


Beijing, 28 April 2019





Your Excellencies Heads of State and Government and Your Spouses,

Your Excellency Secretary General of the Bureau International des Expositions,

Your Excellency President of the International Association of Horticultural Producers,

Your Excellencies Diplomatic Envoys and Representatives of International Organizations,

Ladies and Gentlemen,



“Spring scenery greets the eye; sweet blooms perfume the air.” Such is the delight of April in Beijing, full of exuberance and vitality, as depicted by an ancient Chinese poem. By the beautiful Guishui River and at the foot of the majestic Great Wall, we are very glad to welcome all the distinguished guests to the opening of the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 Beijing China.


On behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, I wish to extend a warm welcome to all the guests coming to the Expo and sincere appreciation to all the friends for their support and participation.


The Expo, as indicated by its theme “Live Green, Live Better”, aims to promote respect for nature and a better life in harmony with nature. It is our hope that this Expo Park, designed to blend into its splendid surrounding landscape, will show the world the vision of green development.


Ladies and Gentlemen,



This beautiful land of China, home to the Chinese nation and its splendid 5,000-year civilization, has nurtured the lofty idea of harmony between man and nature.


Ecological conservation has become part of China’s overall plan for national development. Building a beautiful China is an inspiring goal for the Chinese people. As China steps up its conservation efforts, the world will see a China with more blue skies, lush mountains and lucid waters.


The history of civilizations shows that the rise or fall of a civilization is closely tied to its relationship with nature. Industrialization, while generating unprecedented material wealth, has incurred serious damage to Mother Nature. Development without thought to the future is not sustainable. The way forward should be green development that focuses on harmony with nature and eco-friendly progress.


Ladies and Gentlemen,



Looking up at night, we are awed by the many stars in the sky. Yet, planet Earth is the only home for mankind. We must protect this planet like our own eyes, and cherish nature the way we cherish life. We must preserve what gives our planet life and embrace green development.


– We need to advocate harmony between man and nature. Lush mountains, green fields, singing birds and blossoming flowers offer more than beauty to the eye. They are the basis for future development. Nature will punish those who exploit and plunder it brutally, and reward those who use and protect it carefully. We must maintain the overall balance of the Earth’s eco-system, so that our children and children’s children will not only have material wealth but also enjoy starry skies, green mountains and sweet flowers.


– We need to pursue prosperity through green development. Green is the color of nature. I have always said that green mountains and lucid waters are indeed mountains of gold and silver, and that environmental improvement means greater productivity. A sound environment promises great economic potential, generates good returns, and contributes to economic and social sustainability.


– We need to follow a philosophy that cares for nature. Well-measured use of natural resources is the key to ecological conservation. We need to promote a simpler, greener and low-carbon lifestyle, oppose excessiveness and foster a culture of living green and living healthy. We need to raise people’s awareness, develop a conservation system in which everyone plays a part, and mainstream ecological conservation into every aspect of social life. We need to advocate the value of green development that reveres and cares for nature so that blue skies, green fields and clear waters will be a vision cherished by all.


– We need to adopt a scientific approach to ecological conservation. To create an eco-system where all elements coexist in harmony, we need to follow the laws of nature, base our efforts on scientific planning, adopt a holistic approach to conservation, and factor in local conditions. Human wisdom is essential to sustaining the dynamism of Earth, our common homeland. Ecological conservation may be a long and arduous effort. We must press ahead with a sense of urgency and perseverance to achieve our goals.


– We need to join hands to meet common challenges. A beautiful homeland is the shared aspiration of mankind. In the face of environmental challenges, all countries are in a community with destinies linked, and no country can stay immune. Only together can we effectively address climate change, marine pollution, biological conservation and other global environmental issues and achieve the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Only concerted efforts can drive home the idea of green development and bring about steady progress in the ecological conservation of the globe.


Ladies and Gentlemen,



Many of you attended the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, which drew to a successful conclusion yesterday. It was agreed at the Forum that we will pursue open and green development in Belt and Road cooperation. China is ready to work with all other countries to build a better homeland and a community with a shared future for mankind.


Ladies and Gentlemen,



Every generation has its own mission. Our efforts to conserve the eco-system will benefit not only this generation, but many more to come. Let us act now, start with ourselves, and make sure that the baton of conservation will be passed on.


I now declare open the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 Beijing China!

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