
Before you even consider redesigning your code to support concurrency, you should ask yourself whether doing so is necessary. Concurrency can improve the responsiveness of your code by ensuring that your main thread is free to respond to user events. It can even improve the efficiency of your code by  more cores to do more work in the same amount of time. However, it also adds overhead and increases the overall complexity of your code, making it harder to write and debug your code.


Because it adds complexity, concurrency is not a feature that you can graft onto an application at the end of your product cycle. Doing it right requires careful consideration of the tasks your application performs and the data structures used to perform those tasks. Done incorrectly, you might find your code runs slower than before and is less responsive to the user. Therefore, it is worthwhile to take some time at the beginning of your design cycle to set some goals and to think about the approach you need to take.


Every application has different requirements and a different set of tasks that it performs. It is impossible for a document to tell you exactly how to design your application and its associated tasks. However, the following sections try to provide some guidance to help you make good choices during the design process.


Define Your Application’s Expected Behavior


Before you even think about adding concurrency to your application, you should always start by defining what you deem to be the correct behavior of your application. Understanding your application’s expected behavior gives you a way to validate your design later. It should also give you some idea of the expected performance benefits you might receive by introducing concurrency.


The first thing you should do is enumerate the tasks your application performs and the objects or data structures associated with each task. Initially, you might want to start with tasks that are performed when the user selects a menu item or clicks a button. These tasks offer discrete behavior and have a well defined start and end point. You should also enumerate other types of tasks your application may perform without user interaction, such as timer-based tasks.


After you have your list of high-level tasks, start breaking each task down further into the set of steps that must be taken to complete the task successfully. At this level, you should be primarily concerned with the modifications you need to make to any data structures and objects and how those modifications affect your application’s overall state. You should also note any dependencies between objects and data structures as well. For example, if a task involves making the same change to an array of objects, it is worth noting whether the changes to one object affect any other objects. If the objects can be modified independently of each other, that might be a place where you could make those modifications concurrently.


Factor Out Executable Units of Work


From your understanding of your application’s tasks, you should already be able to identify places where your code might benefit from concurrency. If changing the order of one or more steps in a task changes the results, you probably need to continue performing those steps serially. If changing the order has no effect on the output, though, you should consider performing those steps concurrently. In both cases, you define the executable unit of work that represents the step or steps to be performed. This unit of work then becomes what you encapsulate using either a block or an operation object and dispatch to the appropriate queue.


For each executable unit of work you identify, do not worry too much about the amount of work being performed, at least initially. Although there is always a cost to spinning up a thread, one of the advantages of dispatch queues and operation queues is that in many cases those costs are much smaller than they are for traditional threads. Thus, it is possible for you to execute smaller units of work more efficiently using queues than you could using threads. Of course, you should always measure your actual performance and adjust the size of your tasks as needed, but initially, no task should be considered too small.


Identify the Queues You Need


Now that your tasks are broken up into distinct units of work and encapsulated usingblock objects or operation objects, you need to define the queues you are going to use to execute that code. For a given task, examine the blocks or operation objects you created and the order in which they must be executed to perform the task correctly.


If you implemented your tasks using blocks, you can add your blocks to either a serial or concurrent dispatch queue. If a specific order is required, you would always add your blocks to a serial dispatch queue. If a specific order is not required, you can add the blocks to a concurrent dispatch queue or add them to several different dispatch queues, depending on your needs.


If you implemented your tasks using operation objects, the choice of queue is often less interesting than the configuration of your objects. To perform operation objects serially, you must configure dependencies between the related objects. Dependencies prevent one operation from executing until the objects on which it depends have finished their work.


Tips for Improving Efficiency


In addition to simply factoring your code into smaller tasks and adding them to a queue, there are other ways to improve the overall efficiency of your code using queues:


1.Consider computing values directly within your task if memory usage is a factor.If your application is already memory bound, computing values directly now may be faster than loading cached values from main memory. Computing values directly uses the registers and caches of the given processor core, which are much faster than main memory. Of course, you should only do this if testing indicates this is a performance win.


Identify serial tasks early and do what you can to make them more concurrent.If a task must be executed serially because it relies on some shared resource, consider changing your architecture to remove that shared resource. You might consider making copies of the resource for each client that needs one or eliminate the resource altogether.


Avoid using locks.The support provided by dispatch queues and operation queues makes locks unnecessary in most situations. Instead of using locks to protect some shared resource, designate a serial queue (or use operation object dependencies) to execute tasks in the correct order.


Rely on the system frameworks whenever possible.The best way to achieve concurrency is to take advantage of the built-in concurrency provided by the system frameworks. Many frameworks use threads and other technologies internally to implement concurrent behaviors. When defining your tasks, look to see if an existing framework defines a function or method that does exactly what you want and does so concurrently. Using that API may save you effort and is more likely to give you the maximum concurrency possible.


Performance Implications


Operation queues, dispatch queues, and dispatch sources are provided to make it easier for you to execute more code concurrently. However, these technologies do not guarantee improvements to the efficiency or responsiveness in your application. It is still your responsibility to use queues in a manner that is both effective for your needs and does not impose an undue burden on your application’s other resources. For example, although you could create 10,000 operation objects and submit them to an operation queue, doing so would cause your application to allocate a potentially nontrivial amount of memory, which could lead to paging and decreased performance.


Before introducing any amount of concurrency to your code—whether using queues or threads—you should always gather a set of baseline metrics that reflect your application’s current performance. After introducing your changes, you should then gather additional metrics and compare them to your baseline to see if your application’s overall efficiency has improved. If the introduction of concurrency makes your application less efficient or responsive, you should use the available performance tools to check for the potential causes.

在引入并发之前 ,你应该引入一些指标来检测性能,如果引入并发之后应用程序的性能下降了。你应该应用性能工具来检测潜在原因。

Concurrency and Other Technologies


Factoring your code into modular tasks is the best way to try and improve the amount of concurrency in your application. However, this design approach may not satisfy the needs of every application in every case. Depending on your tasks, there might be other options that can offer additional improvements in your application’s overall concurrency. This section outlines some of the other technologies to consider using as part of your design.


OpenCL and Concurrency

OpenCL 和并发

In OS X, the Open Computing Language (OpenCL)is a standards-based technology for performing general-purpose computations on a computer’s graphics processor. OpenCL is a good technology to use if you have a well-defined set of computations that you want to apply to large data sets. For example, you might use OpenCL to perform filter computations on the pixels of an image or use it to perform complex math calculations on several values at once. In other words, OpenCL is geared more toward problem sets whose data can be operated on in parallel.

在OS X中OpenCL是一种基于标准的技术,用于在计算机的图形处理器上执行通用计算。OpenCL是一门技术用来大数据的计算。例如,以可以使用OpenCL对图片进行过滤计算或者记性复杂的数据计算。换句话说,OpenCL更适合于数据并行操作的问题。

Although OpenCL is good for performing massively data-parallel operations, it is not suitable for more general-purpose calculations. There is a nontrivial amount of effort required to prepare and transfer both the data and the required work kernel to a graphics card so that it can be operated on by a GPU. Similarly, there is a nontrivial amount of effort required to retrieve any results generated by OpenCL. As a result, any tasks that interact with the system are generally not recommended for use with OpenCL. For example, you would not use OpenCL to process data from files or network streams. Instead, the work you perform using OpenCL must be much more self-contained so that it can be transferred to the graphics processor and computed independently.


When to Use Threads


Although operation queues and dispatch queues are the preferred way to perform tasks concurrently, they are not a panacea. Depending on your application, there may still be times when you need to create custom threads. If you do create custom threads, you should strive to create as few threads as possible yourself and you should use those threads only for specific tasks that cannot be implemented any other way.

尽管operation队列和dispatch queue是并发执行任务的首选方式,但他们并不是灵丹妙药。根据您的应用程序,有时候还是需要创建自定义线程的。如果你一定要创建线程,你应该尽可能的创建少的线程,你用thread应该只有当不能用其他方式实现的时候。

Threads are still a good way to implement code that must run in real time. Dispatch queues make every attempt to run their tasks as fast as possible but they do not address real time constraints. If you need more predictable behavior from code running in the background, threads may still offer a better alternative.


As with any threaded programming, you should always use threads judiciously and only when absolutely necessary. For more information about thread packages and how you use them, seeThreading Programming Guide.


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