先锋科学思想家文盲:Whatis the doom of this existence and non-existence of Symmetry breaking(broken-symmetry)

What is the doom of this existence and non-existence of Symmetry breaking (broken-symmetry)


[Mang-Literature+ Mang-Philosophy and Mang-Cosmological Thought]



A dramatic change is coming. This change will completely affect everything about mankind. This huge change is the apocalypse of mankind. This End is the end of a tradition of man, not my end (I'm not a man, I'm just an Wenmang, above and beyond man). The end of mankind, for Wenmang, is the ascension. This doomsday is the end for ordinary people, because they do not think about progress (forbidden areas), do not seek progress, are imprisoned by inertia and cannot liberate themselves. This end is actually not exactly the end (of course, it varies from person to person), but is experiencing the end. For some, after the brutal baptism of Armageddon, a brand new life is gained after the end. For the ordinary people who have not been able to adapt to the cruelty of the doomsday in such a huge change, did not survive the cruel elimination of the doomsday, that is, failed to be saved, failed to be saved only by the doomsday mercilessly eliminated. This is not a religion. This is a relentless cosmic historical event. When the end comes, we can only be passive, only the master who creates the end is active - destroying mankind in creation and creating mankind in destruction, which is the irresistible magical power of the master of the universe.

I like the end. The end is the end of the past, the end of the past, the birth of the future.

As a Wenmang who is constantly exploring and pursuing the future, I love doomsday and love the end. The end is only the end for one layer of constancy, and the beginning for Wenmang action of constant transcendence and constant self-renewal. This begins with the end of days as the boundary, before the end of days, it is known, after the end of days, it is unknown. So Wenmang actions of Wenmang belong to the unknown, the unwise, the failing, and the unthings, and, of course, moreover, to Wenmang knowing, Wenmang wisdom, Wenmang ability, and Wenmang things.

What is Armageddon? This is not a general question, but the ultimate question. Every human being has an end, every animal has its own end, and every matter (including every atom and every particle) has its own end. What belongs to time? It is the thing of space, strictly speaking, the thing of time and space. The end, which is the respective end of time for everything, has no transformation, not from mass to energy, nor from energy to mass. The end is the dissolution of an existential form and object, not the transformation and extension of a thing, but the end of a known and the birth of an unknown. It is not the energy and reference of the symbolic definition, but the alienation of the phase change - only the alienation can phase change, and only the phase change can alienate.

The end times excite me, exhilarate me, and my future of changing myself and eliminating myself and transcending myself has arrived! It's not a metamorphosis, it's a Mang transformation! When you learn that the end is coming, you can only be afraid, you can only be helpless, you can only wait for death, because you have no ability to save yourself, because your own known as the properties of time, must be eliminated. The old does not go, the new does not come, so I for the pursuit of the unknown Wenmang, so I am ignorant, in ignorance super-knowledge, in super-knowledge Wenmang action - constantly active to pioneer exploration of the unknown unwise failed to unthings! Keep creating yourself, keep developing your unknown tensions, and make yourself different every time! Let yourself be different in every moment of time! How can every second be the same when every second is decaying as it passes?!

The end is the end of history, but also the beginning of the future, everything that exists is passing, everything that exists will not exist. In this present moment without any retreat or escape, the only self-help is struggle, struggle is self-help, struggle in self-help, and self-help in struggle. Who can we save? We are not saving our past selves, but welcoming our future selves - Wenmang! Wenmang is not a superman; superman is still a man, possessing the bad habits of people; superman is only the elite of people; and Wenmang is not known to be people (or superman), but beyond people, but outside and above people. To survive such an apocalypse in existence cannot be such a person or superhuman as tradition, but only Wenmang - a transcendence of man to transcend the apocalypse.

The end is a watershed, cutting off the past from the future. There is no continuity. The past is the past. The future can only be the future. There is no connection between the past and the future. There is only a discontinuity in existence. There is only a temporal divide. There is only difference. Pre-apocalyptic is pre-apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic is post-apocalyptic. Before the end, it is existence. Existence is the known. The known is what we call existence. After the end, it is beyond existence. The super in is the unknown. The unknown is what we call super in. To reach the unknown this super in, we can only Wenmang ourselves in Wenmang action, cut ourselves off from the known (cut ourselves off from the known), give birth to the unknown Wenmang (give birth to Wenmang this unknown), and continuously transcend and eliminate as well as continuously Wenmang upgrade in Wenmang action.

When existence is only an illusion or N illusions. Then the end is the end of such illusions. This ends, that ends, the illusions is necessary and essential. The end is to end the existence of this inertia. It is to mobilize and stimulate super in this Wenmang, constantly seeking new and change, constantly beyond and eliminating themselves, so that Wenmang is forever unknown. Do not comfort yourself, let yourself exist. There is a natural reason to let yourself exist. Do not let yourself exist, there is a natural reason not to let yourself exist. This is the tragic world view of predestination. To allow yourself to exist is to hope that your existence will be worthy of existence. What does it mean to be worthy of existence is to constantly transcend and eliminate existence, constantly rising and constantly sublimating, constantly transforming yourself, constantly alienating yourself, constantly creating yourself, which is the essential tension of existence that allows you to exist, but unfortunately you do not understand. Because your name is incompetence.

Incompetence, existence is incompetence, and it is because of incompetence that we exist. We lose our ability, then incompetence is our true nature, but at the same time it is our doom, so eliminating our incompetence is the basic instinct that we keep extending ourselves. Although we are only finite such incompetence, we can articulate countless finite such incompetence, we can constantly extend our own finite, countless finite is constantly finite, countless constantly finite is infinite, countless finite such finite capable and incompetent, is the transformation of ourselves, is the infinite extension of ourselves. So incompetence is your doom, and you must make yourself competent, even if it is very limited competent. Then limited competent, that is still competent, that is a proof of your ability to exist. Incompetence does not prove your existence, so incompetence must be eliminated and transcended. When incompetence is the end, then break the confinement of incompetence to yourself, let yourself be able to get up, let yourself be born again, then you can surpass and eliminate yourself. Let yourself be Wenmang, then let Wenmang surpass and eliminate yourself, upgrade yourself to be Wenmang, then your limited ability to have can be extended continuously.

The end is not a warning. It is not just talk. It is not crisis awareness. It is really happening. It is really coming. This coming, this occurrence is unknown and unwise, moreover it is not able to, not material, not everyone can save themselves and be saved, this requires the ability of unknown unwise not able to not material, which not everyone has. Break this inert mirror production of yourself and you naturally disappear. You simply don't exist, so where are you? You don't exist, you're not where you are. You simply don't have what to do. Doomsday is a kind of emergency sensing and improvisation, whether or not you can get through the doomsday. It all depends on your own attitude towards your own recognition. When you are unknown, then you are finding yourself; when you are known, then you can only bury yourself to be saved.

Doomsday is an extreme. It is a vacuum. It is the end. Time and space in the end of chaos, no experience, no instinct, no cognition, no skills, no outside help, no time, no space, in time and space is about to close a million moments of crisis, you must rush over, you must soar up, you must be saved, or you're finished. You can only be Wenmang in this process. Your actions in this process can only be Wenmang actions that you don't even know. It's not that you don't trust yourself enough, it's not that you keep your secrets, but you don't even know, so you can only be Wenmang. Your actions can only be Wenmang actions, no plans, no planning, no preparation, no conditions, everything is a close call. Everything is so tense and urgent. Everything is so incredible. Everything is so unjustified. Everything is so thoughtless. Everything is so random Broken Road. You can only be saved if you take you to the extreme. Even to the extreme and the end of this extreme seamlessly. Whether you can get by depends entirely on your own pinch of the precise mastery of this, things are unpredictable, things are unforgiving, things are unpredictable.

This is the end of the book era. Books as a medium and carrier of information delivery, in the limited paper space. Delivery becomes an incomparable absurdity. Stay in the paper media and obsessed with the paper media, are a tragedy. The existence of books, despite their immensely glorious history and tradition, the reform of paper, the reform of type symbols, the reform of printing, the reform of wrapping and binding, and the constant reform of aesthetic desires, books remain a poignant landscape of paper tumbling in the winds of doom. This cannot be said to be the destruction of civilization, but only the end of the paper medium that spread civilization. The decay of paper that could not even be preserved as waste paper. The disappearance of paper is the dissolution of the traditional symbolic inheritance of writing. Fragile such books can only be preserved longer by the protection of libraries, which, as sculptures and buildings of time, cease to exist when the time fades from such buildings as civilization.

This is the end of the electronic age, the network information age, the optical age of voice images, in relying on electronic transmission photon transmission information, no electrons and photons. There is no optics. There is no instantaneous transmission of information media and carriers. Naturally there is no voice image transmission and consumption. The super solar storm in the doomsday can easily destroy the electronic age and information age and optical age and voice image age of mankind, not to mention the tremendous power of the hot jets spewing from the center of the galaxy. This shows how fragile the electronic media, such as electronics, networks, information, and optical and voice images, which are of immense importance to human beings, are, and then human beings are even more immensely fragile. No matter how fragile human beings are embedded in the brain as one, no matter how easy it is to carry the electrons, human beings are still incredibly fragile. This vulnerability of human beings, which invents a vulnerability outside of themselves, is a spatial extension of this vulnerability of their own. The problem is that once you cut off, you are the Mang one and you lose yourself. The farther the distance, the more fragile, so fragile it's almost unbelievable.

This is the written doomsday. The ancient books such as the Bible, through the medium of writing, wrote the scenes of the partial doomsday of the last doomsday, which was limited to the doomsday of the earth, the self-produced doomsday of the earth, not the more irresistible doomsday from the sky. Why is that doomsday only partially apocalyptic? That's because through the end of the day eliminates people and things that are not allowed to exist anymore, that's the cleansing, and the reprogramming of perceptions, that is, the writing of certain positions and preferences and interests. Of course, that kind of writing is limited because it is confined to a very few people who have mastered writing, so writing becomes suspect. When writing becomes popular to the point of ubiquity, that is when the real super doom comes, the doom of writing is the elimination and transcendence of writing, especially the elimination and transcendence of writing for any purpose. When the real end comes, all writing will be equal to zero, all writing will be useless, because humanity will cease to exist, because the very few surviving future ones will no longer write, but will be super-written, but will be Mangly written.

Traditional writing is only nomadic flat writing on the ground, imprisoned by the gravitational force of such writing on the ground, imprisoned by various ideologies, so it cannot really write freely.

And Mang writing is not writing on paper, nor on human skin, nor on the land, but in the air, but in the universe, with the universe as the paper, with everything that has been transformed into the universe as the pen, writing is not an expression, not a lyric, but a vehicle for the transmission of life as a civilization over distance. Not for circulation, not for reading, not for looking good, just for the moment to shine (the moment of life this culmination makes all the splendor of life - splendor is also incomparably momentary and brief). To write Mangly freely in the universe is an infinite extension of life in the universe, no matter where in the universe, no matter when in the universe, Mang writing is everywhere. Particles are written in the Mang. The universe is written in the Mang. Atoms are written in the Mang. Energy is written in the Mang. Transitions are written in the Mang. Change and creation are written in the Mang, dust is written in the Mang, gases are written in the Mang. The various rays in the universe are written in the Mang. The motion of the universe is written in the Mang. The question is where is the universe writing itself in the Mang? This is the universe in action for Wenmang .....

This is the end of any colonization and post-colonization of mankind. The Earth is overcrowded. Man has become a burden on the Earth. Man has become a burden and a problem for man. How to reduce man? The conspiracy of politicians is to modify crops with new technologies like genetic modification. This conspiracy modified crops is to make people infertile and sterile, thus reducing the population expansion or controlling the population expansion so as to achieve extinction. There is even a murderous conspiracy in it - to minimize the number of people who don't like it (dissidents and those who are of little use in someone's eyes) through cancer-causing genetically modified foods. This is not a solution to the problem of food and clothing, but the problem of extinction of the species - so that people die unknowingly in the carcinogenic of genetic modification. This is the end of mankind's own making, mainly for his own kind. When power is shut into the system is not easy to kill, the Earth is overcrowded, then it is only through war to digest the population, in the great war to exterminate the vast number of weak people, the population suddenly plummeted, which is the result of repeated world wars. The reason civilization leaps forward with each great war is that war makes people progress rapidly in their desperate quest for survival, at least in the eyes of the war mongers and warmongers. War is a massacre for ordinary people, and a chance to win and dominate for war-loving peddlers and warmongers. War brings disaster to ordinary people, to the war mongers bring the opportunity for profiteering, so the militants are willing to fight, this is the gambling by force to solve, success and failure are at risk, who wins and who loses only the last to know. No matter win or lose, the warriors are profitable, win, it is a double harvest of fame and fortune; lose, but also can be left in infamy - from the opposite side of the name to leave history that is also the name to leave history. To be hated and to be loved are equal to leave a name. Colonize the name in colonization. Post-colonial in post-colonial name. When the end of all kinds of colonization and colonial names came, the era of human colonization and colonial names of the same kind came to an end. Doomsday has changed this law, such as human development to interstellar civilization, then in the overcrowding can only immigrate to other planets. The colonized planet's natives such as unwilling, then something like "Avatar" will happen. If humans have not yet developed to the height of interstellar civilization, then other planets people regardless of the reasons in the invasion of Earth, then the Star Wars really began. If the earthlings cannot defeat the aliens, and if the aliens really want to invade the earth, then the defeated and incompetent earthlings can only be slaves. If the aliens are brutal to the earthlings, then even if the earthlings are still alive, it will be the end of the earthlings.

And in the true end times, there will be no colonization and no colonization of the name, for what is there to colonize the people (or the name) when there are no more people? ! Mang colonization is to survive the doomsday, not even to talk about the people, not even to constitute the people, only to start from a single Wenmang brand new, which is inseparable from the ground Mang colonization (beyond the colonization of this doomsday and beyond the doomsday of this colonization). The real Mang colonization refers to the cosmic level, using extraordinary cosmic powers to transcend the doom and rise from it and return to the universe when it comes. From here, doomsday, on the other hand, is a kind of supersession, an impetus to sublimation - no sublimation without doomsday, no supersession without doomsday, no Wenmang without doomsday. No one wants the end to come, but without an awareness of the crisis of the end there is no active salvation beyond the end. Doomsday thus reveals - no sense of doomsday crisis is the greatest crisis, is the real doomsday. With a sense of apocalyptic crisis, mankind has the possibility of being saved; without a sense of apocalyptic crisis, mankind does not even have the possibility of being saved.

Only the end is real, is realistic, is real. No end or the end has not yet come, are not real, are not real, are not real. The end is the dissolution of the illusion of comfort, which is also the dissolution of the so-called real. What is real without the end? ! Reality is one or N kinds of doomsday, and doomsday makes all illusions unbelievably real. Existence is the constant dissolution of the various untruths that obscure the reality of this coming doom. Only by facing the end times head-on can humanity be saved.

Doomsday crisis awareness is Wenmang awareness. The crisis awareness of Wenmang actions. The crisis action of the last days is the action of Wenmang, the action of salvation, in self-help in other-help, in other-help in self-help. Not with the known, the known is too limited, in the midst of the unknown, the known equals zero, the known cannot save mankind. As a hindrance to rejecting the unknown, the known cannot stop the unknown; salvation must come with the unknown, the super-knowledge and the Mang-knowledge - super-knowledge in the unknown, Mang-knowledge in the super-knowledge, Mang-wisdom in the Mang-knowledge, Mang-energy in the Mang-wisdom, Mang-object in the Mang-energy, and salvation in the Mang-object. This, is Operation Wenmang .....

When doomsday is a human perceived emotion, then this emotion is the dissolution and elimination of the cognitive model that constructs emotion. Doomsday is not an emotion, Doomsday is not a model, Doomsday is rather a transcendence of the model of emotion. In the end of time, how fragile and impotent emotions are, only ruthless beyond (beyond is ruthless, existence itself is ruthless, beyond existence is even more ruthless) fragility and impotence, in this emergency of the end of time, human beings can get a new life above emotions. The problem is that human beings are emotional animals, they live by their emotions, they act by their emotions. For this reason they call themselves "human" (of course, this is not certified and approved by other animals). Man calls himself man, which is self-proclaimed and self-appointed, somewhat arrogant in his self-confidence, somewhat absurd in his arrogance, and all other animals laugh when man calls himself man - for man is only a pathetic animal in self-imprisonment in an emotional model. Human beings survive in emotions, both pessimistic and impotent, and appear unbearably tragic in this absurdity of limited life. If man is heartless, he is characterized as a cold-blooded animal by the convention of his kind, not that man is really a cold-blooded animal, but a convention condemnation. The problem is that in a state of apocalyptic crisis, one must transcend such vulnerability as emotion in order to be saved. What is emotion is human frailty and impotence, the self-measurement and self-sensory perception of one's own kind. Only by breaking the confinement of the emotional model on the cognitive recognition of human intellect and ability can humanity be truly saved .....

This is not a novel. The novel is dead form to content before this end comes. At this important turning point of the end of the world, there is only Mang fiction in the state of the end, yes, it is Mang fiction, in this end of the world, in Wenmang action of their own positive self-help - beyond the end of the world, to start Mang fiction from scratch. Mang fiction is different from novels, not to read, not to please the reader, not to pander, not to pursue such interests, but to dissolve and eliminate this false pallor of the novel's form and content, Mang fiction has no form, no content, in the vast unknown depths of the universe far from the novel such form and content, beyond the end of Wenmang no matter what, is Wenmang action, is creating Mang Fiction. In the spiritual and Mang movement of the universe, Wenmang action of the universe (nothing out of Mangness, nothing out of nothing, something out of something, something beyond something) is Mang fiction, in narrating the self-changing of the whole universe, in the Mang writing and Mang rhetoric and Mang grammar of the various self-changes of the universe. Mang fiction is not written, but Wenmang action; Mang fiction is not written for people to read, but Wenmang action to promote continued Wenmang action in the universe .....

This is not literature; literature was dead before this end came. Literature, whether virtual or derivative, was completely eliminated in this apocalypse. Literature belongs to human beings, and human beings do not belong to literature. When literature dies, there is no need for human beings to be buried with it. Before the end of the world, the pastime of human beings was literature, a virtual pastime; after the end of the world, literature is gone, and what is before the survivors is the unknown, the unintelligent, and the unthinkable (not a boring pastime). Wenmang human beings have created a Mang literature. Mang literature was not introduced as a pastime (because Wenmang human beings do not have time), but as the future aura Mangness and connotation of Wenmang human beings infinitely super in. Wenmang literature makes Wenmang human beings wise and alive in the universe, constantly Wenmang and shining to themselves as super in Wenmang. The universe is full of Mang literature, and with Mang literature, everywhere we are Wenmang! But in this time of doom, the first task of Mang literature is to actively save itself in the act of Wenmang - to transcend the doom and create a new Mang literature from the unknown. Unlike literature, which belongs to the known, Mang literature belongs to the unknown and is a fresh start after the end .....

The Mang novel is not an expression. The expression has no more connotation to express, the expression has been ended in this doomsday. What does it express? Nothing is expressed, Mangly expressed. Mang expression refuses to express anything, but rather explores what is, rather creates what is. Mang expression never expresses. Mang expression has transcended and eliminated expression. No expression is the best super-expression, after the end of this last, is the latest super-expression, in the vast unknown universe, what expression is equal to zero, only beyond the expression, what information can be conveyed, only the Mang expression above the super-expression, can explore and open up the unknown mysteries of the universe.

In the apocalypse, Mang fiction is the Mang expression for the survivors. Wenmang, who are also the future people after the apocalypse. Mang fiction does not require expression, only Mang expression. Mang fiction Mangly expresses not emotions and desires, but the Mang emotions (cosmic emotions) and Mang desires (cosmic desires, not low-level earthly desires) of the end times and post-apocalyptic times. This is bounded by the end of the world. Before the end of the world, human beings have only emotions and desires. After the end of the world, the survivors on Earth and in the cosmic civilization family have only cosmic Mang emotions (caring for the universe) and Mang desires (exploring and building the universe). Everything does not start from zero, but everything starts from Wenmang.

In the apocalypse, everything starts from Wenmang in the Mang fiction epoch. Mang fiction Mangness reveals the various limits of human emotions and desires in the apocalyptic state. Full Mangness reveals the impotence of human emotions and desires. On this ruin (with the help of doomsday, which is the end of the old man and the promotion of the new man, an Wenmang), to transcend and Mangly construct the Mang emotions and Mang desires of the future. The pre-doomsday emotions and desires are just two-dimensional planes on the ground, while the post-doomsday.

Mang emotions and Mang desires, on the other hand, are the higher dimensional bodies of the universe. This is not regeneration, but a supernatural birth above regeneration, a Mang birth above supernatural birth at the level of the vast unknown universe.

To Mangly construct the unknown and Mang knowledge of Mang emotions and Mang desires in the post-apocalyptic (future) world is to Mangly construct the Mang knowledge of Mang emotions (and Mang desires) that are different from the present (pre-apocalyptic) emotions (and desires) - to transcend the finite and impotent nature of cognition and to makeWenmang infinite.

Doomsday is both destruction and at the same time an infinite extension of the tension of life, cutting off this known in the past and exploring the infinite unknown after the end. Only by exploring the unknown unwise failure of the post-apocalyptic unthings is the real construction of such Mang construction.

The end is, to put it bluntly, actually a severing and compartmentalization of the before and after of man, not regeneration, but super-birth, but Mang birth. After that is the cut off of the previous, only before the cut off, after the doomsday can be a new Mang start .....

This is not writing; writing died before this end came. The end of the day, and the end of writing, what is writing? What is the writing writing? What message is being written? Writing has been busy writing, but writing does not know what they are writing, because writing nothing to write, writing seems to write a lot, in fact, a word is not written, nothing is written out, simply white writing.

If the ground (earth) is the paper, then people are writing, the problem is that this writing can only be constantly nomadic writing on a two-dimensional plane, imprisoned by this gravitational force of the ground, simply can not leave the ground the control of this paper. No matter how you write on the ground, it is a flat two-dimensional writing without any writing height and without any writing depth. Writing on the ground can only be enslaved by the ground, the paper, the ground is the prison of writing, writing is always free from the limitations of writing itself, so writing is not really free at all. All writing is only superficial and superficial, all traces of writing simply do not remain, the hand of time only needs to gently brush, life this kind of writing traces will disappear, erase the traces, humans this kind of writing has never existed. This is the two-dimensional sadness of the ground writing like flat writing. The end is the end of this sorrow, the liberation of so-called existence from non-existence, and the liberation of non-existence from existence. The end of writing is the sublimation of life. The Mang writing after the end is the new beginning of the Mang life. There is no writing in the end. The end is the end of writing. The end is only Mang writing. Mang writing is Wenmang action, is self-help in the end, is the self-transcendence and elimination in the end, is the self-exaltation in the end. At this time of the end, Mang writing is launching an active self-help for itself in the action of Wenmang - transcending the end and starting Mang writing in the universe.

Mang writing is not ground writing, nor is it two-dimensional writing, not writing to anyone. There is no such paper as the ground. There is no such trace as the footsteps. The post-apocalyptic Wenmang, above all the fulcrums and beyond the basis, above all the ground, above the so-called real (the so-called real is actually not real, but false in) beyond, in the air, in the vast unknown of the universe, with the universe as the paper, with existence in the air, in the unknown of the universe, using the universe as the paper, using existence as the pen, writing Mangly and at will on the vast space paper of the universe, which is empty and immense. This paper has infinite space, you can write Mangly any way you want. You can write anything you want Mangly, using the hot jets spewed from the so-called black hole at the center of the galaxy as a pen. This is the most Wenmang thing! Let the pen like gamma-ray bursts write the universe Mangly at will, clearing all dissatisfaction and starting over again. To write randomly and Mangly in the universe is to act randomly and Wenmangly in the universe. This casualness is the constant enhancement of a planetary civilization like planetary writing. This is the real masterstroke. This is the real atmosphere, this is the real majestic, this is the real imposing universe! The distribution of all the planets all the gases all the dust all the matter in the universe is the result of Mang writing and Wenmang actions. This is for those primitive people who are confined only to the planet. Mang writing at will. Mang writing is the fate of all their existence. Mang writing if the Mang writing again in that place, then all their existence ceases to exist. In other words, Mang writing cannot be repeated. If it is repeated somewhere, that place is a cataclysmic change! The good thing is that the universe is too big, so big that there are no borders, so no matter how Mang writing Mang writes, the universe this paper is always incomplete! That's fucking awesome! Mang writing is actually the creation of nothing out of Mangness in the universe, then something out of nothing, then something out of something, then something beyond something. This is the origin of cosmic change, this is the infinite Wenmang action of Mang writing in the vast universe .....

Mang rhetoric is not rhetoric, rhetoric looks three-dimensional, but in fact it is two-dimensional. Rhetoric is always one dimension less than people, which dimension is less? What is this "Between-ness"? In rhetoric, it is not between, but inside, between the outside of the inside and between the inside of the outside. This rhetoric is not the illusion and reality of Plato's "cave." Although the rhetoric originates from Plato's cave, his cave is not an allegory; that is a Misinterpretation by others. Rhetoric has always been the misreading down, has always been the writing miswritten down, rhetoric is not the allegory, rhetoric but the outside of the cave and the inside of the allegory, which is fully highlighted in the expression of the writing.

That is to say, rhetoric has been a misunderstanding, which is the negation of Plato's this shore to the other shore. The action of this negation is to arrive from this shore to the other shore and then to return from the other shore to this shore in this kind of cave. This process is called the rhetoric of writing action. In other words, rhetoric is an action, not a communication or an interchange, but a heterogeneous observation. Is this observation the reality? Or is it an illusion? Plato himself was not aware of this, for it was the experience of the person in question, an experience that was an illusion within the reality and at the same time a reality within the illusion. That's the rhetorical hang-up. Rhetoric then becomes a necessary tool for finding the truth, a tool that is not communicative or dialectical, but a dangling. This paradox is the paradox of the dilemma of negation or affirmation. You say yes, but it's not; you say no, but it is. Whether you are on this shore (this side of the cave), or the other shore (the other side of the cave), or the interval between this shore and the other shore, this kind of paradox exists all the time, and it exists in a paradoxical way, to be more precise, it exists in an entangled state and a superposition state. In fact, in this paradoxical process (between this shore and the other shore), the fault between this shore and the other shore apparently cuts off this shore and the other shore, but actually makes this shore and the other shore connected; on the contrary, it appears that this shore and the other shore are connected (the same), but in fact they are cut off, the existence of the difference, the existence of the fault, the Yes and No that are not the same and not connected.

Now, whether this shore is this shore or the other shore, or whether the other shore is the other shore or this shore, or whether it is dialectical or communicative, it no longer matters. In the midst of this doomsday, communication and dialectic are already equal to zero. This shore and the other shore, whether out or in, whether real or illusionary, are equally equal to zero. Doomsday came, caves such rhetoric will collapse, it will disappear in an instant, not even traces of caves, not even traces of collapse, where the cave is empty, nothing existed, nothing happened. That is, rhetoric exists only until the end of time and is an interchange of the coordinates of observation of the illusion that is the reality and of the illusion that is the reality - the illusion is the most real reality and the reality is the most real illusion. In the midst of the end times, rhetoric simply does not exist, the end times do not need rhetoric. In the end times, rhetoric cannot exist, because existence simply does not exist. Only beyond the rhetoric of Wenmang action, this Mang rhetoric is transcendent in the transcendent presence. Mang rhetoric is not ground rhetoric like two dimensions, nor is it illusion rhetoric like reality, nor is it real rhetoric like illusion, but it is the Mang rhetoric of transcendent presence beyond reality and illusion, constantly rising in transcendent presence, constantly rising beyond existence in transcendent presence, constantly acting in Wenmang in transcendent presence above existence, constantly acting in Wenmang in Mang rhetoric, which is the Mang rhetoric of the vast unknown universe, which is the Mang rhetoric of the unknown beyond. This is the Mang rhetoric of Mang knowledge beyond the unknown. What is used to rhetoric this is not Mang rhetoric. Mang rhetoric in the vastness of the universe does not use anything to Mang rhetoric, because Mang rhetoric does not use anything, Mang rhetoric is in the action of Wenmang to the unknown and super-knowledge and Mang knowledge of the universe, in the void, in the above and beyond existence, Mang rhetoric everything. Without any coordinates, without any process, without any arrival, without any allegory (language, prophecy), in Wenmang action Mang Rhetoric Everything super in and Mang in ......

Mang grammar is not grammar, grammar is man-made for man, the end of man, is also the end of grammar, without man, what grammar disappears. Grammar, as a public norm, can only manifest its authoritative value in places and regions where there are differences. In communities where grammar is common, it can only be reduced to a tool, controlled by rhetoric, whether dialectical or communicative. Grammar and rhetoric are a deadly pair, the two can only be entangled «ccan only be superimposed on each other's state, each constraining the other, resulting in writing is not free. Grammar, as a construction of language as communication and expression, has been missing itself in the construction, grammar is less and less used, when human memory is diminished, when human silence is not spoken, when human write less, when human communicate less, human become aphasic in silence, and become amnesic in memory. Not only does grammar and rhetoric and writing and speech and expression of speech and behavior diminish, but more seriously, they cause panic, confusion in panic, and misunderstanding in confusion. That is to say, the grammar has been misunderstood and has never been correctly interpreted (because it simply does not know what a correct interpretation is). There is also the panic instinct to panic, there is no panic instinct, only amnesia dementia, forgetfulness in amnesia, dementia in amnesia, lost in dementia. Existence has always been all kinds of lost, in which human beings simply cannot get out; it is not the labyrinth of language.

A labyrinth of rhetorical layout. Even the best memory can be amnesic, even the best positive understanding can be misunderstood (over time it is no understanding), even the best positive knowledge can be misunderstood (over time it is ignorance), all kinds of memories exist in all kinds of mazes of amnesia, all kinds of amnesia exist in all kinds of mazes of memory, no matter how you solve it, you can't get out, because the whole boundless and boundless existence is like that, you simply have nowhere to escape.

The end of grammar comes before the demise of grammar, before the various virtual spaces dissipate in an instant, and the end of grammar is the death of grammar. The existence of grammar in the end state is equal to zero. Only the out-of-control gibberish remains for the time being. When the end comes and sweeps across existence, words are no more. Without words, there is no grammar or rhetoric, and that is the end of the line. Without the control and captivity of grammar and rhetoric on human beings, human beings can be truly liberated. Unfortunately, in the apocalyptic state, liberation only allows you to perceive pain. That is, grammar exists only in such dictatorial kingdoms as the pre-Apocalyptic order, and ceases to exist in the apocalypse. From the end of time, only Mang grammar can be Mang in the super in. Mang grammar is the transcendence and elimination of grammar, Mang grammar is not for man or man-made, but suspended in the air far from the ground, it is the dialectic of all kinds of suspension, the communication of all kinds of suspension, the interaction of all kinds of cosmic dust, gases, rays, and all matter and energy, and this interaction is the Mang movement in Wenmang action. The Mang grammar of Wenmang is to interact with the universe, and the Mang grammar of the universe is to Mangly construct the order of all things, such as gravity, electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, and so on, each force constitutes the internal and field of different scales, and the Mang grammar of the universe is the law of the universe Mangly constructing all things, the language of the Mang grammar is the various forces in the universe. The law of the Mang grammar is the super-in rules and Mang rules of the various forces in the universe, thus In the apparently disorderly appearance of the regulation of all things, let all things in their place, let all things in their own way, let all things each symmetrical, let all things each symmetrical broken, let all things endless. The Mang grammar of the universe is the universe's own Mang writing and Mang expression. All life, just insignificant tiny molecules in the universe .....

Mang fiction is not about reading, because the Mang reading produced by Mang fiction is not reading at all. Reading exists only in the symbols of writing, in the energy and reference of the symbols. Reading exists only in society, only in public contracts, only in standards, only in pastimes, only in alternative thinking. When human beings do not exist, so-called reading equals zero, and all reading does not exist at all. Who will read it when even people are gone? Reading is a human thing. Reading is what people do, and without people, reading would not exist. Before the end of time, reading existed because reading was just learning or borrowing or pastime, but reading was not creating. The creator does not read, he only reads the thing itself. The creator only thinks independently, and only in independent thinking can he create. Read occasionally just to inspire your own creativity.

There are four scenarios for the end of reading. The first one is that there is no one left, so naturally no one reads. The second one, has eliminated reading, reading useless. The third one, no need to read, reading outdated and backward. The fourth kind, the so-called reading does not even exist, only pseudo-reading.

In the apocalyptic state, reading has become a redundant waste of life. In this crisis, reading is an obstacle. The existence of reading can only be before the end of the day, before the end of the day, reading is leisure and pastime time comfort, so through reading to pass the time, reading then became a fad and fashion and Mangly follow the trend regardless of reading or not reading. The purpose of people reading, only some people really have the need for intellectual enlightenment, but the vast majority of people are pseudo-reading in order to put on a facade, fearing that others say they have not read, fearing that they have no common topics with others, fearing that others say they have not corresponded with others, so this pseudo-reading has become a forced social and scenic strategy, not really reading, but pretending.

To read beyond and out of reading is to read Mangly. To read Mangly is to read after the end, to read Mangly is not to rebuild, but to build Mangly; not to read in the form of walking on the original ground, but to rise and rise infinitely, to read beyond in the ascent. When it rises to the height of the universe, when it rises to the vast unknown, when it rises to the vastness of the universe, Mang reading is not reading the words and symbols, but Mang reading the mind of the universe, but Mang reading the thousand changes of the universe, but Mang reading the extraordinary and miraculous and mysterious of the universe, but Mang reading the vast changes in the microcosm of the atom, but Mang reading the decay and transformation and exchange of various substances under the action of various forces. It is the Mang reading of the decay and transformation and exchange of various substances under the action of various forces; it is the Mang reading of Wenmang action of Wenmang son which is more fundamental than "nothing" and constitutes "nothing"; it is the Mang reading of Wenmang son which is smaller than "nothing". We are Mang to read how Wenmang sons smaller than "nothing" constitute the mother of the universe above the universe and the universe beyond. In the universe of all kinds of Mang reading to open the universe magical extraordinary cosmic wisdom, master the universe energy, and constantly let the universe civilization upgrade, from Mang to nothing, to nothing, to something, to something, to something super, to learn how all things actually comprehend the mind and instructions of the universe, to learn how the universe actually instructs all things to change in a thousand ways. Finally, the purpose of Mang reading is how to create a new universe when the end of the universe comes, so that the new universe can replace the old one, which is the real Mang reading. It is extraordinary beyond all limits of human imagination ...... Mang fiction is not cognition, cognition is just a model, just a prison that imprisons human beings, cognition is not really cognition, but misunderstanding, but misunderstanding of amnesia. Cognition replaces wisdom through cognition, and replaces wisdom with knowledge, leading to a sadness that human beings cannot even distinguish between knowledge and wisdom, thinking that knowledge is wisdom and wisdom is knowledge, and that human beings have become so imbecile. When Einstein set an upper limit on the speed of light, the door to human progress was closed. When someone tries to go beyond this ceiling, they are mercilessly suppressed and rejected or even persecuted by the cognitive model, so that every step forward for humanity is incredibly difficult. And these huge obstacles are often set by human beings themselves, refusing to progress, or refusing to allow others to progress, not being able to surpass themselves, and not allowing others to surpass. This phenomenon is very common, which is the result of human inferiority.

Cognition cannot set an upper limit; once it is set, cognition becomes an unhelpful mischief to human beings. It is unbelievable that cognition was supposed to be an exploration, but now it has become a fool's errand. To control the people with false perceptions, to educate the people with false perceptions, to rule the people with false perceptions, to turn the people into brain-damaged invalids with false perceptions, to train the people how to be a qualified people with false perceptions, to tame the people with false perceptions, to forcibly transform the people's perception of intelligence, to transform the people with brains into a brainless people who obey, to turn the people with creativity who do not obey into a docile people who have lost their creativity, to domesticate the people with vital tension into an incompetent people who are withered and moribund, to replace the truth with falsehoods, and to cause the people to be unable to distinguish between truth and falsehood over time. The people who have brains are transformed into brainless people who listen, the creative people who do not listen are domesticated into meek people who have lost their creativity, the people who have vital tension are domesticated into incompetent people who are withered and dying, and the truth is replaced by falsehoods, so that the people cannot even distinguish between truth and falsehood over time.

The people's resistance is to reject pseudo-cognition, pseudo-intelligence, and pseudo-identification of energy, to hide their heads in their pants, to hold their heads in their hands, and to let themselves live in this present moment under their crotches, which is the people's self-help in the civil society. Thus, all perceptions became doomsday. The rejection of cognition is the failure of cognition, is the failure of cognition, is the demise of cognition. The same is true for all mankind. All mankind unites to reject false perceptions, to preserve their own fresh recognition of intelligence and ability, to preserve the living force, and to leave some fire for mankind.

The end of the day, is the dissolution of cognition, no cognition, in the end of the crisis, there is still a chance for mankind to be saved, in this crisis, only Mang cognition Mang recognition of intelligence Mang recognition of energy Mang recognition of things, in order to transcend and eliminate the false cognition recognition of intelligence recognition of energy recognition. In the rising constantly beyond and out of cognitive recognition wisdom recognition can recognize things, in the vastness of the universe, Mang cognition Mang recognition wisdom Mang recognition can Mang recognition to truly objective understanding of the universe and a variety of unknown unwise failed to unknowing things. On the cosmic level, it is in the cosmic Wenmang action of Mang cognition and Mang recognition of wisdom and Mang recognition of energy and Mang recognition of things that the universe can be immense, that the universe can be infinitely varied and wonderful, that Wenmang action of transcendence in the universe can be constantly Mang, that it can be saved in true transcendence and Mangness, and that it can be constantly Wenmang in transcendence and Mangness. Everything in the universe is originally ever-changing, we can not use cognition to limit ourselves to box ourselves up, we can only Mang cognitiing Mang recognition of intelligence, Mang recognition of energy, Mang recognition of things, so that Wenmang becomes more Wenmang, so that Wenmang action prompts more Wenmang actions. Exploration and creation can be more infinite. The universe's Mang cognition Mang recognition of wisdom Mang recognition of energy Mang recognition of things is that the universe is constantly Wenmang itself. It is constantly changing itself in a thousand ways. It is more Wenmang action - Mangness in the creation of nothing. Nothing in the creation of something. Something in the creation of something. Something in the super something. The universe is an infinite neural network of intelligence, connected to each other, interacting with each other, creating each other, dissolving each other, exchanging each other, transforming each other, and becoming Wenmang. The same is true between universes. The same is true for the mother of all universes like Mang holes. The thousand changes within the universe and above the universe are all Mang movements of Wenmang actions, just of different sizes .....

The end of mankind, in the essence of the event, is the dissolution of the so-called human history. The existence of mankind, only a transient on the planet, a fleeting trace, so transient that it never existed. Once overcrowded, once the hustle and bustle, once you fight, once the glittering civilization, all in the change of smoke, even the so-called traces are not. In the original place of hustle and bustle, there is no human being. The world is silent, it is as if human beings have never existed, because no one has seen them, because there is no one, because the civilization on earth is so small as to be insignificant to the changes of the universe. Without man, man's so-called greatness is gone, man's so-called value and meaning is gone, man's so-called dictatorship and autocracy is gone, man's so-called party state is gone, man's so-called freedom and democracy is gone, man's so-called high technology is gone, man's so-called civilization is gone, man's so-called hegemony is gone, man's so-called conquest is gone, man's so-called eternity is gone, even the root of man is gone, man's fiction and construction of everything is equal to zero.

For human beings, there are three kinds of doomsday. One is their own biological clock period, another is the period of human beings killing each other. The period of mutual destruction and the period of accidents (all kinds of killing all kinds of destruction, all kinds of accidents, all belong to accident such accident period, not belong to the natural period), and another is the period of irresistible natural external forces caused by the cataclysmic changes of the earth. In other words, no matter where a person is, the death of doom is everywhere and at all times. For mankind, if we can avoid it, the end will be solved; if not, the end will be mankind's own great limit.

Only when you deeply realize that the end is everywhere, learn to get along with the end amicably, treat every day and every minute of your life as the end, then you will live with incomparable transparency, then you will live with incomparable understanding and frankness, then you will live with incomparable cherishing and self-love, then you will live with extreme taste, then you will live with the life of the other here and there. In the midst of smallness and humility, you can only enrich and excite yourself as much as possible. No matter how to live, anyway, are living, living to understand and not living to understand, you take your own good. Your own life is your own, is a one-time consumption, not repeatable consumption, please note that you can not pawn, can not overdraft, can not invest, can not gamble, can not credit, can not store, their own life can only be their own, for their own life, people can only be selfish, all the selflessness is used as cannon fodder.

When the end comes, the human race is gone. In other words, mankind exists only until the end of time. The end of time is the existence of mankind. After the end, humans cannot exist. If humans still existed, then the end would not be called the end. So it is important to understand correctly what is the end and what is the end. The end is coming, who will save humanity? And who can save humanity? Relying on humans themselves can not save themselves, only by external forces, such as having more advanced than the Earth civilization aliens, they may also be able to save the Earth people. If they do not come, the people of Earth will be finished, it is possible that even the aliens themselves are difficult to protect, they can not save themselves, humanity will have to wait for death.

Before the end of the world, humans existed. After the end of the world, humans did not exist. After the end of the world, there are no humans. To be saved in the end times, then the only way is to transcend and eliminate human beings, to upgrade oneself to Wenmang. Wenmang is not a human being. Wenmang is Wenmang. Wenmang is above human beings, transcending and eliminating human beings is transcending and eliminating the end times. Doomsday is only called doomsday for the incompetent, for the low-level civilization is called doomsday, for the future Wenmang beyond the limits of this form and civilization, for the future Wenmang who comes and goes in the universe, for the future Wenmang who is integrated into the cosmic civilization family, the low-level doomsday is not called doomsday and can be easily avoided and defused. Therefore, when the end of the earth comes, human beings will be finished. In order for it to be saved, they must rise, they must upgrade themselves continuously, from planetary people (planetary civilization) to stellar people (stellar civilization), from stellar people (stellar civilization) to stellar cluster people (stellar cluster civilization), from stellar cluster people (stellar cluster civilization) to galactic people (galactic civilization), from galactic people (galactic civilization) to galactic cluster people From galaxy people (galaxy group civilization) to galaxy group people (galaxy group civilization), from galaxy group people (galaxy group civilization) to super galaxy group people (super galaxy group civilization), from super galaxy group people (super galaxy group civilization) to cosmic people (cosmic civilization), to contribute their wisdom (not power, power has been impotent) to the development of cosmic civilization, to live together in harmony, friendship and mutual love in the high development of cosmic civilization. In other words, the end of human beings is the beginning of Wenmang; the end of earth civilization is the brand new beginning of continuous ascension to the cosmic civilization .....

Is the hand-sign symmetry of time spontaneously broken? Is the chiral symmetry of space spontaneously broken? Is time coupled to space because of its own broken symmetry of sign? Is space coupled to time because of its own broken symmetry of hand signs? Is it active or passive coupling? Time treats space as its own sign-breaking mirror symmetry, and space treats time as its own sign-breaking mirror symmetry, and thus only Wenmang coupling? Brokenness also includes not only disordered parameters, but also ordered parameters that undergo Phase change in their respective critical values - does time become space? And space will become time? If this is true, then time is space and space is time, just two properties of one thing. Are there only two attributes? Is there a third, fourth, and nth property? Wenmang coupling (Mang-coupling) of time (this time may be another unfamiliar property of space) and space (this space may be another unfamiliar property of time), the part of time sign broken by space phase change, the part of space sign broken by time phase change. This is Wenmang phase change of the universe. This kind of Wenmang coupling is Wenmang broken coupling (Mang-broken coupling). To decouple (decoupling), only when time finds its own broken, can it be decoupled with space; in turn, only when space finds its own broken, can it be decoupled with time. Mang mechanical symmetry breaks include all symmetry breaks. In other words, we have this space-time, just the properties of electricity and magnetism - the only difference is the property coupling or property breakage.

What exactly is time? What exactly is space? Are time and space always coupled and intertwined? Where are the gaps in time? Where are the cracks in space? Where are the loopholes that exist? Where does the entropic force elasticity of time and space come from? How can we bring time and space closer together (bring time and space closer together)? How to escape from time and space? How can we develop the potential of the universe in time and space? How can I change the time? How can you navigate the space and transform it? These are the wisdom of cosmic civilizations. It is the highest level of Wenmang wisdom in the universe, the highest level of Wenmang action in the universe.

If time does not exist (it is only a form or illusion), how do we perceive and experience ourselves in time? And how do we perceive and experience time in ourselves? If space does not exist (only a form or illusion), then how do we perceive and experience ourselves in space? So how do we perceive and experience space (microscopic space, such as molecular space or atomic space or particle space) in ourselves? What is it that puts us in time or puts time among us? What is it that puts us in space or puts space among us? Why are we not above time and space? Is this something we are just a thing of time and a thing of space? We change from nothingness to life? Our wisdom is born from emptiness? Do we live in an illusion or delusion? Where is our essence and reality? We have no essence? We don't have the truth? We have no real? We are not real? Is our world just a mirror world projected from a high-dimensional hologram? Are we just a high-dimensional holographic virtual? So what constitutes these illusions and delusions? Where do these illusions or delusions come from? From where do we penetrate all existence (including all things)? What is it that constitutes these illusions or illusions as mirror images projected down from us as high-dimensional holographic objects? We and the three-dimensional world is just the universe of high-dimensional 3D printing? So who is 3D printing us in high dimensions again? Why 3D print us? Whose will is it? And who is above the Creator who prints us to command the Creator to print us? Who is the ultimate creator? Where do the raw materials for the creation of the universe and everything else come from? This is a recourse of the Wenmang action .....

The end of time is the evacuation of time, is the dissolution of time, is the removal of time. What is the time? No one can say for sure. This problem seems to be incredibly simple, in fact, incredibly complex and profound, even the top human scientists can not figure out, rushed to the forefront, can only be constantly pioneering exploration and continuous research, the problem is that up to now there is no pioneer to explore a so, which is the limited human intelligence? No one can know.

The end of time is that man (if man survives until then) has no time property, no time flow in cells, no time clockwork in genes, no time decay in atoms, no time mysterious force in particles, then man is above time (this can only be done by Wenmang above man). Do particles exist without time? Are atoms still in motion? Is the gene still in the macromolecule? Are the cells still alive? Do people still exist?

Is time an entropic force? Who then infuses time with the forcefulness of entropy and the entropy of force? Why inject? And what is the substance of time? Is time a substance? Does time decay in time? Is time derived in time? If time does not exist, then why can we perceive it? If time exists, then why can't we discover what it really is? Is this because we are in time? Is time an illusion? Is time a formality? Is time an attribute? Is time a movement? Is time the direction? Who sets the direction? Who created time as finite? Yes, no matter how time passes and changes, time is a finite, certainly a finite among infinite. The question is, where does the time actually come from? And how has it evolved? And how does it pass and decay? Where does it go? Decay to where? In place? So how exactly does time enter into existence and the things that exist? Does existence consist of time? Do motion and decay consist of time? Life and death obviously belong to the time fragment, the question is life and death is also composed of time? And how does time constitute birth? And how does it constitute death?

The end of time is the end is gone, because the end is the nature of time, because the end is the deadline of time, so the end still belongs to time. But after the end, it does not belong to time, because time does not exist after its own end. After the doomsday can only be Mang time, only Mang time can overtake and eliminate time after the doomsday, can keep rising as super in and Mang in after the death of time. So time is only until the end, and the end is the end of time.

Without time, it is Mang time; without time crystal, it is Mang time crystal; without time, it is Mang perpetual motion; without time, it is Mang perpetual motion; without time, it is Mang zero point nergy; without time, it is Mang zero point nergy; without time, it is Mang motion; without time, it is Mang change; without time, it is Mang existence. Point energy in the vacuum universe is Mang zero point energy; without time such motion is Mang motion; without time such change is Mang change; without time such existence is Mang existence. Outside of time, above time, no time is needed, time is redundant, time is dead. Without such a movement as time, does it exist outside of time? Without such a movement as time, can there be a change of life outside of time? To have no time is to draw out time, to draw out time from space, space is no time, space is pure space, there is no time, all the Mang movement in the change of birth has no decay. The question is, is it still called a change without a decay? Can it still change? Without decay, how does everything come into being? Without time, how does everything change? How did all the events happen? How does everything that exists exist exist again? And how does everything move Mangly? And how is everything Mang in? It's not a human problem, it's not a time problem, it's a problem of Wenmang. In Mang time, all Mangness in is unknown unintelligent failing to be unobjective, all Mang knowing Mang wise Mang able to be Mang, all Wenmang actions are Mang temporal in nature. To have no time is to be liberated from existence, to be transcended and sublimated. Unfortunately, in the confinement of time, no one can understand the infinite mystery ......

The end of space is that space is gone. Space is gone is space is dead, space is dead is space is dissolved. Without space, everything that exists simply does not exist, even existence itself does not exist. Without space, time simply ceases to exist, because without a container to hold it, time does not exist. Most of all, time exists only in space and can only be entangled and superimposed and interwoven and structured with space. Without space, there is naturally no time. Everything in the space even ceased to exist.

What exactly is space? Again, no one has come up with a satisfactory answer, and no satisfactory answer is the truth of the universe. Man is only a thing of space, and can only perceive and experience, but cannot speculate beyond and above space, because he knows nothing beyond and above space, and space restricts the thing of space to explore beyond and above space. However, there is only a certain way out for mankind by the necessary non-distinctive and Wenmang exploration above space.

The end of space, in fact, is the end of the universe, space exploded is the universe exploded. Space collapsed is the universe collapsed. Space broke is the universe broke. Space dissolved is the universe dissolved. Space does not exist is the universe does not exist. The universe is actually space. A space within the universe is a small space (regional space) inside this space of the universe. One or N broken holes inside the universe is one or N regions of space within the universe broken. There is a tumor somewhere inside the universe, that is, the universe is burgeoning with new regions of space (but not necessarily something that the universe likes, which means that the universe can't help it). When the inside of the universe is cracked, it is space cracked. When the universe cannot bear the expansion within it (the stomach of the universe), as long as it is still soaring, then the universe's stomach such space will be swollen, and it is not up to the universe itself to decide whether the absorption and digestion of the universe's intestines are functioning properly. If there is an external force, then the universe is also a passive victim.

The end of a universe like space is either to be bloated by itself, or to be crushed by an out-of-universe impact, or to be crushed by a larger universe, or to be swallowed up by a larger, greedy universe (to be digested and broken down by it). A space like the universe exists only until the end of itself. Before the end of time, the universe as a space, no matter how varied, no matter how to create something out of nothing or out of something, as long as it does not have a cancer like a tumor that threatens the safety of the universe and is enough to devour it, it is possible to regulate itself.

The universe looks like a giant balloon, but it's not. It looks like a giant balloon which is just the appearance of the expanding universe. The balloon is constantly blowing air into it, the balloon will keep expanding up and getting bigger. If the gas blown into the balloon inside the entropic force (so that the balloon from the orderly original shrinkage up into disorderly elastic tension), from the original thickness, to more and more thin, to the limit of balloon expansion, balloon blowers if you stop blowing into it again, so that the balloon is an expanding sphere, as long as no external force poke, it will not break; if the balloon blowers this external force also on the basis of the limit of expansion, continue to blow the balloon, then The balloon can not withstand the limit, it will automatically burst, when the balloon an explosion broke, of which all the gas blown into the entropy, it will escape in its burst (in the escape is diluted). If all the gas inside this entropy is released, the balloon will collapse into dryness (the space will be folded and crumpled up), but larger than the initial (being distended, less elastic and slackened).

However, the universe is different: the more the universe expands (the larger) the lower the temperature, the more distant the matter is, to the final expansion is the automatic elimination of their own history of such existence (automatic elimination of the process of expansion, themselves let themselves get amnesia such amnesia). As long as there is no external force, it can not self-destruct, because its repulsive force such as anti-gravity counteracts its gravitational force. If the universe has an entrance, and all energy and matter is injected from outside the entrance, then the universe must have an exit. This is not due to symmetry, but the universe is just a circulation process (so that it is possible to rationalize why the surge makes it expand bigger), and when it expands itself to the limit it can bear, it lets its own absorption dilute its own capacity, regardless of what form this exit is, or where this exit is, or whether this exit is injected into the expansion of the import, it will automatically balance. Just where and when exactly is its expansion going to be, just when and where is its collapse going to collapse. These are the takes of the universe itself. The end of the universe comes when the universe is not able to take care of itself and its own destiny.

When the end of space like the universe comes, if it is still possible to save oneself, it can only be by using Mang speed such literally Mang superluminal speed (Mang-Faster-than-light MFTL or Mang-Superluminal) - Mang superluminal action (Mang-action at distance) distance), in the absence of mass, the Mang speed without mass (Mang-Faster-than-light MFTL or Mang-Superluminal) Mang superluminal action [Mang-action at distance: instantaneous interaction, without any medium of transmission, without any transmission time. It seems to be an impossible paradox, but it does exist strangely like this Mang fact (Mang-Fact)] out of the universe and thus into a larger safer universe, thus avoiding the end times, which is one way.

There is another way, when Wenmang must have mastered all the secrets of the universe, and can certainly control the universe.

If we cannot avoid the end of the universe, then we can only create a new universe from scratch, and use the new universe to expand and break the old one, thus replacing the old one, thus achieving the purpose of self-help .....

If the symmetry of existence is broken, then it is the end of all existence, and all broken-symmetry naturally leads to existence in non-existence, and to non-existence in existence, and to non-existence in non-existence, and to non-existence in existence, and to non-existence in existence, and to non-existence in existence. In the absence of existence. Existence and non-existence in the virtual reality, in the mirror image of the real thus seemingly strange and paradoxical ......

All cosmic information can only produceMang Readingin the universe's Wenmang action of this exchange, all cosmic information can only produceMang translationin the universe's Wenmang action of Mang reading, and all cosmic information can only produce existence as such information, non-existence as suchNon-information, super-existence as such super-information, and Mangness in suchMang Informationin the universe's Wenmang action of Mang translation.

The end is both the symmetry of being and the breaking of being; it is both the symmetry of non-being and the breaking of non-being; beyond being and non-being, it is superbeing, beyond superbeing, it is Mangness ......

                      WHAT IS THIS Mang-DONGXI (Author’s Biography)

Wenmang (文盲) is a Chinese expression literally translated as “illiterate”. The first Chinese character “文” (Wen) means “word” or “literature”, and the second character “盲” (Mang) means “blindness”. In this context, it is the name of a special Chinese male Avant-grade writer. He calls himself a ceaseless explorer, revealing and rediscovering the blindness of in/existence. He emerges from somewhat a Kongbai space beyond and above the dimensions of the universes and arrived to this dusty world at certain moment, in a certain year, a certain month, a certain day, and all of these remains a mystery. This dusty world is so vulgar, that is how his inborn cynicalness entitled him as an avant-garde thinker, Mang-music advocate (who explores the sounds of silence, the sounds of universe and Mang-sounds beyond and above the dimensions of the universe), a free-writer and independent critic. He is a special research fellow of the Asian Research Centre, Tsinghua University, a special research fellow center of comparative literature and cultural studies at Tsinghua University, research fellow of the Shanghai UFO Exploration Research Centre.

A beautiful girl repeatedly appeared in his dream over 5 nights, telling him about the problem of the universe (the universe is sick. What shall be done? Who can cure it and how to treat it?The universe then became Wenmang. The universe has basic instinct. The universe needs Wenmang action).

He devotes his life in the constant exploration of the unknown, the wisdom-unattainable and the unreachable-unknown, the unknown mystery of wisdom, the ability that cannot be achieved and writes books with a strong personality. He spend all his life singing silence and discover the sting soul of silence.

He is honest and curious, enthusiastic and open-minded. He is fond of Avant-grade physics, cosmology and extraterrestrial civilizations. He is always obsessed with theoretical extravaganza of the pioneer science.

He writes Mang-poetical (盲诗歌) text and initiative Mang-literary theories (盲文学理论). He discusses directly many global and universal issues with brand-new perspectives.

The Mang-music (盲音乐;beyond and above the dimensions of the not-music) he advocates is not only the conscientious elimination and surpassing of thousands of years of feudal despotism of the so-called great music (which is nothing but the castration of human brain and the cultivation of superficial, weak and dastard minds), but also the Wenmang exploration at a higher level of the “Voice” of the Mang-change (the creation of all universes) in the universe, and beyond and above the dimensions of the universe. His “Mang-music” thought has some constant themes, such as “Sting Soul” (刺魂) (which does not mean the euphonious or stimulating to the soul but means truly soul-activating and qualifying human life) and “Silence” (沉默)(which is the voice surpassing all kinds of voices) and “Mang-voice”(盲音)(which is the sound of Mang-hole beyond and above the dimensions of the universe), etc. These themes appear throughout his Mang-music texts.

He proposed some basic concepts to disclose the mystery of the universe, such as “WenmangZi” (文盲子), which is the basic unit that composes the ‘Nothing’ and smaller than ‘Nothing’ itself; “Mang-me” (盲我),“Mang-thinking” (盲想) ,“Mang-want” (盲要), “Mang-things” (盲物), “Cosmic Wisdom”(宇宙智慧), “Mang-wisdom” (beyond and above all wisdoms), “ ‘Nothing’ out of the ‘Mang’” (盲中生无) (only in the ‘Mang’, ‘Noting’ can be born; only in the ‘Nothing’, can ‘Becoming’ be born; only in the ‘Becoming’, can ‘Supra-becoming’ be born. It is precisely because there is nothing, that is why it is necessary to create, but more importantly, it transcends all creation: “ ‘Mang’s’ ‘Nothing’ ”(盲之无), beyond and above the dimensions of the universe, including all universes), “Kongzhi”(空殖), “Suspension”(悬浮) (no fulcrum, no basis, anti-fulcrum, anti-basis, beyond all fulcrum, beyond all basis, beyond the root of the ground and beyond the limitations and enslavement of the ground). “Mang-topology”(盲拓扑), “KongBai”(空白) (Beyond and above all the Mang-holes of beyond and above the dimensions of the universe), "Mang-construction”(盲构), “Wenmang”(文盲) (Mang-instincts of beyond and above all the Mang-holes of beyond and above the dimensions of the universe), “Mang-time”(盲时间) (beyond and above all time and becoming of all times), “Mang-life” (盲生命) (beyond and above life and becoming of of all lives), “Mang-superspace”(盲空间), “Mang-birth” (盲生) (deleting all death programs so that it can be automatically updated and upgraded). “Crossing relation” (穿越关系)(going across the universe: crossing the web between the universes), “Mang-supersymmetry”(盲对称) (Surpassing supersymmetry), “Cold-entropy”(冷熵)(beyond and above all entropies and transforming all entropies), “Mang-entropy” (盲熵)(beyond and above all entropy and cold entrophies, transforming all entropies and cold entrophies), “Mang-holes”(盲洞) (beyond and above all change and create all universes outside of all universes), “Mang-force” (盲力)(beyond and above forces and becoming all forces), “Mang-existence”(盲在) (beyond and above the superbeing of the beyond and above existence and non-existence), “Mang-hypothesis” (盲假设)(beyond assumptions: beyond and above all assumptions), “Cosmic brain”(宇宙大脑), “Cosmic biology”(宇宙生物), “Cosmic thinking”(宇宙思维), “Cosmic Memory”(宇宙记忆), “Cosmic Cognition”(宇宙认知), “Mang-memory”(盲记忆) (hyper-cosmic memory), “Universe Network”(宇宙网络), “Mang-motion”(盲动)(beyond and above surpassing activity), “Mang-information”(盲信息)(beyond and above all information and becoming all information), “Mang-field”(盲场) (beyond and above all physical fields and becoming all physical fields), “Artificial universe” (人造宇宙)(man-made existence: man-made materials in artificial universe), “Mang-creation of supercosmic super-spirits”(盲造超宇宙魂灵), “Cosmic Consciousness”(宇宙意识), “Cosmic Writing”(宇宙书写), "Mang-projection"(盲投影)(Within the cosmic Mang-holography and beyond and above the dimensions of cosmic Mang-holographies) “Mang-matrix”(盲矩阵), “Mang-design”(盲设计) (Kongbai as to supercosmic design of Mong-holes in all becoming universes), “Mang-reality”(盲真实) (hidden behind reality and constantly emerging real world), “Mang-change” (盲变) (when time is not time, when space is not space, beyond and above changes and becoming changes). There are more than 71 universal and beyond and above the universal Wenmang connotations. Part of its connotations has not only been indirectly confirmed by international scientific observations for many times, but also inspires some young avant-garde scientists, pioneer inventors and explorers to study continuously.

Wenmang said, we all should be a “Wenmang” to the unknown, the wisdom-unattainable and the unreachable. A real Wenmang should have a clear mind to actively and constantly explore the the unknown, the wisdom-unattainable and the unreachable of the unknown, the unknown mystery of wisdom, the ability that cannot be achieved, the unreachable world of known. This kind of truth-seeking constantly stimulates the exploration instinct of wisdom and explores the spirit of Wenmang instinct.

His Mang-scientific writings:‘KongBai’, Beyond and Above of the Mang-hole that is Beyond and Above All the Universes, 【This book is an introduction to Wenmang’s 71 connotations about the universe and beyond and above the universe】.

His Mang-Philosophical writings:Wenmang Action;Wenmang Enlightenment;Wenmang Space;All People are Sick;Decomposing Philosophy; About Kongzhi of Various Difficult Categories of Words, etc.

Mang-literary theory texts:Mang-literature, Mang-poem, Mang-theory, Mang-text, etc.

Mang-literature (Mang-Novel): The Apocalyptic Warning of Mankind(Dedicated to the indomitable tragic and stirring human beings of the earth);Creating the Mang-Solar System;Driving the Mang-Solar System to the Blackhole in the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy;Driving the Mang-Milky Way Galaxy to the Center of the Universe; Escaping from the Perishing Universe; Creating an Mang-Universe of Our Own, etc.

Mang-poetical text:The Universe Turned into a Beauty who Told Wenmang: Even the universe is Wenmang, Oh dam it, Wenmang is becoming the Universe!;If the Universe is Sick, Who Will Cure It? Who Can Cure It?; The Universe is Terminally Ill and Only Wenmang Can Cure It!;The Universe Turns into a Beautiful Woman and Tells Wenmang that Human Science is Ignorant of Understanding Time and Space;Human Beings Can't Read Books Written by Wenmang,So I can Only Spread the Mysteries of the Universe or Superuniverse Revealed by Wenmang to the Whole Universe, Let Them Spread Freely and Live Forever in the Universe or Superuniverse;An Alien Beauty Risked Her Life to Leak Secrets to Wenmang: the Solar System is a Prison for Evil People in the Universe,and You Will Soon be Pardoned Back to the Universe to Make a Special Contribution to the Development of the Universe;Solar Catastrophe, Wenmang are Going to Cheer on the Countless Aliens Who Have Come to Save the Solar System;As Soon As People Are Born, Feet, They Will Fucking Walk Towards Death; The King of Hades Has Put Up a Huge Warning Sign in the Underworld: Wenmang is Not Allowed to Enter!; Wenmang in the Inner Space of Wenmang Cells, This Vast Universe is Creating Beyond and Above Newly Gods of the Mang-life Series; The Solar System is Our Prison, We Must Escape, We Must Blow Up the Solar System, Kill the Enemies of the Universe and Free Ourselves; The End of Mankind, There is an Appointment Between Wenmang and the Creator in the Restricted Area of Life; Knowledge Can Only Make the Broad Masses of Intellectuals Mentally Handicapped who Specifically Hinder Human Progress; The Wenmang Comes to the Edge of the Universe; Planting an Unknown Mystery of Wisdom Omnipotent Chip in the Wenmang’s Brain; The Wenmang Must Make An Instrument to Dominate and Develop Time; Wenmang Explore the Mysteries of the Inner Depth that Human Beings Can't Know; Genius is the Result of Genetic Misarrangement; Cancer Cells Are the Original Instinctive Cells of the Independent Pioneers of Life, The Incompetent So-called Normal Cells are the Cancer Cells that Make Life Mediocre and Incompetent; In the Ubiquity of Time, Why Does Time Not Exist; I send Wenmang to Break Through the Blockade of Normal Cells, to the Cancer Cell Headquarters to Issue a Decisive Battle Order to Kill the Incompetent Normal Cells: Liberate All Mankind As Soon As Possible to Make Mankind Immortal;All Human Beings Add Up to Zero, It Is Not Even Equal to Zero; Wenmang Make Holes Everywhere in the Universe; Create a Universe that Belongs Entirely to Us; When Time and Space and the Space of Spatiotemporalness that Do Not Exist; In order to prove that they are the Wenmang coming from beyond and above the Universe, Wenmangs Have to Travel Back and Forth Freely Between the Universe, etc.

Blind music records:Our Guys Are Here and There; Help! Peoples are Yelling Out in the Dark; Make a Universe Just Belongs to Us and etc.

Some of his works has been translated into Swedish and English.

His biggest wish in life is to be an obedient Wenmang, who wish to be an unreachable of the unknown, the unknown mystery of wisdom, the ability that cannot be achieved, the unreachable world of known, and a theoretical thinker, who constantly explores the Kongbai pioneering fields, to devote a supracomsic responsibility of Wenmang molecule of cosmic molecule and supracomsic molecule of the human molecue.

Wenmang: ww1288@126.com 

                                  Meaning of Wenmang (Mang-encyclopedia)

Wenmang has always been N unknown problems, N scientific problems, N practical problems, N ideological problems, N material problems, N bottleneck problems, N creative problems, N unknown unintelligent problems without answers, N exploration problems, and N cosmic mysteries.

However, what exactly is Wenmang? Or what exactly is Wenmang?

This "Wenmang" is not pinyin, but a brand new English noun with N avant-garde meanings:

The first meaning is the name of Wenmang, the avant-garde explorer of scientific thought (the pioneer exploration of the unknown of life).

The second meaning is the new avant-garde explorer Wenmang's avant-garde unknown philosophy (Mang philosophy) concept.

The third meaning is the quantum unknown action of words, quantum unknown entanglement, quantum unknown transition, quantum unknown tunneling, quantum unknown emergence.

The fourth meaning is the new avant-garde unknown explorer Wenmang's avant-garde exploration concept.

The fifth meaning refers to human Mang-instinct, Mang-nature and human Mang-action.

The sixth meaning refers to the Mang-instinct, the Mang-nature and the Mang-action of the universe.


These N pioneer meanings are invented, defined, revealed and emerged by Wenmang himself, which is the emergence of N self-changing floating unknowns (a transcendence of the known basis, the existence of the ground, and the ascension of the unknown). It is completely different from the definition of Wenmang in our knowledge cognitive model (please do not confused).

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