我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 好久不练听力了, 感觉有些生锈, 我打算每天早上做1分钟听写, 看看自己能坚持多久. 把你听到的句子写在评论里和我一起坚持, 哪怕你只听懂了一个句子. 当你开始行动时, 你就已经超过了大多数只看只想而不去做的人.
Lobbying is about foresight.
About anticipating your opponent's moves and devising counter measures.
The winner plots one step ahead of the opposition and plays their trump card just after they play theirs.
Okay, you'd better not be saying that when you're in there.
It's about making sure you surprise them and they don't surprise you.
1 这篇全对, 嘿嘿, 大家听写的时候注意上边几个加粗的单词.
2 这周我们来挑战一个高难度的电影, 看看能不能hold住, 哈哈~